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Flawed game design


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Ive logged on every night this week and watched the wall of red outside the Republic base shift back and forth. Ive leveled an alt through the same zones again. Ive tried pointless crafting. Upgraded my ship with purples. Raided.


Its killing me because I love the setting, but Im just looking at yet another MMO that blew their endgame. It was gold till I hit 50.


I hate these posts, yet I've never made one in the 20 years and countless games Ive played.


And no you cant have my stuff.....

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If you have been playing mmos for 20 years then you are probably experiencing burn out with the genre itself.


Maybe this game just isn't for you. I've bought games that my friends loved to death and I thought was garbage*. Happens sometimes.


Either way, wish you the best.


*: Demon's Souls, for example


P.S.- If you liked the journey from 1 - 49 then make a new char, play it for a while, Bioware is putting out new end game stuff to do. Play alts between patches.

Edited by Thaltom
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