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If/When we get Guild Capital Ships


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What do you think they will end up being?


For me, unless they decide to create something completely brand new, I would imagine that the GCS(s) for the Sith Imperial Guilds would probably get the Oppressor Battle Cruiser. While the Republic Guilds would either get the Thranta-class Corvette or the Hammerhead-class Cruiser.


I doubt that they would allow the Valor-class Cruiser (Republic) or the Harrower-class Dreadnaught (Sith Imperial) to be made into Guild Ships, but anything is possible.

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Wow, those are some great ideas.


I am personally wondering about the cost/time/material investment.


I would like to see the guild have to work together to get them built, maybe grind a schematic together from different crew skills? Need different rare mats as well as credit cost?



Maybe there could possibly be an option with different models?


I think they should make the Republic GCS amazing and super stylish as it would attract people to that side a little more, and this is one more way to contribute to balancing the factions.


In my opinion(s) anyways.

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While the idea has merit and would definately add scope to the game like space combat between guilds. If i remember rightly their response was


Q. Are you going to implement housing and guild features (like guild banks, guild ships)?


A. Guild banks are coming in Game Update 1.2 and like PvP, guild features are a priority for the development team with a strike team focused on nothing but top guild concerns and requests. Guild capital ships are a huge undertaking, though, so expect to see more quality of life style guild features roll out before you and your allies start building your destroyer....


This indicates to me if it is ever implemented (and I think it's a great idea) it will be years away.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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While the idea has merit and would definately add scope to the game like space combat between guilds. If i remember rightly their response was


Q. Are you going to implement housing and guild features (like guild banks, guild ships)?


A. Guild banks are coming in Game Update 1.2 and like PvP, guild features are a priority for the development team with a strike team focused on nothing but top guild concerns and requests. Guild capital ships are a huge undertaking, though, so expect to see more quality of life style guild features roll out before you and your allies start building your destroyer....


This indicates to me if it is ever implemented (and I think it's a great idea) it will be years away.


All the more reason to unsub now -- the truly interesting game mechanics are a complete pipe dream.

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