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Understanding Annihilate


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So I was puzzled by this combat text. Not quite sure what to make of it.


Right at 10s I hit Anni, the damage pops 1423, and then something weird, it pops again for 1550 followed by another 1674. Pretty sure that was not a critical since they appear as a single hit.


In addition, the way it was displayed was odd. Almost as if the damage had changed after the hit, like the value was correcting itself


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So I was puzzled by this combat text. Not quite sure what to make of it.


Right at 10s I hit Anni, the damage pops 1423, and then something weird, it pops again for 1550 followed by another 1674. Pretty sure that was not a critical since they appear as a single hit.


In addition, the way it was displayed was odd. Almost as if the damage had changed after the hit, like the value was correcting itself


Was it deadly saber instead?

Edited by Ridisi
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There is currently a UI glitch with our white hits combining, most often when they land in quick succession, and always starting from an initial critical (like your Annihilate in the clip). I've noticed it quite a bit when i do a Ravage - Annihilate combo's.


What you're seeing in the clip, is your Annihilate crit for 1423, and then I see you press Assault. The first hit of your Assault gets added to the Annihilate total to make it 1552 (so the first Assault slash hit for 129), then your second Assault hit lands to make it 1674 (second Assault slash hit for 122), and by that time the floating text is off the screen and it resets for the third Assault slash to show properly, which crit for 214.


You can actually duplicate this yourself, the easiest way is Ravage - Annihilate. Get some rage, Ravage a mob, and the instant that the third strike of Ravage lands, hit Annihilate. If the third hit of Ravage crits, your Annihilate damage will be added into the floating text. I was originally extremely confused when doing this in PVP, as i'd thought I had just crit someone for 5k, but alas no, it was just my third Ravage strike critting for 2.2k and my Annihilate critting for 2.8k right afterwards and being added together in the floating combat text.


I actually think this might be intentional. Since crits have a different effect in the floating combat text (bolded text that pops out slightly), it would cause quite a bit of clutter if you had a string of multiple white crits. It basically just adds them all together and continually updates the floating text already on your screen, instead of creating a new one for the next attack.

Edited by Angelfeeties
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