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Corusca Gems??


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I know a lot of people are going to chime in with RNG this, RNG that, but hear me out. Something happened/changed with the patch that borked the drops on this. I craft and supply high end enhancements and I run missions with my npcs constantly and consistently. Up until this last patch I have always been able to maintain a steady supply...I use to get a few every now and then running missions, it was always just enough


However now as I have not got one in any missions I can normally do, I have had to purchase missions from the market, which they do drop. I have seen the prices climb at a really consistent 10k a pop to 30-90k for a single crystal and the amount of high end enhancements drop from about 15-20 on the market to 4-6 at a time, since this last patch


I reached out to a few other crafter friends and they have seen there supply of crystals bottom out and gave up on crafting enhancements all together (pretty much the only thing us artificers have going for us as hilts you can get easy from doing dailies, crystals are soo hit and miss.

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I dont see this myself on mine. But I am seeing a huge drop in red crystals netted from missions and the fact crew skills are already broke it wouldnt surprise me in the least that your having this issue and it is legit.



Welcome to ToR. We focus and BS and UI b4 real issues.

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If with "this" patch you mean last week's patch, then no, my mission results have not changed at all since before the patch. I run several T6 gem missions per evening and my returns have been quite consistent. Even companions with less than 10k affection have returned with Corusca Gems on several occasions over the past week.
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You mean the patch that was live for less than hour when you made your post?


As in- you didn't actually have enough time to run any of those missions since the patch.....


Troll Fail.


If you used your brain for a second you might have figured out the OP is talking about the last patch from the 22nd. It's very obvious that's what they're talking about, with running missions and reaching out to other players. That they happened to post on a maintenance day is coincidence, I'd bet.


Especially since today was a maintenance day, and not actually a patch day since no game content was added, removed or changed. Next time, engage your brain before typing. Maybe check the server alert notes. Save the rest of us some trouble.


On topic, I've not noticed anything out of the ordinary, but then I'm used to sending out all my companions looking for gems and going through streaks of only getting a few back out of 20-30 missions

Edited by Carylethis
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i agree with you, today i have sent my crew to harvest some corusca gems.

i think i have done it about 20 times today and only got 2.

From the 20 times i think i had about 4-5 abundant missions.

It seems they nerved it big time.


normally i could do about 20 a day when placing them all day long in search of gems, but not today.

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I must be having horrible luck, as I said outside of (unlocked missions purchased from the market) I am getting 0 Gems from my missions. I did a search and saw 2-3 other threads on this issue that were made after 1.1.4 that slipped into obscurity.


Going to start keeping better track, so far 0 Corusca gems in 35 T6 abundant gemstone missions

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Troll Fail.




It's Hillarious! I was appearently using my brain to smash my keyboard !


OOPs ! Very Sorry to the OP,


But to answer you question- no, I didn't notice a change in drop rates for Corusca gems at all after the last patch. But I wouldn't say I was grinding g6 mats this past week either.

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