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Please! Nerf the imp agents "backstab" attack.


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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!





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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!


WoW L2P they get me down to 30 - 40 % or so and then have to run away because I bring the economy size can of whoopazz out.


It's learn when to break their CC and use what tools you have to kill them. In the open they are the squishiest class there is.

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Actually there is some difference between the op/scoundrel this,


The ops opener roots you in place so the op can continue to attack without further movement, the scound opener (shoot first) knocks the target on it's face slightly ahead of the scound, this requires a step forward to continue the attack.


Also I think though I'm not positive, so take it for what it's worth, acid blade is a faster animation than load fletchette round.


While not horribly imbalanced it does give the operative a slight advantage.


Both tend to run out of energy before the killing blow can be delivered unless they use the energy gain cool down.


On my scound I hunt healers in wz's, while I can not always take them out I can sure put enough pressure on them to stop them from healing while my team does work. :)


I agree with everything you said. To bad nothing is going to be done to balance mirrors.

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Project travel time doesnt matter, as the damage is done when the spell is succesfully cast (if the damage was even succesful then ie. not vanishing with dodge or something). The animation of project is only visual. The character killed with project cant move and is just waiting for the project animation to finish.


The problem with Project is actually -minor-.


( And yes i've tested this )


I disagree at feedback is the key to any game.


Matter of fact when you write a game the feedback to the user is more important then how pretty it looks.


Look at WoW, it took them years to figure this out and feedback is many times better.

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Yes, and that is just visual.


Go try it out, it's easy with a duel. Get your opponent low enough hp for him to be killed with a project. take some distance so you'll see the delay. tell him to be moving all the time (run in circles). What you will notice is that the instant you cast project the person moving will become immobile and just stand there waiting for the rock to hit him in the face.


This would be bad coding in the game with very bad feedback to the player.


Bad bad bad.

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The animations for Flechette Round and Acid Blade are purely cosmetic. You get the buff as soon as you activate the ability. When Scrapper was still viable in PvE (thanks for the unnecessary FR nerf btw) I would activate FR and then immediately Back Blast well before the animation finished.


Yes this is horrid in PVE as I watch video of a Operative and you can see a huge difference.

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People really still complaining about operatives? seriously that class only has 1 decent tree to PVP with and its been nerfed completely into the ground its one of the weakest classes in the entire game at the moment, all of you whiners do yourself a favor go reroll an operative to 50 before you spout complete nonsense about a class that you have NO idea about.


Also I have a lvl 50 OP and a 50 Vanguard I don't play my OP because I can do just as much damage just as fast when assault spec and I can do it every 15 secs with 10x the utility and survivability.

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Operatives have two things they are good at--stunlocking and bursting you down. They fail in almost every other category--squishy, no gap closer, and very easy to focus down. You will almost always lose a 1v1 if they open up on you, but using your trinket at the right time, popping defensive CDs, and playing smart may get you out.


I mean come on, if you could easily survive their initial opener and stuns; then the class would be uselessly broken. If you jump/catch an operative, you win. If they catch you without teammates, they win (which is very rare, most of the warzones consist of small, packed environments where team play is encouraged).

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Actually there is some difference between the op/scoundrel this,


The ops opener roots you in place so the op can continue to attack without further movement, the scound opener (shoot first) knocks the target on it's face slightly ahead of the scound, this requires a step forward to continue the attack.


Also I think though I'm not positive, so take it for what it's worth, acid blade is a faster animation than load fletchette round.


While not horribly imbalanced it does give the operative a slight advantage.


Both tend to run out of energy before the killing blow can be delivered unless they use the energy gain cool down.


On my scound I hunt healers in wz's, while I can not always take them out I can sure put enough pressure on them to stop them from healing while my team does work. :)


Not just forward, if both the scoundral and it's target are moving, i've had it knock my target behind me, to the side of me and at 45 degree angles. I've even had it where I use shoot first, they go flying from the knockdown effect and then I run to them and cannot hit them with back blast because they are not where their character is on my screen, or it throws them ahead of me and somehow turns them around so they are now facing me and I have run and flip around to back blast them. Mobs will even turn and hit you once before they fall on the ground when you use shoot first on them.

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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack.


Nerf this. Nerf that. Nerf everything. Jeez.


It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


That is total BS and you know it. I have never killed any player, with full or almost full health, in 4 secs EVER. Backstab is on a CD longer than 4 secs.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!


If you're fully champ geared, it's impossible for any class to kill you, especially if you are almost full or full health, in 4 secs solo. Period. End of story.


Quit lying.

Edited by Ozzone
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