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What abaut a Pyrotech with Tracer Missiles??!!


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I was wondering Trying this build




For having both Tracer and Incendiary missiles


But before wasteing a respec I would like to have your opinion about this new built.


At the moment I'm using this




but I was supposed to make some experiment to have a better chance in 1vs1


....waiting 4 your comments

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there is just so much fail when it comes to the idea of pyro using tracer missiles


1. pyro uses the combustion gas cylinders which do not proc on missiles, only blaster fire.

2. pyro revolves around the concept of doing damage with elemental damage, armor reduction from tracer missiles would do nothing for this since elemental damage is not mitigated by armor, it totally by pass it

3. tracer missiles are only powerful with conjunction with the talents that allow it to proc additional buffs.

4. tracer missiles support a whole different play style than pyro does.


please read the abilities and talents, you would have known all this if you just read it all

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I ran with something close to this build for awhile (not sure if I got it exactly the same as what I had). It was ok but it just doesn't compare to full pyro imo. Some of the problems have already been noted but here is some of my thoughts as someone who actually tried it.


Your go to shot as pyro is rail shot. That being said, you want to use power shot as your filler until it procs rail shot. Power shot can be just as powerful as tracers until you have a complete stack of armor break so you end up spamming tracers for the armor break while you should be spamming power shot to proc rail shot.


In the spec you posted, you give up the skills that build on top of tracers that make tracers worth having. In my spec you have to give up a lot of the best pyro skills at the higher level.


If you use tracers you want high velocity cylinders but if you pyro you want combustible gas. If your a hybrid your giving up the best of both to get mediocre from one or the other.


The only reason I could see for doing a hybrid is if you want arsenal (tracers) for pve and pyro for pvp and don't want to pay a couple k to switch every now and then.


These are just my thoughts but as always I say, try it for yourself.

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Once again, I can't propagate this build enough.

Only giving up HSM for much better mobility, railshot hitting like a train and sustained dot damage in Boss encounters and PvP.

This is by far the only way to hybridize Arsenal and Pyro.

Incendiary and Railshot make up for loss of HSM in PvE and add alot of more versatilty in PvP.

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Once again, I can't propagate this build enough.


Wastes 5 talent points to get 30% armor debuff for RS.


Only giving up HSM for much better mobility, railshot hitting like a train and sustained dot damage in Boss encounters and PvP.


HSM isn't part of the mobility problem though, its instant. Railshot ignoring an extra 30% armor doesn't make up for the difference. Maybe if you went up to Prototype Particle Accelerator, but you are really trading Unloads for free Rail Shots at that point.


However if you are trying to run a Railshot build you would be better served with a build that focuses more on Railshot and less on Unload.




Again, this would still be a matter of taste, because all you are really garnering here is 50% arpen and 30% railshot dmg (and that 30% means you have to stack 5 TM's before your next railshot) versus 9% dmg and 30% bonus damage and 20% arpen (and you only have to maintain the arpen stack, not constantly restack) and 60% chance for free railshots in a full pyro spec.


Overall its still moot, because none of it matches the synergy in full Arsenal which buffs, TM, HSM, Unload and Railshot damage throughout the tree.


In fact if you are really hard up for that extra 20% arpen provided by TM then just do this




That way you can at least do decent consistent damage at the expense of having to maintain a 5 stack of TM.


Centering a PVE build around Railshot that doesn't include PPA just seems wrong though, you will never get enough Railshots to be competitive.



This is by far the only way to hybridize Arsenal and Pyro.

Incendiary and Railshot make up for loss of HSM in PvE and add alot of more versatilty in PvP.


Maybe, but nothing makes up for the fact that you lose 6% crit in your build or 9% crit from a full pyro build. That's just too much crit to not take seriously.

Edited by oddmyth
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the only reason I can think of that you'd want to hybrid arsenal and pyro tech is just for the push effect from after burners and/or jet escape.


I play arsenal and I know these 2 abilities really do make a huge difference in my game play, so if I were to go pyro and I wanted to hybrid into arsenal, thats the only reason why I'd do so. but then this is really only helpful in hutt ball, since the other 2 dont have many areas where being knocked off will effect much at all.


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZrckMMZcGMrzGG0c.1 that would be the only hybrid spec I would think its worth using or take out 4 points from the top pyro talents and get jet escape too if you want more frequent jet boosts to blast people off those bridges

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@oddmyth: well, I guess you missed the point somehow :)

This ain't a Railshot build, this is more about being flexible enough to have mobility at ALL times. HSM only shines when you're able to debuff with TM in advance. The Incendiary/Railshot combination (RS having 65% AP due to HVGC and Superheated Rail) works on the run and vents an additional 8 heat keeping the Incendiary heat buildup at bay.

HSM is instant, yes - but it hits like a wet noodle if not buffed by TM.

Incend/Rail on the other hand needs no preparation at all and can be fired on the run. Incend is also able to trigger TV and sustains damage while going out of LoS, reposition or chase.

In a direct shotout with an average arensal merc I don't see myself losing to often aswell.

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