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(Watchman) Merciless Slash vs. Slash with 15% extra crit


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I'm trying to figure out if I want to take merciless slash instead of focusing on just slash with the 15% crit boost by putting enough points in focus for it. The measurement is basically between strike + merciless slash (2 GCDs) and 2 slashes (also 2 GCDs.) I don't know which way gets the nod for best raw damage output since I don't know if MS literally does as much damage as 2 slashes. Then it's a question of if the 15% extra crit chance on the slashes is worth the extra focus cost and makes up for not having the strike hit as far as damage goes.


Strike + merciless slash


-total focus cost of 2

-able to take more utility talents like an extra focus on force leap



-only 4 centering

-have to build more focus to use, the real damage is after 5 focus is built


2x slash with 15% extra crit chance (from swift slash in the focus tree)


-builds 8 centering

-15% extra crit chance makes for a great spammable skill

-requires less focus to throw out a slash than a MS

-one less button to push



-total focus cost of 4

-requires skill points to be spent in specific places and swift slash takes 2 skill points to the 1 it takes to buy MS


I'm not sure picking up swift slash is worth it if you're not spamming slash either since it improves a skill you're not using regularly. Specific damage number of what MS hits for compared to slash would probably be helpful. Thoughts?

Edited by Skoze
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Yeah, I'm going to have to agree that Merciless > 2x Slash, for reasons that have already been stated.


Pretty much the way I look at it is if you're spec'ed into Watchman, by the time you get up to 40, Slash becomes a secondary thought. I only use it when everything else is on CD. I've got to burn through Merciless, Cauterize, Overload Saber, Zealous Strike and Master Strike before I consider dropping a Slash in there.


To me it's not worth dropping extra points to spec the Slash crit. You've got enough skills that should be higher priority than Slash.

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