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Tactical advantage, bug or intended?


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Ive been noticing some odd goings on with tactical advantage for a while, but I've only really just properly tested it.


It seems that my frag grenades, and overload shots are generating tactical advantages, however it's not 100% consistent and seems to be linked to carbine burst in some way. it basically means I can carbine, then frag, and then carbine again.


I've been over all of my talents and tooltips and can't see anything that's causing it. I have 14 points in concealment and then some points in the medic tree (level 33).


Is this just a really nice bug or am I missing something obvious?

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You gain Tactical Advantage through using Shiv and Hidden Strike. You also get Tactical Advantage when you land a killing blow, i'm guessing your frag grenade is killing off a mob and giving you TA.


Oh man... Ignore me, and flame me. Level 33 and I've only just noticed I get TA when killing a mob...

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Oh man... Ignore me, and flame me. Level 33 and I've only just noticed I get TA when killing a mob...


:p It never explicitly tells you how to generate TA as you gain it passively from choosing your advanced class, you can see it in your Skill Book though and read how it works.

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It's a lot more annoying when collateral strike procs and you don't get the TA you're supposed to.


TA is only refunded when the target is poisoned, ie Corrosive Dart/Acid Blade. However, though it isn't explicitly mentioned, this effect cant happen consecutively, it has a hidden cooldown.


So if Collateral Strike procs twice in a row on a poisoned target, the TA would only be refunded for the first proc and you need to wait a bit before it can be refunded again.

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TA is only refunded when the target is poisoned, ie Corrosive Dart/Acid Blade. However, though it isn't explicitly mentioned, this effect cant happen consecutively, it has a hidden cooldown.


So if Collateral Strike procs twice in a row on a poisoned target, the TA would only be refunded for the first proc and you need to wait a bit before it can be refunded again.


Collateral Strike has a 10 second "cooldown", but if it does happen two times in a row, you get both TAs (Of course you'd have to wait 6 seconds)

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