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I know how to fix the population imbalance.


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Punish the winners.


This is going to sound like the biggest QQ ever, but really what's all the crying about? Never being able to get any wins. This is because some overgeared premade can't take a hint and take a break and instead is ruining countless players night on the other side for hours on end.


My suggestion, implement a maximum number of wins in warzones per day, and then lock out the player till the next daily reset time. If the player wishes to persue additional PVP, they can go to Ilum or any other open world pvp area bioware designates.


If you get more wins in a single day than is required for a weekly quest series, you've become a negative influence on the game around you.

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That was fun :-D I would love to see that in Olympics contest


~ Hello sir.

~ Hello, what can I do for you ?

~ Well sir... you are too good so you cant win today...

~ Why ?

~ Because no one else win

~ And I care because... ?

~ Well loosers want to feel like winners for a while

~ ...


But I do understand. For 3 days we didn't lost Alderan or Voidstar even ONCE when I was playing. I think that it's almost the same when I don't play. Also loot of Reps complain they don't win.


Maybe we should start premades and take bribes from Reps ? If they pay 50k for every one of us (only 400k per match) we would allow them to win ? 400k is only 2 people doing dailies in that day so it should be a problem for Reps.


So how about it ? Should we take bribes and let them win a while ? :D

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Right goal, but not a good way to go about it. The 1.1.5 changes that allow warzones to count toward the Ilum goals is a big step toward allowing the outnumbered side (usually it's the Republic, by quite a margin) to get their dailies/weeklies done too. But it won't solve the problem of premade groups farming pickup-groups.


On my server, which is a PVE server (Europe), there is at least 1 perma-premade that seems to play every day from about 2-3 PM till about midnight -- I had the day off on Monday and guess what, they were all there too.


This is why I think the only reasonable answer will be cross-server warzones with matches being made by valor rankings -- then the "high skill" PVPers can continue to have their PVP fun, but not at the expense of farming more casual 50 players, who can then have more even matches similar to that which they had all the way from 10-49.

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This is why I think the only reasonable answer will be cross-server warzones with matches being made by valor rankings -- then the "high skill" PVPers can continue to have their PVP fun, but not at the expense of farming more casual 50 players, who can then have more even matches similar to that which they had all the way from 10-49.


I like the valor rankings and cross server idea for pvp. though I don't see that helping the population imbalance.


I do not agree with the original post about cutting off winning pvp players on a daily limit. Why limit players access to the games experience just because they have more gear. I actually do not agree with locking the Hard Mode flashpoints to once a day. Give me access to all game content when I have time to play it :D

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