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[Live Stream] 50 Jedi Sentinel Valor 73


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Hey everybody!


Lazyrix from "The Fatman" pvp server. Just started live streaming and will be running it as often as I can. Hop in and watch some solo queue, premades, and ilum roaming. All pvp, all the time.


Will be hosting a 1.2 Q&A with my guild and the stream tonight at server shutdown. Come join us and discuss your feelings on 1.2.





Edited by Lazyrix
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I'm PST and usually start streaming around noonish PST and go until about 2am PST or longer.


I did 3 warzones on my sorc alt who is on the same server this morning. Other than that I've been livestreaming for about 9hours straight today of all sentinel pvp. Hit valor 74 today and have lost a total of 1 warzone so far.


Come check it out =]

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691k damage but 18 kills



That is a voidstar stalemate. You can't see the other healer they had on the bottom of the list but they had a over 1 million heals between two people combined.


That amount of kills is fairly common in stalemate voidstars where both teams are competent, with tanks and healers.


It's fairly obvious in that ss that the rest of my team was doing just about no DPS and not focusing healers.


Heres a ss of 71-0 with 410k damage and a 6-0 win if that is more to your liking...



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yes 400k with 70 kills is better than 600k with less than 20

anyone can follow around a healing BH the whole match and do that damage


To be fair, I watched the match where he did the 691k. It wasn't his fault that the 4 randoms on his team were attacking the tank while he was trying to solo interrupt 2 healers standing next to each other. The other 3 in his group were either healers or stuck on the other side. When he started venting on vent I just wanted to be like "I know man, I know." Merc healers can be so difficult to shutdown/kill as a sentinel if they've got even a little bit of cross healing.


Low kill counts suck, yes. But it's not always avoidable.

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To be fair, I watched the match where he did the 691k. It wasn't his fault that the 4 randoms on his team were attacking the tank while he was trying to solo interrupt 2 healers standing next to each other. The other 3 in his group were either healers or stuck on the other side. When he started venting on vent I just wanted to be like "I know man, I know." Merc healers can be so difficult to shutdown/kill as a sentinel if they've got even a little bit of cross healing.


Low kill counts suck, yes. But it's not always avoidable.


Thanks for the awesome support man!


It truly is beyond frustrating when I am the only person beating on healers and interrupting them as often as I can, and I turn to see the rest of my team chasing around a tank...

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Ive been watching a few days now because I am curious about how the other half of the warrior class plays. I was on the fence between jug and mara and was a buttonclick away from a totaly different playstyle.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Damn. Must be nice to be able to find people at Ilum to fight at 2:30am. o.0




It is nice. The Fatman is the most populated pvp server and is growing daily. Seems it has become the reroll server of choice.


Oh btw, stream is live =]

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