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sith warrior or sith inquisiter


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which should i play as and Why?


which story is better?


Which is more fun to play as?


1. What you want. Seriously. Anything anyone else tells you is *their opinion* and any class balance differences people bring up *will change*. You know all the people who rolled Operative at launch because it was the "best PVP class". OOPS! Play the class YOU ENJOY, this is an MMO, it's going to be around for a while, you're in this for the long haul.


2. Story is a matter of opinion. If you want the classic "Star Wars Dark Side" story, either the Warrior or Inquisitor will give you the experience. The Warrior starts as the "most valued apprentice", the Inquisitor starts as a Slave, but both of the stories basically follow a fairly predictable "Sith" path.


3. Fun is SUBJECTIVE. Do you want to leap into combat, force choke, beat things down with Lightsabers and generally play like a slow, heavy force of nature (Warrior)... or do you want a class that uses Sith Sorcery and hides behind its lightsaber? Do you want Double Sabers (Warrior - Marauder), a double-bladed Saber (Inquisitor - Assassin), do you want a single saber and to use Force Lightning heavily (Inquisitor - Sorcerer), or a single-saber and more "Darth Vader" type gameplay (Warrior - Juggernaut)?



I would personally recommend the Warrior if you have doubts, as it has the most "hit stuff with a Lightsaber and here are some force abilities" type of play. It is "classic" in the sense of Jedi / Sith. The Inquisitor is based on Sith Sorcery and on a quote from the older Sith Lords that, essentially, the dark side has evolved past the need for a Lightsaber, and uses them primarily for the fear they create in others.


The Sith Sorcerer is one of the most popular characters in the game, also something to consider, it is popular because of its iconic Force Lightning and large toolbox of abilities - so decide for yourself based on what you think you will enjoy.

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