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turn in to vendor for equipable gear?


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In the "No Quarter" daily quest, I won a purple "Unassembled Champion Wargrade Tech mainhand Weapon" that "requires Trooper, Bounty Hunter". Its description is "turn in to the Champion PvP gear vendor on the fleet for an equipable piece of gear."


Well, there are 4 or so Champion gear vendors on Carrick, but I can't figure out how to get any of them to take the thing. If I right-click, I get a message saying that I cannot sell this item. If I drag it over the vendor, I'm asked if I want to destroy the item.


How do trade the item in to a vendor?



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The weird item is still in my inventory, but when I checked my character sheet, my 'toon now sports a Champion assault cannon. I don't know when I did this.


Ideally I would have liked to hand my old cannon down to one of my companions, but on the whole I'm very pleased.

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There are Vendors for PVP gear in the back. 4 counter for the 4 classes.

In each counter there are 4 different NPCs. One for Level 1-49, one for Centurion, one for Champion and one for Battlemaster.


If you check the NPC, you can see red and green marked items. You can't buy the red because you miss something. And you can buy the green ones, because you have the right token or commendations (good hint, chance to only affordable or useable to remove all the red ones).


For each token, there are different items you can buy. At least two for each advanced class (like Combat Medic and Eliminator for Commando).

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