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Insane Grind And the Game is Brand New


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Only problem I see is que times keep getting longer which makes comms harer to get. Also *** are they still having us convert wz comms to merc comms. Why not just take the 1000 cap off wz comms and say BM comm is 12000 wz comms.


Why should queue times get longer when the pvp gets better?

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As has been said it's only addition to quests.


And BM items are not so cool. Btw. when I was getting champion stuff I was doing 1000/1000 every weekend for opening 5 bags on sunday, also you get a lot of comms from weekly.


AND there are actually BM assasins who are using champion sabre because they hit harder with it, so BM gear is far from the ultimate gear. On top of it - expertise 550+ which Bm set gives you is useless.

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What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!


4 days? What are you? Asleep, or something. I did it in 20 minutes! 1000 tokens takes a few warzones, maybe ooh ... 2 minutes tops to accumulate all 1000.


You're so lazy!

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the funny thing here is they are adding this as an addition to the current ways to obtain battlemaster tokens, so that the crybabies stop crying...but you are still crying about it, proof that you should find another game and stop trying to ruin this one.
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What is this I don't even?


Bags and Dailies will NOT be removed. Being able to buy commendations is in ADDITION to the daily quest bags.


Also, BM gear is a very minor upgrade to champ so it isn't that big of a deal anyway. It's more of a prestige stuff, and prestige should take some time to get.


Finally, the voice of reason appears.

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Crybabies stupidity makes me sad sometimes.

Did you relize that this is just another new way to get BM commendations on top of the dailies, weeklies?

Did you relize that the patch will change the game in many ways? How do you know how much time will be required to farm 1000comms with the new medal system?

Did you realize that we will probably get a new set of gear?(i read nothing from this just thinking)

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Crybabies stupidity makes me sad sometimes.

Did you relize that this is just another new way to get BM commendations on top of the dailies, weeklies?

Did you relize that the patch will change the game in many ways? How do you know how much time will be required to farm 1000comms with the new medal system?

Did you realize that we will probably get a new set of gear?(i read nothing from this just thinking)

Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.

Georg "Observer" Zoeller

Principal Lead Combat Designer



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This is just funny to me to see all the replies as though it's all fine. As someone who's played MMOs a long time, and seen so many game changes in different games and how the community responses evolve over time, I've come to trust my intuition, since it's proven to usually be spot on.


The things people seem to be missing here are:


a) From what I understand the BM bags are still going to be random, and if you look at the various other threads about this you will see LOTS of people posting that they have gone 50+ bags and gotten like 1 to 5 comms : P Really bad. If this drop rate is being improved please share, as that is all the difference. However I haven't yet seen any such thing.


However you cut it with RNG and complicated probabilities... random reward / no reward after a grind is a terrible mechanic and always leads to growing discontent.


b) It isn't so hard at all to get 1000/1000.... but do some very simple math people because it doesn't cost 1000/1000 for a piece of gear, it costs 1000/1000 for a BM comm.


The lightsaber costs 3 comms = 3000/3000. A merc comm is 3x a wz comm. The math is for the lightsaber it's 9000 wz comms + 3000 wz comms = 12,000 wz comms... just for the lightsaber. All the people saying I'm whining because 1000/1000 is easy are not thinking this through.


It's 8000 more for the chest piece, 8000 more for the gloves, 8000 more for pants, 8000 more for the helm, and 8000 for the boots. = another 40,000 comms.


So far we're at 52,000 comms ... and there's still belt, wrists, relics... at 4000 comms each...


Yes, of course there are other kinds of gear to get, but that is not an argument why this is not excessive. That is actually a support as it says hey - if this seems too much so what = get different gear.


In any case, I guarantee if the math remains as posted thus far for BM gear, though lots of people will be all apologetic about it for now, saying don't worry, don't whine, it's not that bad etc... If it remains like this, and as more and more people reach cap, over time this view will shift, more and more people will start saying how bad it is, and finally you will see tons of threads popping up saying it's terrible, and almost nobody still saying it's fine. That's the normal cycle for these types of things.


~60,000 comms for a set of gear is certainly excessive. It's just a shame that people shoot themselves in the foot by going along with bad changes, instead of speaking up earlier, and encouraging a better game. The players will come to hate this, and the devs will come to rue the choice they made.


I really want to see this game succeed and be the great game we all hope it will... that doesn't happen by trying to win brownie points with devs by encouraging mistakes. It's the greatest benefit for Bioware, the devs there, and for the player community, to speak honestly about things that are out of balance, and to encourage the best game possible.


1000/1000 seems like an easy enough grind... but it's not 1000, it's about 60,000 for this set. Think before you encourage things that will spoil the game.




Also, don't forget to factor in that this is a brand new game. It just came out. Grinds for subsequent gear sets always take longer and longer. Even if this grind was being introduced in the 5th year of a game, people would eventually be yelling at Bioware for the imbalance here. If it's this excessive right at the very start of the game, it will definitely not be worth sticking with this game, as it wont be long before it reaches the point people are at with LOTRO and WoW and others, where they are finally fed up with how brutal the grind has gotten and will move on as soon as new games come out. You just can't start with grinds of this degree this early in a game's life.

Edited by myrrhbear
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