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Suggestions on a Healer Commando build


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For pvp you definitely want heavy trooper. Afterall, it's all healing received, and most importantly that includes the healing you do to yourself. 2% hp doesn't hurt, either. You'll also want combat shield for pvp--it becomes a 12 second window where you can't be interrupted, and that can be priceless if used correctly
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I would suggest this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfRRodcdkqZMco.1 - 2 points to spare :)


Kolto Residue - I find useless as you'll rarely take advantage of ever healing more than one target with the residue bonus


MedZone - I don't find worth the two points as it's situational as well, Treated Wound Dressings is better use of these points.


Ironsights - A must have as mentioned by another because the more AIM the more heal and crit you'll have.

Edited by yggum
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Even if Kolto Residue only boosted your heals by 5%, it would be compulsory. It affects everyone's heals, so it's a great investment on talent points. Even in a Flashpoint, others will be using the occasional self heal. Two points getting 4% alacrirty from the assault tree is good as well.
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