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Healing in PvP is Overpowered Because You Nerfed Damage


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Look at this if you want to see what a team of healers can do.


Er this is an Old thread, shortly after which 1.2 released - the most tragic patch in swtor which turned it from a tactical game into a dps gibfest. Never saw this before but now I see why this patch came out, because people don't know how to kill healers and think they were "god mode".

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Since the surge nerf, many servers have seen the rise of what I call the


Trollololol Heal Team


This is a pack of hybrid sorcerers and healing Mercs that basically run around in unkillable packs, healing for infinity. They never run out of mana because there is no mana resource in this game and they never die because you can't lock down 5 healers at once. If you are on one of them he heals himself until you interrupt, then he switches to damage, all the while the other hybrid sorcs or mercs are healing him. You cant kill anyone. They eventually will overwhelm your team and once they do, the game is immediately lost. If anyone gets low, a tank will just guard them, which is the end of any chance of getting a kill.


Void Star

Several healers/hybrids go to each side and camp around chatting and telling stories, while never dying and never letting anyone plant. You score 0 and then they only have to get 1 door down to win.



5 healers camp the middle and you can never kill them or get them out. Thus your team can never get the ball to score unless you kill the ball carrier between the middle and your own end zone, then you have to run the gauntlet of their entire team to score, which is tough when you cant kill any of them.


Civil War

They slam one node, leave 2 healers at it, then slam another node. Then they leave 2-3 healers at both while the rest run to whichever node you attack. There is no possible way to dislodge them. I did 500k damage in a Civil War and had 1 killing blow.


I have no idea what "faster than intended kill times" means when you nerfed Surge, but surely this can't be intended. PvP in this game was fun at launch. Now it is honestly dumb as hell. You either get a premade and destroy pugs or you have stupid trollol heal teams farm you for full duration games over and over.


Bring back burst damage in PvP or this will never end.

You are killing this game.


I gotta say you do not have a very good bunch on your server to deal with this.

Our server Imps got the bright idea that 5 healers and two tanks and a Power Tech could be unstoppable.


Turns out you focus a healer with interupts and peel him off into fire or lava or acid or around corner and the other panic to come help him. Then they fall appart as each one is peeled so no one is watching the objectives and our guys get hutt ball or doors or nodes easy.


Your problem is no one on your team knows how to see a cast bar and interupt it. A single DPS can make a healer just focus on himself and no one else if you know what you are doing.

(Obviously you are fixated on damage and ignore interupts totally)

Edited by Metalmac
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Yeah, obviously nothing has changed. guarded heals = godmode. 4 dps can be beating on any healer (even the most uncoordinated goob healer) with recruit gear will outlive battlemaster/warhero dps. (even with interrupts) the interrupt lockout for starters, doesn't even exist from a marauder standpoint. *baam* interrupted, and they cast again before the global cooldown finishes... uhh, okay? absurd. long queue times and then when you finally do get in, it's roll tank/heals or lose every match. Who's the complete and utter retard that designed expertise in the first place? you take less damage, you do more damage. why does there need to be a healing boost at all? scrubs flop over dead cos of low expertise, period. none of this oh im a battlemaster healer, keeping my raid gear wearing scrub friend that hasnt pvp'd before alive through 5 dps crap. oh, and good job making all warzone dailys /played and not won. (Clear sign they know something is wrong, but wont fix anything?) too bad most of us allready were robbed of weeks upon weeks of pvp earned points cos of your screw ups. good job bioware, good job. Your game is full of irritating stupid crap, beta level bugs (including sound?) your server populations are dying, please. kiss our arses with another free month of play, I might consider playing it a little longer. but I enjoy pvp, your pvp is broken. Fix it.


here's a concept from a well balanced (or used to be) game. Mortal strike, 50% healing reduction. and interrupt lockouts of 3-4 seconds at the very least. (save the qq, you sorcerer/consulars can run away, ****) when somebody is literally standing there healing through 3-4 or more dps theres a colossal problem. oh and when heals are allready overpowered, mercenarys and commandos get an ability that prevents their heals from being interrupted, uhhhh. whos the puts that thought that up? (ontop of their damage reduction shields, hots, trauma probes, etc. (insta godmode) hey i know, lets all roll heals and show bioware how broken pvp really is, endless matches of tanks vs heals that get NOWHERE cos nobody dies (and as the weeks have gone by and i see MORE and more heals/tanks sprawling outta the ranks) should be pretty obvious who the facerollers are.


WOW had to implement Mortal Strike as idiots in WoW ignore a cast bar and secondly they cast much faster in WoW and have talents to bypass being interupted.


The only problem in SWTOR presently is noobs here can not watch for the big heal and interupt it.

Ignore the small heals as even a DoT will out do those small heal as they tick.

This is a talent problem not a DPS or Tank or Healing problem.


I have a Healer and DPS:



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Hey man, I don't know if doing 300k damage and getting 10 kills means I'm "killing the game with my stupidity". I know I do feel less inclined to actually join WZ if I think about it for a couple of minutes. I mean why should I even bother if there's no way I can be effective?


try dpsig next time only 300k dmg with that many heals flying around im usaly at 600-700k

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Indeed. Healing is utterly RUINING pvp. It turns it from combat to pointlessly beating your head on a wall. I just finished a WZ wherein I had 230k damage and 7 kills. And it's not lack of skill - you target the healer and they have absolutely no trouble healing themselves while the dps annihilates you for picking on their beloved healbot. Also, since half the classes can heal to some degree, when you target one healer, someone else becomes the healer's healer, then you die, then the healer heals himself back up and goes back to healing everyone else. Does anyone ever see the team with 3 healers lose outside of Huttball?

I pvp a lot, and I never do. So don't sit there and tell me "it's called strategy blah blah blah" - it's called "you're insanely over-powered."

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Does anyone ever see the team with 3 healers lose outside of Huttball?

Yes .... stop making excuses for bad play.


Most premades will only be running two healers for good reason. (aka warfronts favor aggressive teams because of the quick respawn and quick TTK)

Edited by Orangerascal
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