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A Moment of silence for things lost...


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I just felt I should post this whilst taking a crap and browsing the forums on my smart phone. Yup, I'm pretty addicted to all the whining going on now.


No matter what side of the fence you're on here with the whole early game access you still owe a small thanks to another gem that is about to pass on into the depths of the gaming afterlife.


Whether we are excited and happy to know that we are hours/days away from entering this new and great game Bioware has created. Whether we are pissed off and butt hurt over not being invited to early access yet. One fact remains. There is a group of people that are more butt hurt then us.


Star Wars Galaxies is going to die soon. While SWTOR is not the sole cause for this collapse one could easily argue it was the final nail in the coffin.


So no matter who you are, happy or sad. Please take a moment of a silence and think of all the 25 players left in SWG who are going to cry themselves to sleep tonight.


Love it or hate it, SWG was a big time player in the MMO industry. At one point it rivaled any MMO when it came to excellent crafting and making use of more wasted time creating that 500th piece of metal that no one ever buys so you ended up throwing it in the back of your 4th player made house at the *** end of nowhere that you didn't even remember you owned the next week, only to never see it again.


The glorious space combat in SWG that could even make Space Fighters of Power 13 green with envy.


Yes folks, SWG is going to die soon and we as future SWTOR players owe it to those 35 players (oops I meant 25) to mourn their loss and enjoy this game at their expense.


OK enough of that. You are all free to go back to your whining now about how can't get in the game. For the record I should state I think SWG was a damn fine game and all my sarcasm that was poorly written about the game was only to try and lighten the mood around here!

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