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Unofficial server forums


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Hello..sorry if im out of line posting this here and please dont get mad but just wanted to have people check out a new and upcoming gaming forum site a friend of mine started that we will be working on...its called GGgamer and any fan of any game is allowed to join for some good friendly gaming fun and sharing videos.


The website- http://www.evancoad.com/gg/


The facebook- http://www.facebook.com/pages/GG-Gamer/248232658569530


The Youtube- (where any videos you share with GG will also end up :)http://www.youtube.com/user/GGgamerTube/videos


and for some bonus footage check out my Sith Sorcerer/Khem Val vid I just made :)



Thanks for checking everything out if you did...and once again sorry if I am in the wrong thread for sharing this stuff just trying my best to get out their and get this GGgamer site off the ground..subscribe, like, share, and register if you have the time and like what you see :) Thanks everyone!

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other Jung Ma server forums (mostly as empty as the one in the OP - since no one knows where to go) ...









I thought I had a couple more bookmarked, but can't find them now.



yeah, the problem is that there's a plethora of sites for any given server.

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It's hard to organize volunteers, even harder to get them to coordinate and co-mingle. Hell, I've spent hours just trying to cross post and collect Ebon Hawk information.


There's also a minimum of three forums on this site alone for guild listings, for example - never mind the unofficial sites. Ergh.


At least I know from experience that over half the fan sites will disappear in the first year, or (hopefully) merge content.

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I haven't seen anywhere that players from The Harbinger are currently congregating. I'd like to change that! The folks at SWTOR Owned have set up server forums for everyone, and there is a home for us Harbingerians (I just made that up!) there.


Here is the direct link: http://www.swtorowned.com/harbinger/


I strongly recommend you use a different password for this forum account than you use for your email and swtor account, in the interests of general internet safety.


The intent of these forums is to foster a server community feeling that is currently unavailable within the official SWTOR forums due to flooding and lack of segregation and search functions. I'd love to see off topic chat, PvP discussion, guild recruitment, role-play (if any others besides me have an interest), crafting discussion and whatever other topics would be best discussed among players of the same server.


Here is some information about the SWTOR Owned Server Forums movement within this official forum site, so you don't have to leave Swtor.com without some information in hand.


I look forward to seeing you there. Spread the word!

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As we are not getting these from BW, please list your unofficial forums here and I will add them.


I will maintain this OP with details of all that get added here.





Ahto City

Bao Dur

Bloodworthy & Bloodworthy IRC: http://webchat.quakenet.org/ #Bloodworthy & #bloodworthy @ irc.kottnet.net

Darth Sion

Frostclaw PVE

Hex Droid

Keller's Void (TBA)

Kellian Jarro

Legions of Lettow & Legions of Lettow (Temporary)

Luka Sene (Currently on IRC: irc.quakenet.org, #LukaSene)

Scepter of Ragnos (Currently on IRC: http://webchat.quakenet.org/ #ScepterOfRagnos )

Shadow Hand Facebook Page

The Progenitor

The Red Eclipse & Facebook page

Tomb of Freedon Nadd & also this one Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Trayus Academy (Currently on IRC: http://webchat.quakenet.org/ #trayusacademy )






Belgoths Beacon

Bondar Crystal

Canderous Ordo

Colonel Tobin

Corellian Run Offered by Jawa Punters

Darth Bandon

Darth Malak

Davik's Estate

Dreshdae Cantina Facebook Page

The Fatman

Hedarr Soongh & a Facebook page

Helm of Graush or HogDrama is also available and a Facebook page

Infinite Empire

Jung Ma or Jung Ma @ Enjin or Jung Ma @ swtor-RP

Krayt Dragon

Lord Adrass

Mask of Nihilus (Only a swtor.com thread at this stage)

Master Zhar Lestin

Mind Trick Facebook group

Port Nowhere and another Port Nowhere forum

Prophecy of the Five


Shii Cho "Launch Code" password is "Shii-Cho" if you want to register.

Sith Meditation Sphere Facebook page

Sword of Ajunta Pall

Tarro Blood and a Tarro Blood (Facebook Page)

The Crucible Pits

The Ebon Hawk

The Fatman (Forum) The Fatman (Facebook group)

The Maw

The Sanctum of the Exalted

The Shadowlands Facebook Group

Ven Zallow

Vrook Lamar Forums with more additional features to come.

Vulkar Highway

Wound in the Force




General Sites


Swtorowned Site with all server forums (Right now this is the busiest of the various 3rd party sites offering all forums)


SWTOR.Fragworld.Org is offering moderated server forums for ALL US & EU servers

They also have a Guild Database to add and find guilds on your server.


Reddits SWTOR Sub Reddits. Pretty busy for all servers.


Oldrepublicboard Operator is aiming to have server forums for everyone on there.


Eotp Gaming is offering server forums for all 91 EU servers


UK focused SWTOR Community site


Swtorserverforums Site with forums for all US servers.


swtorchat server forums for all US servers.


Totalmadownage are providing a multi-server forum for all languages, where you can discuss everything regarding your favourite server.


As the list grows and the weeks go by, with no official server forums, my confidence in Bioware lessens

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I can't get too worked up over lack of official server forums. At best, they help draw people to the server and give it needed flavor, but at worst they become full of trolls. On top of that, I suspect that high traffic would drown out the useful posts quickly.


i don't understand why people think this.


it's literally taking water out of the lake, walking around the lake, and dumping it in the other side, and claiming that you're filling up the lake.


the trolls are already there, adding server forums won't ADD trolls, if anything, it'll dilute the trolls.


how will adding server forums add traffic? people are posting to general forums instead of server forums because they can't find the information they need.

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