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Assault/Gunner Hybrid


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I do mainly PvP and been running a full Gunnery build (lvl: 50/valor: 55). I've been looking at what abilities I use the most during pvp matches and found that I don't use Demo Round as much as I would have thought. Demo often seem to mess up my rotation and lead to dropping below the full ammo recharge (probably due to my personal choice in rotation - often get carried away and do HIB + Demo one after the other).


My favourite and most used ability is HIB. I've also found Full Auto very good when I'm not focused on. I use hammer shot quite often, weaving 1 hammer shot in between each ability. I also use stockstrike and concussion charge a lot.


I've felt very much like a glass cannon, while I can do exceptionally well it entirely depends on the team you're in. With a bad team I only manage 100-150 dmg and maybe 5-6 medals. In a good team I top the chart in dmg with 300k+ and 8+ medals. (Maybe the same for all classes.)


Anyway.. so I've looked at the talent tree and came up with a build I would like to have comments on, what might be bad or what won't work:




The thinking behind it is to make the most of HIB, Full Auto and Hammer Shot, and taking my favourite talents from the Gunnery that give survivability and lowers ammo cost (Concussive force, Charged Barrier, Muzzle Fluting etc). And skipping talents I'm not impressed with like Curtain of Fire, which while it procs is great but it doesn't proc often enough, it's just too unreliable. I also didn't like the look of the top talents in Assault...


I would be running with Plasma Cell as I mentioned I often weave in a hammer shot every so often into my rotation. I lose the armour reduction but gain a decent chance of a Dot (3 x 16% proc per hammer use). I would probably open each rotation with a Incendiary Round.



I'm not sure about is spending 3 points in Ionic Accelerator as I would mainly be using Grav Round. I could use those for Field Training and gain +6% tech crit.


I would really appreciate comments and feedback.



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Unsure about a few talent choices:


Cell Charger or Heavy Trooper

More endurance is nice but maybe instead getting +1 ammo for each crit is better?


Sweltering Heat or Parallactic Combat Stims

Slowing enemy down is good but the chance for it to proc when you need it might be slim? while during pvp you often is affected by some type of stun, slowness etc which then gives you more ammo to spend.


Ionic Accelerator or Field Training

60% to reset HIB is great but it depends on being able to use FA.. where Field Training gives you a extra 6% tech crit.. (which adds up to +9% crit with plasma cell + Special Munitions)


The alternative build looks like this:



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Problem of this build is that you _need_ to cast charged bolt over grav round because of ionic accelertor which if your main (and only) ammo managment mechanism i.e. the cornerstone of this build.


The only benefice in this setup of going gunnery is the +33% on full auto, but it does not provides all together as much as for example "rain of fire" and "assault trooper" talents.

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Problem of this build is that you _need_ to cast charged bolt over grav round because of ionic accelertor which if your main (and only) ammo managment mechanism i.e. the cornerstone of this build.


I'd use Full Auto for Ionic Accelerator (60% proc), but unsure if the 3 points is worth it. I use Full Auto quite a lot.


The build is about both ammo management but also having utility and mixed type of damage. But also maximizing what I use the most. For example it's boosting HIB as much as possible.


The only benefice in this setup of going gunnery is the +33% on full auto, but it does not provides all together as much as for example "rain of fire" and "assault trooper" talents.


Well no. All the gunnery talents are good in my view - the mid level ones especially.


It's the top ones in Gunnery I don't like:


Curtain of Fire is great WHEN it proc's but it's so random. It often feels like I'm just waiting for it to proc but doesn't.. and then sometimes it procs one after each other.


Reserve Round I've never used, don't see the point of it. I so rarely use Concussive Round and the 30sec extra lower on Reserve Powercell I can live without.


Demolition Round is good but I often mess up my rotation by using it (That's my own fault and playstyle issue though)

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Its good that you try to adapt your build to your prefered playstyle.

But If you really want to maximize you damage output, you need to adapt to the mechanism of the class, which is ammo managment. As a full healer I could do maybe 80% 90% of full DPS builds, if I had unlimited ammo.


IMO there are only 3 ways of playing the class as a full DPS in this regard (so not counting support cell hybrid stuff), using one, the other, or both ammo managment mechanism.

- armo-piercing cell + cell charger talent : straight forward full gunnery style, using grav round, not charged bolt, to proc cell charger

- plasma cell + Ionic accelerator talent : assault style, using charged bolt, not grav round, to proc free HiB which gives 1 additionnal ammo (so you can consider it a 3 ammo gain)

- Third option is to use both ammo managment core talents (cell charger and Ionic accelerator). This implies using armor piercing cell. There are several possibilities but the most efficient here is IMO to use Incendiary round to proc Cell Charger frequently (yes it works on this ability aswell) , and then use charged bolt (not grav round) to maximize Ionic accelerator proc.

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Its good that you try to adapt your build to your prefered playstyle.

But If you really want to maximize you damage output, you need to adapt to the mechanism of the class, which is ammo managment. As a full healer I could do maybe 80% 90% of full DPS builds, if I had unlimited ammo.


IMO there are only 3 ways of playing the class as a full DPS in this regard (so not counting support cell hybrid stuff), using one, the other, or both ammo managment mechanism.

- armo-piercing cell + cell charger talent : straight forward full gunnery style, using grav round, not charged bolt, to proc cell charger

- plasma cell + Ionic accelerator talent : assault style, using charged bolt, not grav round, to proc free HiB which gives 1 additionnal ammo (so you can consider it a 3 ammo gain)

- Third option is to use both ammo managment core talents (cell charger and Ionic accelerator). This implies using armor piercing cell. There are several possibilities but the most efficient here is IMO to use Incendiary round to proc Cell Charger frequently (yes it works on this ability aswell) , and then use charged bolt (not grav round) to maximize Ionic accelerator proc.


Thanks!! I totally forgot that Cell Charger requires armo-piercing cell. I see the problem now..


Not keen on the 2nd options with not using grav round. I wanted Grav round to get the extra damage on HiB through Charged Barrel + the reduction in armor. Then using Full Auto to proc the free HiB. Reasoning being I have increased dmg on Full Auto and normally work it into my rotation at least once. I also wanted to use the Plasma Cell as I use Hammer Shot frequently anyway which then can give me a free dot every so often.


It's not a terribly mobile build but at least slightly more than a normal full Gunnery build Plus it's got a few extra survivability talents.


The question then really is how often does the Cell Charger proc? Does it actually contribute that much to ammo?

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