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Gunnery Spec discussion


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Hey Guys,


I'm a BM and just now (after the grind) trying to maximize my spec. Id like for others to share their specs and tell us why they have chosen their spec and why they have left out some of the more "standard" points.


For me I use and find it to be the best spec for my play style.http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZMIkrRrdkkrzZc.1


Reasons for spec:


I took 2/2 in Tenacious defense because I always play with healers and having the extra peels are far more useful to me than any other 2 point talent that I have left out.


I didn't take quick thinking because I play with healers and rarely need to heal myself. When I do need to heal myself I use my instant cast.


I didn't take Advanced Tech or Soldiers Endurance because they are useless and anyone who uses them needs to do the math and realize the same.


I avoid all alacrity talents and gear because I'm stacking crit/surge and doesn't benefit my play style (nor should it benefit yours with a gunnery spec commando)


The only other oddity in my spec might be 2/3 in curtain of fire and 1/2 in cover fire. I simply Don't feel like maxing either of them is necessary, especially cover fire since in 3 bullets you have a 50% for the slow so unless you are unlucky you will get the slow with the 1 point.


Comments and share you specs please. Please include reasons you use your spec.

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I haven't hit 50 yet with my commando but when I built my Endgame Spec it came out exactly the same as this except the point into cover fire over curtain of fire.


I am wondering if you find that the slow is worth the reduced chance to proc Full Auto?

The reasoning behind only needing one point to make it effective makes sense but is it that useful? I haven't used noticed mush usefulness in the slows I have had. I may try it out if it really helps though.

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I haven't hit 50 yet with my commando but when I built my Endgame Spec it came out exactly the same as this except the point into cover fire over curtain of fire.


I am wondering if you find that the slow is worth the reduced chance to proc Full Auto?

The reasoning behind only needing one point to make it effective makes sense but is it that useful? I haven't used noticed mush usefulness in the slows I have had. I may try it out if it really helps though.


It's really useful in general since "good" players will try to LoS you and the slow makes it a bit tougher for them to do so.


Where it comes in use the most is in Huttball because no-oneis every stationary and it gives you an extra grav round before the get out of range.

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Take the points out of the Accuracy talent imo. DPS gear has Accuracy in spades, and you only need 5% to softcap in PvP.


Heres the trick. Take all your points out of target lock. Accuracy is useless as previous poster also says. Put those points either to maximise your full auto or increase alacrity with one point in first responder and two in weapon calibrations. Alacrity might not seem like much, but since we are a class with alot of casttimes, those 9% faster casttimes can easily translate into ~9% more damage...


It is correct that BM gear unfortunately gets lots of useless accuracy. Its a pretty useless stat, as the only attack you use that is affected by this is full auto and HiB, which is not worth stacking it. 90% i more than sufficient. So what you do is the following:


Remove all your accuracy enhancements from your BM gear, use your champcommendations, which you will have a infinite supply of as BM to buy the smuggler Champ helmet. Remove the power/surge enhancement from these and put them into your BM gear. Also if you pursue gunnery. Remember to have to Rakatapieces of armor, as the PvE 2-setbonus is infinitely much better than the PvP 4-setbonus. I also use the matrix relic in one spot as the base stats are infinitely much better than the BM/Rakata relics.


When it comes to crafting, it would also be best to start with armormech for the two augmentable rakatapieces for +56 aim, and then move over to biochem. Even with the 2-setbonus PvE you will still have about 9,6% expertise which is ideal, given the DR.


My two cents from a valor 69 min-maxing Commando.


My max dmg is about 10600

Hp about 18000

critrate about 35

surgerate about 76

Gravround average crit: 3-3,9k with a 55% critchance, given the smuggler critbuff.

Edited by Niconogood
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Heres the trick. Take all your points out of target lock. Accuracy is useless as previous poster also says. Put those points either to maximise your full auto or increase alacrity with one point in first responder and two in weapon calibrations. Alacrity might not seem like much, but since we are a class with alot of casttimes, those 9% faster casttimes can easily translate into ~9% more damage...


I was wondering about Accuracy! Thanks for the info. What does your build look like?

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