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How does the Defensive Forms talent work with Ataru Form?


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Does it grant a cumulative +15% on top of my 35% speed boost from sprint or is the 35% from sprint added and then the 15% added from Defensive Forms (Ataru) to that number? Thanks in advance.



I did a bit of googling and am still confused. Some people say no movement speed buffs stack. So when in combat sprint will go inactive and ataru 15% will activate. Does anyone know if this is the case or just more theory craft crap?


More googling may have answered my question but any input from the community would be great :-)

Edited by InfallibleArin
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Also Predation stacks with itself, or at least that's my theory.


Often I'll be in a warzone with another Marauder, we'll both pop it, and beat both teams by a substantial margin to the objective.



Speed buffs are not additive in this game. Only the strongest one applies. That being said, it COULD be a bug with the fact that predation is the same speed, assuming its untalented of course.

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