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LFG tool - community wishlist


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As in the last Q&A confirmed there is an improved LFG tool on the way.


So I figured, we - the playerbase - should give the devs some feedback about what is really important to us in a sophisticated LFG tool.


So, if you dont like to hang out in Fleet for hours and spam general chat to find a FP group, please do add to this threat what features you wish for in a really good LFG tool.





Here is my wishlist:


- LFG flag should be visible on char pic just as the PVP flag(right now you can only see it if you target yourself)

- the LFG flag should auto-deactivate once you join a group

- LFG flag should allow you to show if you want to do tank, healer or dps role

- It should be possible to flag quests in the missionlog and then search for others who flagged the same missions, too

- there should be a LFM tag for OP and groupleaders with a flag which mission/FP/OP the group is doing. This one should auto-deactivate itself too once the group or OP is full. Maybe add another tag to it that allows the leader to state what roles are needed still.


- if the LFG tool stays being part of the "who window" please add quickfilter buttons for "LFG" and "inzone"




What I dont want would be an automatch tool that simply places you in a group with others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have to disagree about the auto-match-making, I used the tools in Rift and (hock) WoW extensively, and sure you get some people who put themselves down as other roles to get groups or to grief but later iterations with gear requirements solved that problem.


I don't know how feasible it would be to add the option to not enter into an auto-mach queue?

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i have to disagree about auto grouping. as long as its not cross server i don't see a problem, but i believe if you put some1 on your ignore list, it shoud never put you in a group with that person.


so i want to to able to pull up a page


pick my role

pick the flashpoint/OP (if on fleet)

name of heroic, or just choose casual group if you want to group with no purpose (if on a planet)

then you go on about doing whatever till a pop up comes up asking if you still want to group. you click yes and you are put into a group.


something like that anyway

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I made a similar post about this topic, my ideas:


  • Make a new interface menu for finding people (list of people who is actively LFG)
  • Provide players with a better overview (sort by flashpoint, class etc.)
  • Use the interface to send an invite with a small (mandatory) text explaining what it is for etc. (no automated invites without even saying hello!)
  • Make the LFG list server-wide, and not based on geographical placement like /who.


that would make the grouping experience better, and avoid LFG spam in general chat.

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Things a lfg system must have

Automated group forming This is a must have with out it the tool will fail period.


Cross server search for group members. This is also a must have with out it low pop servers are screwed.


A kick ability with anti abuse tools


A need greed loot system that limits need to player useable and play stats. (we need this even with out a lfg tool)


I also feel the tool needs a heroic mission finder and this sadly can only be single server since those are in open world.



As it stands right now its better just to ignore heroic missions and leveling flashpoints. Its a shame that all that content is just going to waste.

It is faster and more effecnt to just ignore group content during the leveling experience.


Frankly my time here is done until a lfg system is in place.

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My Wishes as a constant user of the LFG tool right now (It sucks):


- Create tooltips and short tutorials showing players what the LFG tool is. Have it pop up the first time they sign up for a Heroic+2 and/or a Flashpoint.


I've ran into so many people in groups that don't know that /who is really the LFG tool as well. It would help people quest while waiting for a flashpoint on a different planet then just waiting at the Station.


- Allow players to "subscribe" to a certain mission/flashpoint so that when people subscribe to it or mention it on the LFG tool (such as "LFG Healer Hammer Station") will notify anyone subscribed and online.


A player gets to the fleet for the first time and is really enthueastic about doing the Esseles Flashpoint. He announces it in chat, no response, on the LFG tool he sees no one interested. He subscribes to the flashpoint and moves on to his next planet. 5 minutes later 3 friends hit 11 and want to do the Esseles Flashpoint too. Now they subcribe to the Flashpoint, the first guy gets notified and hurray, new players grouping easily.


-As a part of the previous "wish", if you are subscribed to a Flashpoint/Operation, the LFG tool can create a list of players that are subscribed as well to mail with information about when you want to do it. It won't lead to spam since you could report players abusing it.


This one might anger people but I like mail myself. People can just respond back to the mail whether or not they are going and their specs. You can have the subscriptions be based on difficulty level as well.



Thanks for making this Wishlist, hopefully it gets a lot of input.

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