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City Invasion PvP


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Warzones are fine, and illum is not.


I'd like to suggest an idea that was amazing in Starwars Galaxies that could bridge the gap and promote more open PvP with a bit of focus to it.


City Invasions


Basically, every hour one of 3 cities in the game on 3 different planets would be attacked by one faction, and defended by the other. Each side had 30 minutes to craft and build up their factions defences/offences and once the battle started their work would turn into turrets, barricades and NPC's. The attacking NPC's would march into the city and begin attacking opposite faction players and NPC's, heading towards the enemy General, who was a champion level NPC in the center of the city. The attacking phase would last 30 minutes, with the general of the defending side becoming attackable after 15 minutes.


Players could either take part flagged for PvP (they'd get more rewards for the extra risk of fighting NPC's and other players) or not flagged. The beauty of this system was it blended open world PvP with that classic starwars epic battle scenario and because it was timed to start on hour, every hour there was always a fight going on.


I'm sure this could be adapted to work in SWTOR, with a balanced system of commendation rewards and valor etc, plus with every player having their own crafting profession, there would be non combat roles for people to fill if they do not wish to PvP.


Biochem could heal injured NPC's

Armstechs could make turrets and weapons etc.



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'Laaaaaaaaag Fest'


LoL, I remember that part of them in SWG too, but not always though Dearic always lagged for me, Tatooine did not.


I'm just trying to come up with ideas to make SWTOR feel less static. Right now, once you complete a planets story, there is little to no reason to go back to that planet, ever except perhaps for datacrons.

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