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I'd pass up 200 crit rating for 1500 expertise. Err, I mean Defensive Roll.


Or 200 crit rating for un-counterable interception on the far node in Alderaan.





6% is +6/(30+15+(100-45)*1/3) = 9.5% increase in crit frequency. Not bad.


Wouldn't call it a "crap load" though. Too bad it only applies to ~40% of our DPS. Lols.





Stop being an incremental PvE bad.





At the Columi level of gearing, it probably doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot (note: none of these small tradeoffs between Str and Power matter. The only things that really matter are swapping crit/surge for power).


E.g., It's not worth the effort. Your STR is lower than Rakata level, so the higher power doesn't stomp STR. You're still short a few DPS stats because the "str" Mod has more endurance. However, being short like 5 damage bonus (adding it up across all your gear) won't really matter to be honest.


However, if you do want to splurge it's probably ok for that +0.01% improvement in DPS.


Go collect some datacrons instead tbh.


Stop being logical. Balfro's way is the only way, or hadn't you heard?

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Why does everyone here think that Huttball is the only Warzone we have in this game? I think healing my teamates during a hectic Voidstar or a crazy fight to take one of the turrets in CW far outweighs an ability that is useful for one WZ. Yes running faster between Turrets is good too, but not as good as 6% HP back to everyone in my group every 15 seconds or so. Please remember, this game has 3 WZ's in it and you cant pick the one you want. You go with the spec that has the MOST utility, and being able to provide extra heals, to me anyway, is way more important then running fast for a few seconds.



Ballfro, quit while you're ahead friend. I disagree with you and so does a large portion of the people posting here. For starters, a 10 second Predation is not "a few seconds". And I would love to see you activate and manage a full Berserk healing cycle every 15 seconds. Talk about embellishing and understating to your advantage. Yes, I obviously pop Berserk while node fighting in Civil War and door fighting in Voidstar, but depending on the enemy team makeup, I sometimes pop Predation instead. The 10% defense that Predation provides to my group can easily be more beneficial than 6% of their health in healing, and that isn't even including the speed boost. If they are melee and sniper heavy, that 10% defense will negate more damage than 6% of their health, including the run speed to help my healers kite the melee that are on them. I cannot count how many times i've pugged with healers and melee in my group, who at the end of the game thanked me for how many times I popped Predation for them. Do you think they would have thanked me for that 6% healing? No, they do that in their sleep with half of an instant heal.


Predation has far to many uses in all three warzones for you to consider it worthless, not just Huttball. Not to mention you seem to be completely forgetting that yummy 10% defense attached to it. Pred boosting a group consisting of myself, a Rage Jugg, a Concealment Operative and our healing Sorc is extremely beneficial. Mixing in Berserk, Predation and Bloodthirst every 30 seconds is what separates an excellent Marauder from a poor one.


/on topic


If 1500 STR is the soft cap before heavy DR's on the crit return, I'm thinking that moving to the heavy power Mods might be beneficial, even with the slight Endurance loss. It probably wouldn't be very much, a few hundred HP loss with a few mod changes, but it would potentially yield a lot more power.

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If 1500 STR is the soft cap before heavy DR's on the crit return, I'm thinking that moving to the heavy power Mods might be beneficial, even with the slight Endurance loss. It probably wouldn't be very much, a few hundred HP loss with a few mod changes, but it would potentially yield a lot more power.


1. There is no magic number where STR hits "The Softcap". Str begins to softcap at STR=1 and it gets gradually worse. 1500 is just a reasonable bar based on the amount of stats we generally get from a full suit of level 56-58 gear.


2. The weighting of "A LITTLE LESS HP" and "A LOT MORE POWER" is a fabrication of your mind. For 1 Mod swap You gain like 3-10 damage per hit and lose howevermuch HP 8 Endurance translates to or w/e the endurance delta was, and lose something like 0.05% crit.

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I've always considered Soft Caps to be approximate areas, based on the best obtainable gear, where you want to consider alternate secondary stats. I'd view 1500 is a nice Soft Cap in terms of STR wearing Full Battlemaster (i'm Full BM w/ 3 pieces of Rakata and Matrix Cube and sitting at 1523 stim'd). That leaves it open to personal preference, instead of the view that it's where you have to stop. +/- 50 of the soft cap should be acceptable.


Given that, it might be such a minor DPS increase to go from 25's to 25A's that the subsequent Endurance loss would just make the decision a bad one.

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