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I used to hate my marauder... then I turned level 20 :D


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Pvping from 10-20 was an absolute nightmare.

Just turned level 20 today and got deadly saber and now I finally feel useful.


Going annihilation spec so far. I had almost given up in frustration pvping with my marauder after the easy mode that is gunslinger and powertech bounty hunter.


Any lowbies struggling I recommend being patient till level 20 and trying out annihilation spec. The healing provided definitely helps keeping me alive just that much longer in a fight.



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Yeah, heard it all before. Wait till 40, spec Anni, blah blah. Never heard anyone say 20 though. That's a first.


Really? 20th is really the 1st major break point for an Annihilation spec. Up until that point, you're playing a DOT based spec without having most of your DOT capabilities. Hitting 20th and gaining Deadly Saber actually makes your spec function, which is a world of difference.


I had mixed feelings about my own Marauder until 20th. Leveling was far more difficult and just seemed a bit like a chore. Then after reaching 20th, it was like I was playing a different character. Deadly Saber really does make everything change.

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Because DK and Balmorra are so challenging?


No class in game really have their DPS/heal/tanking up until level 25/30. Mainly because spec are only starting to show little effect. Obviously, if you want to level through warzone, you lack the abilities a level 40 has.

Edited by verfallen
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