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Just hit level 50...


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and I want to know if I'm wearing a blindfold that prevents me from seeing all the "fun" things this game has to offer at level 50...


or if this game just has no "fun" things to do at level 50.


Here's what I know level 50 has to offer:


- repetitive dailies (and weeklies, sarcastic "yay!")

- repetitive PvP (and Illum, sarcastic "yay!")

- repetitive ops (serious "umm?")


if that's all there really is, my mistake for assuming an MMO was supposed to have a lot more depth than this at max level. sorry, BioWare, but I just don't find spamming "invite to ops" in general chat very entertaining. at all. whatsoever.


and before the "you just hit level 50" people start telling me that I just hit level 50, my mistake for not being a naive fanboy.


Too much of a suprise that you level do some ops, get max level, do ops and raids, and pvp all the time if you want in an MMO. Why didn't anyone tell him before, god!

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Wish they had better world pvp in this game. My favorite thing to do in WoW was to get a huge group together and bust into stormwind/the undercity/org and kill the leaders.


(or realize that the opposing faction was doing it and rallying my own city in the defense)


By the way... Does that still happen? I stopped playing wow a while ago.


I don't think so since cata.

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So, in all seriousness what did you expect when you hit 50, that you aren't being provided? Have you reached endgame in other MMOs?


No more off-the-wall bizarre hyperbole and let's be constructive.


So far you have one constructive point: the $60 charge is for the character narratives, like a traditional game, aka 1-50. The $15 monthly charge is arguably for endgame. So what are you expecting for that $15? Are you just saying there should've been more Raids at launch? Additional warzones?


No matter how much content they add, you're bound to repeat it, so your 'repetitive' argument is confusing in the context of a never-ending game.

Edited by Monotoli
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Let me get this right, if I enjoy something then I am naive?


How quaint.




Actually, it' not quaint. There are an increasing number of people who were very vocal and positive supporters of the game until they hit 50 and found there is , in actuality, very little to do.


It's naive to think that if you enjoy something now that you will always enjoy it, or continue to enjoy it when you hit 50, when you hear almost no one saying anything like that, and most people saying the end-game is simply not there.


I'm sure someone will come along and say "the journey is the game" blah blah blah. . . but that's just planning for failure. Demanding someone play a game a specific way for it to have any value won't work if that specific way isn't fun for most people.


Some pro-Bio troll will claim this is due to rushing or whatever, but the bottom line is that if nothing changes after 1.2 there are a lot of people who will see no benefit in continued subscriptions. Once you've finished the side quests for both sides, and seen the class stories, there is NOTHING in the game.


Hardmode ops and all of the FP get boring very fast. PVP is , ha, not worth the time. The Crafting system simply does not provide reward commensurate with the massive amounts of time and money invested.

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