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Why Play Empire? (Dark Side)


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Why should you play Empire?


1) It's worth experiencing the other half of the game! You get different starting worlds, different capital cities, different flashpoints, different world storylines, etc... even flashpoints that both factions have, feature different stories.


2) I find it more interesting to play light-side while Sith. I've been playing a light side and dark side character on both factions. I've found that going against the grain in both cases results in the most interesting situations.


When you're republic you're expected to be a goody goody, so it's more compelling to go against it... when you're Sith you're expected to be evil and murderous, and are often given missions to do horrible things, but finding a way around that and being good makes the story far more interesting.


My light side bounty hunter is given missions to murder people in cold blood, and I instead try to find ways to save them and fake their deaths. It's more interesting than just killing them. My dark side trooper has made some twisted decisions that I genuinely felt bad about - made all the worse because you're clearly expected to do the right thing! Meanwhile playing light side on my Jedi and Dark side on my Inquisitor is just predicable and a little bland by comparison.


3) Because you can play Empire without abandoning the Republic. I know it sounds crazy to some MMO players, but you can actually spend time on both factions... indeed I encourage it for the reasons mentioned above. You'll always have your Jedi to play, so there's nothing to lose by giving the other side a go.



Also worth noting... All the classes are mirrored from the other faction. This means the abilities are effectively the same, they just look a bit different, have different animations, and so on. A Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight are effectively the same, a trooper and bounty hunter, ec.. All those stuns the Imperial players have, Republic classes do as well.

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Hi, I'm a newbie in SWtOR and I currently have a Lvl 22 Jedi Knight, and I must say it's very cool and nice to be the "good" guy, if you know what I mean :)


I was looking through different articles and I couldn't find the answer I want, here's my question


What makes you guys play the storyline for Sith, Imperial Agent or whatever?


Don't answer me like oh if you don't like to be a SW or the Dark Side, then don't play it

or anything irrelevant


I'm paying a sub for this game and I want some reasons why would people choose to play the Dark Side? I mean, pardon me if my belief is not matching with yours, doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?


I was going through some forums and I found that quite a bit of people really liked some Empire's Story lines! Personally, even during PvP, it does seem like the Empire's classes have all these stuns and cool stuff that I might consider to try out!


However, I personally find killing innocent people very cruel and I usually want like a "good" bad guy, if you guys get what I'm saying, like a crazy Light Sided Sith Warrior.


Any Comments will be greatly appreciated :)

Such an odd question and topic. Did you ever hear of fantasy play or wonder why you like to play a make believe Jedi? Your answer may lie in the reason why you play what you do.
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Because the good guy isn't always right anyways. If the good Guy always won, there would be no life on the planet.


Death, disease and mayhem are very important. Without them we would have swollen bellies and wonder why we were starving to death.


Its all a matter of perspective.

Edited by glitteredlotus
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From my point of view the Republic is filled with liars and hypocrites of the highest order (the Jedi are the worst of the lot), and I just can’t stand that.


I would rather be a part of an Empire that wears its evil on its sleeve and is honest with the kind of monsters they are.

Edited by DerekMiles
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If the republic allowed bounty hunters, id be playing republic...

If we had an SIS agent class id be playing republic.


as for jedi/sith, it doesnt really matter that much... you can play a good sith, but it will be more of an uphill struggle than a good jedi.

And you can play an evil jedi, but you will be more despised and hated than an evil sith (in the respective storylines i mean).


so playing empire most likely comes down to "looking cool".


and today most people find that the empre look is much cooler than the republic look.


(when star wars came out, people buu'd and hissed when darth vader first appeared, when the movies came out on the cinemas again, people cheered and clapped when vader appeared... the social notion of what is cool and what is not has changed from the seventies, nowadays most people find the "bad boy" to be cool)

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Hi, I'm a newbie in SWtOR and I currently have a Lvl 22 Jedi Knight, and I must say it's very cool and nice to be the "good" guy, if you know what I mean :)


I don't find it so nice to be always the good guy, most games give you the opportunity to play a "Hero" ,a good guy but so few games give you the possibility to release the dark side of your soul, the sadistic feelings you can't let lose in real life.



I was looking through different articles and I couldn't find the answer I want, here's my question


What makes you guys play the storyline for Sith, Imperial Agent or whatever?


I ask myself the opposite question, what makes a guy play a Jedi? Jedis are like hippies and i don0't like hippies :) They see only the good in people and think everyone has a good side inside of them. For me this is very boring always to do always whats supposed to be right.


I'm paying a sub for this game and I want some reasons why would people choose to play the Dark Side? I mean, pardon me if my belief is not matching with yours, doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?


If you look at it closely the EMpire is not necessarely bad, it is a different philosophy, where the Republic believes in individuality, the Empire thinks more of as a community. For me it is comparable with Republic = Capitalism, Empire = Communism.

In the Republic they place individual wellbeing over the being of others in the Empire the needs of the community are suoperior to individual needs. For example: On september 11 when the plane flew to crash the twin towers, Republic would have tried to save the people on the plane and make it all good where as the Empire would have shot down the plane to save the lives of thousands. You cant say who is good and bad, it is all grey


I was going through some forums and I found that quite a bit of people really liked some Empire's Story lines! Personally, even during PvP, it does seem like the Empire's classes have all these stuns and cool stuff that I might consider to try out!


All classes are mirror so there are no cool stuns on empire side which republic doesnt have.


However, I personally find killing innocent people very cruel and I usually want like a "good" bad guy, if you guys get what I'm saying, like a crazy Light Sided Sith Warrior.


Any Comments will be greatly appreciated :)


Are the guys you kill as a Dark Side really innocent? There is always a reason to kill them, you don't walk around killing people just for the sake of killing someone. They faile din some way or another, so they give you a solid reason to kill them. I didn't see a cruel kill so far where there was no reason of killing someone

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Hi, I'm a newbie in SWtOR and I currently have a Lvl 22 Jedi Knight, and I must say it's very cool and nice to be the "good" guy, if you know what I mean :)


I was looking through different articles and I couldn't find the answer I want, here's my question


What makes you guys play the storyline for Sith, Imperial Agent or whatever?


Don't answer me like oh if you don't like to be a SW or the Dark Side, then don't play it

or anything irrelevant


I'm paying a sub for this game and I want some reasons why would people choose to play the Dark Side? I mean, pardon me if my belief is not matching with yours, doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?


I was going through some forums and I found that quite a bit of people really liked some Empire's Story lines! Personally, even during PvP, it does seem like the Empire's classes have all these stuns and cool stuff that I might consider to try out!


However, I personally find killing innocent people very cruel and I usually want like a "good" bad guy, if you guys get what I'm saying, like a crazy Light Sided Sith Warrior.


Any Comments will be greatly appreciated :)


Well I started playing empire because being the good guy in the empire... so basically being a rebel, had more depth than just being JK nr. 23831399137973 who's a hero and has a destiny to fulfill and yaaaaaaaawn. I also can't agree with the Jedi code and the way they see things so I don't want be surrounded by all that. Playing LS on the empire is just so much more interesting... the freedom to do whatever you want as a Sith (and as an IA or BH, too) is just so much more interesting and the companions, too are just that much better.. at least for me.


The whole republic storylines and all that just look like they've been dragged along the cliche highway for 300 miles by the generic good guy truck and than thrown into the standart hollywood hero concept waste dump. It might be different when you play DS, Idk, maybe it's like that when you play stricktly DS on Empire, too, I don't know that either, but I've watched all storylines from the republic on yt (beause I won't roll an rep. alt for story and have no use for it later on) and I just find it sooo stereotypical good guy vs bad guy bs I literally had to do a facepalm.


Playing LS empire is just you and your crew and what little support you might find against the rest of the galaxy.... this rebel feeling is just awesome and I also find the stories so much better, especially Imperial Agent, when played with the depth it can have instead of doing all easy ds/ls choices right of the bat, is THE best story in swtor by far (and I really loved SI and SW before my IA) and probably one of the best personal stories in an RPG ever.


Also for empire it's a bit different always when playing the class story and the general planet storyquests... the class story quest let's you be the purely good guy (on my SW for example you can save a lot of people, turn a near dark side going jedi light again, even befriend a few jedi along the way etc) whereas the empire quests often force you to do things you wouldn't normaly do as our character because of very crappy programming on BWs part that went from a LS/DS balance in the earlier levels to a complete DS or less DS setting later on... for me this whole thing turned around on Alderaan and from there on it was just crappy writing for LS characters all the way.

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Several reasons that others have listed:


1) I like RPing as darker characters, it adds certain facets to the experience that I find enjoyable. Plus I've always enjoyed Sith lore more than I do Jedi lore.


2) I prefer the aesthetic of the Sith more, red and black is my favourite colour theme after all.


3) British accents.


4) Although races are purely cosmetic, the fact that the empire have the chiss would have been enough for me to sway me over even if the above three points didn't factor in.


And of course the fun aspect of shooting lightning at fools as a Sith Inquisitor.

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In this game you meet a lot of incompetent or repulsive people. Playing DS empire gives you the greatest chance to put them in their place. It's a great vent for frustration when you work in the service industry, and you meet many of the same types of people.
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My Juggernaut was committed to the Dark side. By doing so he did alot of good for the Empire like killing and turning mercilessly what was threatening it. On top of it of course the dreaded Jedi. I enjoyed every moment getting every Jedi NPC into giving into his hate and let it fuel him. Every vein of me felt joy as they were bristling with fury and couldn't stop it - not even their indoctrination was strong enough to resist my taunting. I had a blast in breaking every Jedi's spirit, and indeed, them living forever as hate-filled husks or lieing there as dead body mattered little to me: The deed was done.
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Being a Republic/Jedi character doesn't make one "good", and being an Empire/Sith character doesn't make one "evil".


Besides, I would argue that the Republic, and the Jedi, are evil (at least more so than the Sith).


Who massacred an entire civilization and caused the extinction of a sentient race from the face of the galaxy at the end of the Great Hyperspace War? The Jedi and the Republic.


Who condems what they do not understand and cannot control, therefore justifying calling it "evil" and destroying it without trying to comprehend that it is just a different approach to a religion (the two sides of the Force, dark and light)? The Jedi.

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Hi, I'm a newbie in SWtOR and I currently have a Lvl 22 Jedi Knight, and I must say it's very cool and nice to be the "good" guy, if you know what I mean :)


I was looking through different articles and I couldn't find the answer I want, here's my question


What makes you guys play the storyline for Sith, Imperial Agent or whatever?


Don't answer me like oh if you don't like to be a SW or the Dark Side, then don't play it

or anything irrelevant


I'm paying a sub for this game and I want some reasons why would people choose to play the Dark Side? I mean, pardon me if my belief is not matching with yours, doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?


I was going through some forums and I found that quite a bit of people really liked some Empire's Story lines! Personally, even during PvP, it does seem like the Empire's classes have all these stuns and cool stuff that I might consider to try out!


However, I personally find killing innocent people very cruel and I usually want like a "good" bad guy, if you guys get what I'm saying, like a crazy Light Sided Sith Warrior.


Any Comments will be greatly appreciated :)


"good" is point of view

according to me jedi are "evil"

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Why play Empire? For the story. Each of the game's 8 classes gets it's own story, so by limiting yourself to the Republic, you're purposefully missing out n half of the game's content. As you said, it's your $15 a month, but if you intentionally pass up content, are you getting your full money's worth? That's up to you to decide.


I'm currently playing as a Sith Assassin that's going Light Side, and the writing for that particular story so far is really good. I also played a Gunslinger up to Lv 50 that went light side, and thoroughly enjoyed that. I have every intent of playing through all 8 classes, some as a Light Sider, some as a Dark Sider.


In summary, to each his/her own.

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Hi, I'm a newbie in SWtOR and I currently have a Lvl 22 Jedi Knight, and I must say it's very cool and nice to be the "good" guy, if you know what I mean :)


I was looking through different articles and I couldn't find the answer I want, here's my question


What makes you guys play the storyline for Sith, Imperial Agent or whatever?


Don't answer me like oh if you don't like to be a SW or the Dark Side, then don't play it

or anything irrelevant


I'm paying a sub for this game and I want some reasons why would people choose to play the Dark Side? I mean, pardon me if my belief is not matching with yours, doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?


I was going through some forums and I found that quite a bit of people really liked some Empire's Story lines! Personally, even during PvP, it does seem like the Empire's classes have all these stuns and cool stuff that I might consider to try out!


However, I personally find killing innocent people very cruel and I usually want like a "good" bad guy, if you guys get what I'm saying, like a crazy Light Sided Sith Warrior.


Any Comments will be greatly appreciated :)


Well, what i did was to sit down and try to figure out what character from the movies made the biggest impact on me when i first saw it. It was pretty clear that my first character would be someone wielding a Lightsaber, but what class? I loved the dobblelightsaber wielding ****** that was Darth Maul or the thought of frying people with Force Lightning, but it still wasn't a big impact per se, so i turned to the Jedi; Obi-Wan was the alltime goodguy farther figure and the combination of flashy lightsaber combat from Episode 1, combined with his more defensive techniques later on, was also amazing and a highly loved character... But then i started to really think back. The first Star Wars movie i saw was A New Hope, and i remember how utterly mezmerised i was, when i first saw the Tantive IV appering on the screen, being chased by that Star Destroyer... The Stormtroopers bording the rebel ship and... And out walked this towering black cyborg, with his rasping breething and menacing voice! THAT was it! Darth Vader! Out of all the characters in Star Wars this one was above all else the one that made the biggest impression on me. That was my Star Wars moment, if you will. It was that scene that started me down the path of being a Star Wars lover (And just for the record: Han shot first, Sebastian Shaw IS the forceghost of Anakin Skywalker and the only thing that GL really missed in his remake of the original trilogy, was a shot of Jarjar being lynched just minutes before Alderaan got blown up) and from that moment it was clear to me, that i would start my journey through SWTOR as a Sith Juggernaut. I never looked back and i never regretted it. Not even for a second.


So there you have it: I play a sith because of Darth Vader, but that dosen't mean that i frown on the Republic side at all. I plan on playing through all the classes on both sides, for the story and to be able to choose what character i like the most between them :)

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I have two jedis and two sith now and I love them both :D (made them the opposite spec ;P).



The problem with playing evil as republic is that the NPCs really chew you out for it. When you play evil as imperial the NPCs don't chew you out over it.

But still I play my Sith as good guys XD, that can do some evil things ;P.

Still good Sith are fun :D, especially you don't have to worry about your character turning ugly heh.



It is also a lot faster to get groups as imperials for heroics and stuff.

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I find being nice and noble extremely dull. I am nice IRL all day long. I don't want to do that in a video game. I want to carve people in half with a lightsaber just for looking at me. In real life there are serious consequences for being a jerk; not so in a fictional setting. So that is the appeal; its play. You get to screw around with the social norms and mess around with what we consider proper behavior.


I find it much more interesting from a dramatic standpoint to see how diabolical and shocking a character can be with no ethics can be. So far I have been pretty impressed by what the writing team has gotten away with in terms of options for a sociopath. Its especially interesting when you commit these acts as a BH or Agent because they don't have any of that mystical "force" crap to use as an excuse for their monstrous behavior.


A darkside agent is really just a psychotic cop who uses his authority as an excuse to lie, extort, and murder. It is great fun.

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WOW! so many interesting posts that I actually never thought about!! you guys def. gave me a lot of good ideas...its true that I am playin with a sub but I guess ill see what's so amazing about being on he imperial side :D


I didn't really appreciate to some posters saying this made me lol or cookies o.o but thanks for your time



any more different suggestions/ideas will be even better!!

Edited by BlackUnitXX
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When I look at the Republic, I see tons of Jedi and white-clad troopers, which makes me think of the prequel trilogy.


When I look at the Sith Empire it makes me think of the Galactic Empire, which makes me think of the original trilogy.


So you see, those that roll Empire, just have better taste in movies. ;)

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