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Can't deflect blaster bolts to deal damage,


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Because it's entirely fair to give melee classes passive ranged damage right?


Why not? Open your mind a little and think before dishing out useless one liners.


No one said the damage has to be that of "Aimed Shot" the gunslinger does.

No one said it has to be for every single blaster bolt shot at them from every angle.

No one said to make it so unreasonable that people have to make snide comments about it.


If there was a small % chance of being directly reflected back, with a very low damage factor, then I see no reason why not to give Jedi and Sith this passive ability at X level.


After all; Jedi didn't reflect EVERY bolt back. And when a bolt hits the saber, it loses a lot of its power, so the reflected bolt is very weak. Then added on top of that, many special attack bolts can easily be classified as "unable to be reflected".


I do not see this adding any sort of imbalance given the restrictions and limitations. However just being able to see a couple bolts in a fight being reflected and hit the target for a meager bit of damage, will go a LONG way to making it all more 'star warsy and cool n stuf'.


Somehow blind ignorance wins in some people. They see this suggestion and immediately think "omg jedi standing in the middle of everyone not taking any damage deflecting every bolt back at five hundred attackers and they all die from it in a matter of ten seconds omg omg whinnneeeeeeee!!!!"


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