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Why do knockbacks never work correctly?


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At least 75% of the time the person I knock back either ends up sideways of wherever I aimed them or in my guardian's case, the complete opposite direction.


This is the usual case for me when I knock someone back (keep in mind the person being knocked back in this theoretical picture is stunned and there should be no problems knocking them back)


What should happen -



What normally happens -



What's up with this ****? It's insanely frustrating in PvP

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Lol no one else has this problem?


You have to factor in lag. There is lag between your enemy and the server, and you and the server. What you're seeing on your screen can be 1/10th of a second behind where he actually is.

Edited by Yeochins
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This game loves to misrepresent the position of other players in warzones. I'll often be attacking someone who is standing still and casting and then they'll suddenly jump a few feet to the right or left.


My saber throw as a combat Sentinel roots people. It can be used by me while moving. It has a travel time so it doesn't hit instantly. If it hits a moving target they will almost never be rooted in the same spot as my client first thinks they are, and will teleport either a little or a lot depending on how fast they were moving when I threw the saber.


60ms ping. I think it's just another case of poor ToR client/server engine relations.

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This happens to me, especially when i and my intended target are both running toward and then by each other. It doesn't help that the consular knock-back has to wait till the end of the animation to take effect.


Additionally it seems like my knock-back will move them back different amounts, no idea if this is just lag but it can be irritating.

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I like that my "knockback" as a scoundrel is so minimal that at least half of the time that I knock someone off a ledge, when they stand up they teleport back up to the ledge because they didn't actually fall. My choices are to jump down after them and hope I can kill them before they teleport, hope they're actually down and not still on the ledge, or stand on the ledge hitting my dinky ranged attack while waiting for the stun to end.
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