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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wish you could change advanced classes, great idea!


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You misunderstand. The premise behind the idea is that you could switch as you wanted to while you leveled to decide which advanced class you prefer. The moment you hit 50 a box pops up and asks you if you want to keep your current AC or switch to the other. There's giant text in all caps telling you "PICK EXTREMELY CAREFULLY - WHICHEVER YOU SELECT NOW WILL BECOME PERMANENT. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE AGAIN AFTER YOU CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW." Then, just for good measure, a window will pop up when you make your selection "ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE?! THINK NOW. REALLY MAKE SURE YOU WANT TO BE A (insert AC of choice here) FOR THE REST OF THE TIME YOU PLAY THIS GAME. THERE'S NO TURNING BACK ONCE YOU CLICK YES."


If people STILL screw that up, they should be wearing a hockey helmet and coloring pictures for the rest of their life.


Personally.. I don't want AC speccing under any circumstances.. If they allow it all, no matter how restricted.. The forums will be flooded with threads asking that the restrictions be removed, lessened, or just altered to suit their personal need..


This conversation was supposed to end during the beta when we were discussion dual speccing.. Those against dual speccing knew that if Bioware gave in to that, AC speccing would be next.. Well.. Here we are..


So.. I can't support AC speccing under any terms.. I don't think any else should either.. Because it won't end there.. :)

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Different classes allow you to do different things. (Each advanced class has numerous abilities, most fundamental to the AC, that are not offered to the other AC. Tanking and Healing abilities are just the most obvious)


Different specs make you better at various things you could already do.



Since earlier posters mentioned WoW Druids (and because I played a Druid "back in the day"), I'll use them. My Bear Druid could nuke (I often pulled with Wrath, esp LoS pulls), heal (often topping myself off after fights with HoTs), melee dps (rarely), as well as tank. (I also would occasionally Battle Rez while tanking). My spec made me better at tanking than the other roles, but I could still do them, albeit badly (melee dps was more a gear issue than spec issue). Respeccing a druid is nowhere close to changing ACs.

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Please god no. I don't want my assassin that I rolled to become useless since I have a sorc. :/


Why would your Assassin because useless?


There will always be a need for different AC's in groups.


My guild currently has a ton of sorcerers and no Assassin tanks for example.


Just because there would be the ability to change your AC, doesn't suddenly mean there's no use for you.


Though I suddenly have this funny image of a bunch of Assassin's sitting in the fleet shouting "They took our jobs!"

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