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Whats a good rotation for combat spec lvl 33?


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I am a level 33 sentinel specced combat. I keep getting

my butt handed to me when I face some elites, like right now I'm stuck at the crash site at tatooine, i am having trouble with those three sith. I've tried stacking might stim, rebuke, saber ward and call on the force before initiating the fight with a sith. I hit force kick as often as possible; I understand the importance of interrupts. I usually deplete him down to 15% health before he kills me. What would be a good attack rotation for me? I'm starting to get frustrated. Any advice would be appreciated :)

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But seriously... Combat doesn't really have a rotation even at the higher levels. It's much more of a priority system. The reason you aren't doing well isn't your rotation or lack of a good priority system- it's the spec. It's a terrible, terrible spec pre-43. Then it's just bad compared to Watchman and Focus until you hit 50 and get some solid gear.


Edit: Oh and misread, when they get buff- run. Those guys suck no matter which spec you are... although I did just beat them down pretty good when I was Watchman. I've read that others snare and run.

Edited by Coramac
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As far as the fight go i can give you some tips.


1. ill assume your using Kira, send her in first and once she gets around 50 % take the aggro off her (if she dies your done).

2. dont stack rebuke with saber word, pop rebuke as soon as you get the aggro and use a medpack early (and you might have time to use one again later)

3. when rebuke runs out pop saber ward and right after that call on the force.

4. As soon as saber ward is out use it again. (as call on the force removes the CD of saber ward)

5. When the sith does his immunity you can either just build focus and prepare to nuke him as it wears off or you can try to leg slash him and kite untill it wears off.

6. interrupt everything (you said your allready doing this but just to clarify how important it is)


Other than that just make sure your gear is not all outdated and that your companion has proper gear too.

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So.... the Harrows... Grrr...


Been there dude and the previous post has it right. I would only add that Force Camo helps remove aggro and buy a little time. Remember line of site though, they will chase you but if you do it right it will help you at least buff.


And, for me anyway, Kira was not the best option. I needed T7 to tank. I had to upgrade his gear as close to level as possible but he is much more effective and survives just long enough.


That being said, the fight borders on the unfair at level. You have three of them... and although they are single encounters each, you have to do it 3 times. I'm sorry but what ever level they are supposed to be they play at least 2 levels higher than that.


Last, don't be afraid to ask for help. This is a multiplayer game after all. It isn't a bad thing at all to go in there with a friend or a random player and stomp there butt. I'm at level 47 but will gladly go in there and smack those ***** down again. Vronskar is my server, Qarran is my toon.

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my brother (also combat spec sent like me) had trouble with those also...


Interrupts as you noted are needed but i often save them for specific abilities such as healing or large damage.


Combat Spec does not have a 'rotation' as such, its fluid, it adapts, you need to be aware and your next ability generally depends on what is happening rather than a set order.


However there are a few situations where a certain ability naturally will come after another...


Precision Slash > Master Strike > Blade Storm is one i commonly use and whilst i often change that last ability depending on situation, at lower level just sticking with blade storm is likely a good idea anyway... Reason for this. if you hit precision slash, it will last just long enough to fit in master strike and blade storm, if you hit those the other way around the last hit on master strike 'may' not hit within precision slash.


Another good burst is Precision > Slash-spam (although at higher level you replace slash with blade rush)

Precisions cooldown is about right that you can alternate between those with some focus building and flexibility between.


If your already doing those kind of bursts as a combat spec, it could well be a gear issue. When i did the harrowers i was a super-twinked sentinel alt mostly in artifact grade gear close to level, and i did it even under-level without a problem... my brother on other hand did not have nearly as good gear and he did have a problem.


Gear makes a big difference for Combat spec :)


EDIT: also i forgot companion consideration but indeed as someone else posted, sending in Kira first is always a good idea let her take a couple of hits before you jump in

Edited by Ainianu
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