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Something I've never done in an MMO successfully.


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I would love to find a group to do this with. Back in my CoH days, we had groups from time to time that would try it, and we weren't ever successful, but sometimes we got into the mid 30s or so before it stopped working.


I can play almost any night/evening, (Mountain Time), and would love to have a group going a few days a week from like 10:30 or 11 PM until about 1 or 2 AM. I'm open to any class/server.

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It's not that hard to find a group though OP. I actually created a complete guild from scratch in my time playing this game, and have actually met some of the coolest people I've ever played with in the process.


You just have to be lucky enough to find some people you click with and are guildless, or in a guild looking for new members.


I just went out of my way to find cool people and now I have an entire guild of brothers and sisters to run groups, FPs, and WZs with any time of the night or day.



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It's not that hard to find a group though OP. I actually created a complete guild from scratch in my time playing this game, and have actually met some of the coolest people I've ever played with in the process.


You just have to be lucky enough to find some people you click with and are guildless, or in a guild looking for new members.


I just went out of my way to find cool people and now I have an entire guild of brothers and sisters to run groups, FPs, and WZs with any time of the night or day.




two things:


1) You might be an exception to the rule. I have quite a few alts, and I accept guild requests when I get them, but most of the alts I'm on only see 1 to 4 other players on at a time.


2) The point isn't about getting a group when you want or need it. It's about the comraderi, teamwork, and shared experience that comes from a consistent team. Even back in my CoH days, it wasn't so hard to find a team (and those teams could have 8 people), but they were sometimes strangers and PuGs. The leveling pacts I got into had a much much different feel, as we could all discuss our leveling plans and grow as a team. it especially helped the more utility classes, as they knew they always had a group, and a consistent one at that, which could be built around them having a certain buff, and who wouldn't be needing to take abilities that were already present in the group.

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IronJelly, I'm up for being your partner :D


One thing though, I'm planning on being either a Jedi Consular or Smuggler or Agent


Awesome! I'd very much like to be a Commando (Trooper). Would it be best to like meet at 10 on the fleet? I'm unsure how to handle the separate starting planets.


I'd also prefer to be DPS, but depending who else wants to do this, it wouldn't be so bad being a healer.

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IronJelly, Zeekco-


Have you joined our forum yet?


We've been seeing an increase in visitors, so I bet if you put it out that you were looking for two more, you'd get some responses- it's even more fun if you pair up right at level 1, and the number of social points is incredible.

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I concur. I've never done that in over a decade of these games.


My fault mostly:


1. I travel often for work and tend to not have consistent play times.

2. I tend to get alt-itis. TOR has been BAD for that .....


Having said that, I do have moments when I group with some people for a few days pretty consistently. Then the level gap grows until I find another group of folks and repeat the above.

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My fault mostly:


1. I travel often for work and tend to not have consistent play times.

2. I tend to get alt-itis. TOR has been BAD for that .....


Having said that, I do have moments when I group with some people for a few days pretty consistently. Then the level gap grows until I find another group of folks and repeat the above.


I think we're all in the same situation- that's why we're committed to playing only on those days everyone can log in. At the moment, that's only one day a week for our group of four- but you know, an interesting side-effect is that we're all pretty excited about the next session.

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2. I tend to get alt-itis. TOR has been BAD for that .....


My name is IronJelly, and I'm an altaholic. I have 10 characters around on SWTOR right now, all under level 30. That wasn't as bad as back in Champions Online, where I had roughly 20 character slots.


also, Zeekco, you should register over on proboards, we might have most of a regular group going here.

Edited by IronJelly
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"Sheepishly stands at the podium"


Hi name is Ceilican and I am an Alti-holic.


<Waits for everyone to say hi>


My highest level character just reached 30 and I have created her the first day of Early start in December.


I currently have 12 characters between two accounts.



I to would love to be able to take a character and a group and starting on our respective planets, ideally run quests and etc to level 50.


However coming from a history of paper and dice games pre-MMO. I know this can be difficult in RL, as it is in an MMO.


I can't begin to count how many characters/games/story arcs friends and I started with our grouping at least once a week and the stacks of character sheets, the various basements, living rooms and meeting halls we warmed a chair or two in and almost never really ran a story line all the way through. More so because of RL issues of school, work, family etc.


It is what it is and you have to accept that, schedule another night and and soldier on.

If it is meant to be, then so it shall come to pass, though that is why there are so many characters, choices, classes, weapons, abilities etc out there. :p



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My name is IronJelly, and I'm an altaholic. I have 10 characters around on SWTOR right now, all under level 30. That wasn't as bad as back in Champions Online, where I had roughly 20 character slots.


also, Zeekco, you should register over on proboards, we might have most of a regular group going here.


I can completely sympathize here. TOR ruined me altwise, haven't gotten anything past act 1 finale because I keep trying out something new.


Champions was.. terrifying if you weren't incredibly decisive.

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We are rolling. Two teams running on Lord Adraas on the Republic and Imperial side. A third Republic team is getting geared up to start on The Crucible Pits.


A fourth team is looking for two more members for a role playing group on Sunday evenings/nights. http://swtorgroups.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=10&page=1#144. If you posted and are still looking to join a leveling team there is still availability. If you'd like to try it out the website is also linked in this thread.


A guildmate and I were thinking about starting a group for Sunday evening RP runs Republic side on Lord Adraas.


Since a few people expressed interest but haven't had the chance to join a group yet I thought I would open it up to anyone who wants to do some in character leveling and hasn't joined a group yet (maybe just major missions like flashpoints and heroics depends on everyone's comfort level for being in character). :)


My guild mate will be going Jedi Sentinel but the other classes are up for grabs. Doubling up on classes isn't a problem, we can find a work around for the class instances or just ignore them.

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