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How Can we Improve Deception?


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Yesterday just to experiment I switched to a Madness spec. It felt awkward and counterintuitive and not at all what I was used to. I was totally doing it wrong most of the time.


And I was easily beating the typical damage output of my Deception spec. Just... sad.

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Does that include me?


Though, I still stand firm on my stance that Deception does not need any more survivability than we already have. You want to last longer? Go Darkness or Madness. What Deception truly needs is better clarification on its purpose in the game. I truly believe this to be moderate Sustained dps (this we already have) with High Burst (we're sitting at average) damage at the trade off of being very squishy.


The things holding us back from being able to accomplish High burst damage are a lack of an opener (expose weakness from stealth + auto crit from stealth would remedy this), and crappy resource management (potentially 10 force every 3 seconds would help). Give us these two things, and maybe a true gap closer while not giving us any more survivability (again, if you want this, go Darkness or Madness) would help us come in line with the other dps classes while not being op since how easily we would still go splat.


I don't think we need a stealth opener. I don't want to be anymore dependent on stealth than we already are. The great thing about deception is we are just as scary out of stealth as we are in stealth, our damage isn't affected at all, except force regen.


On that note, we don't need more force regen, we have awesome force regen if played properly. The combination of blackout, and steath regen keeps us pretty well topped off and encourages the playstyle deception was made for.


I want more utility and a better defined role, not more damage or regen. There is no reason right now to opt for a deception assassin in a group over another melee dps spec. Even with a stealth opener, that would still be the case. We NEED a role.

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I don't think we need a stealth opener. I don't want to be anymore dependent on stealth than we already are. The great thing about deception is we are just as scary out of stealth as we are in stealth, our damage isn't affected at all, except force regen.


You can call a deception sin many things, but scary wouldn't be anything close to what im thinking :p

You can't do PVE because you have a wet paperbag as armor, Boss AoE good buy scary sin. and in PVP there is zero reason to pick deception. force pull alone make darkness 12 times better and then you live much much longer.


I liked the idea with a 10-30 meter leap and end up behind the enemy. This class really need another closerner (word?)

And we could use a higher energy regain or more energy. being forced to clock to get the regain up is really hard on ilum.

Unnerf the frozen water :)

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You can call a deception sin many things, but scary wouldn't be anything close to what im thinking :p

You can't do PVE because you have a wet paperbag as armor, Boss AoE good buy scary sin. and in PVP there is zero reason to pick deception. force pull alone make darkness 12 times better and then you live much much longer.


I liked the idea with a 10-30 meter leap and end up behind the enemy. This class really need another closerner (word?)

And we could use a higher energy regain or more energy. being forced to clock to get the regain up is really hard on ilum.

Unnerf the frozen water :)


Seems kinda pointless to even have stealth then.


This is the only idea out of the list i don't like. Seems like almost a charge ability. Defeats the purpose of sneaking around.

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Problem is when the fight have started and you are no longer in stealth then there is so many pushbacks and slows so you lose a lot of dps, and since we don't do that much dps to start with we really need more then 1 way to get back to the fight.

Maybe have force pull in first tier on darkness?

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I don't think we need a stealth opener. I don't want to be anymore dependent on stealth than we already are. The great thing about deception is we are just as scary out of stealth as we are in stealth, our damage isn't affected at all, except force regen.


On that note, we don't need more force regen, we have awesome force regen if played properly. The combination of blackout, and steath regen keeps us pretty well topped off and encourages the playstyle deception was made for.


I want more utility and a better defined role, not more damage or regen. There is no reason right now to opt for a deception assassin in a group over another melee dps spec. Even with a stealth opener, that would still be the case. We NEED a role.


Scary you say? Deception needs at LEAST 10 seconds or so to even start becoming scary. We are so proc and stack dependent that it's stupid. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to wait for a 25% chance proc to proc 5 times...plus be behind the enemy...plus have 2 stacks of another buff. Sure, we may be kings of keeping up stable DPS in a PvE fight, it's still not high enough to make up for our (as you put it) wet paper armor.


Thing is, if you as a Deception are face to face with any class that can do any sort of dps for more than 5 seconds, you're gonna die. The only way we can get off our entire rotation is if no one pays attention to us, or we're pressuring a Healer. Our only other pvp role is to follow someone around and quickly cherry pick.


But, in comes the need for an opener. We have no way what so ever to quickly put someone into a heal deficit that they weren't expecting which would potentially allow us to start our "scary" rotation.


There are only two ways to make us work, give us more dps thus defining our role as a DPS class, or give us more Deceptive abilities. Thing is, these "deceptive" skills would be useless in the main part of the game that matters since bosses are immune to all forms of this. Whoo, I can CC the adds! Oh wait...just about every other class can do that too...


Another thing I was thinking...instead of boosting the damage of Surging Charge, what if while Overcharge Lightsaber was active it caused Surging to proc twice with 50% damage (leads to the same damage result as it does now) on the second proc. This would allow us to quickly build up Static Charges. And, Bullcrap on us not needing more Regen. I am ALWAYS starved for Force when Blackout is down.


I oh this idea to Taugrim, but a talent that allows us to use our base level stealth while in combat would be sweet. Not full stealth mind you, but rather a quick 2-3 second burst of stealth to allow us to bounce around the battlefield more "Deceptively". Given the CD on Stealth, it wouldn't really be all that OP.

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Been running a few test in pvp and pve.


All tests are focused around similar gear


Madness seems to have increased dps in pve and pvp, and you last longer.


Deception at first glance looks pretty because you see larger numbers, however it lacks what madness has.


I've been gladiator in WoW so i know a few things about effective play-styles.


Deception is just an inferior spec, i hate to say. You can be more effective in pvp even as tank spec.


I don't have concrete numbers as of now, but I'm sure most of you agree with me.


What can we add to deception to give it that extra boost it needs to compete?


A health increase on discharge?


Give me your opinions.


Its not a completely broken spec so don't misunderstand. It just needs a little help


It's clear it's a hardcore single target spec but the single target damage needs to be more "hardcore".


I really think saber hits with this spec should hit for alot more than they do.

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My Suggestions are as follows, (im only playing PvE.)


Make Assasinate possible in stealth mode, that would be a good opener.


Maul should be usable from any direction. As it is now, im not using it, and im doing better for it. You might give it a CD to even out.


And i really dont understand overcharged saber, im i missing something?

Its a 50th lvl abilities that does on average ~500 damage over 15 sec.

When i take down a "strong" opponent, i cant se any differnce whatsoever betwen using it, or not. I expect something more from a 50th lvl ability.


I realy love playing my deception assassin, it has a lot of things going for it, but it does kind of die a lot. Having Lacerate dosent help in that, becuse the only time it is usefull, is when you quickly want to go to the Imp Med to sell stuff, becuse if you use it, youre goiing to die. Either lower the force cost, or get it higer damge. but honestly, i think its broken no matter what.

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My suggestions for a reworked assassin as follows


This skill needs a major buff or it needs to be removed. My suggestion would be to make it cost 10 force, not trigger the GCD and have a 15 second cooldown. That would make its current damage output justified.


Low Slash:

Would be named shadow slash and instead of incapacitating the enemy for 4 seconds it would yield 4 seconds of stealth. The skill would only cost 20 force given its damage output.






Should deal as much total damage as thrash to all surrounding targets over 2 htis and cost 32 force. The animation looks like it's supposed to hit twice anyway.


Surging Charge

Has a 100% chance to deal damage but deal 35% of its current damage every time you use an attack, for attacks that deal damage multiple times the damage would be spread out evenly over all attacks evenly. You can only trigger saber conduit and static charges once per attack. Despite what you may think this is actually a nerf to the damage of surging charge individually.


Static Charges

This talent is absolute garbage as a T5 skill when compared to chain shock which is a T2 skill. Chain shock results in a 25-27% damage increase for shock(depending on whether you have surging charge or lightning charge on, however with my suggested changes to surging charge this would be 22.5%). Anyways I'd suggest that it be structured so that you can put 3 points into it for 33-100% chance. Resulting in 13% damage boost for surging charge per stack, max 3 stacks.


Saber Conduit

Not sure what to do with this skill ATM



This skill should be removed in my opinion. As it greatly promotes going after people at low health. It's not even all that useful in PvE except on bosses and elites. By the time a target is at less than 30 health you don't need to deal that much damage and you're better off using voltaic slash for shocks proc.


Assassins Training

This needs to increase shocks damage by 25%. I'm not entirely sure what it's doing right now but it's not 25%.


Now given the removal of assassinate, madness and darkness need a li'l buff.

Corrupted flesh: Causes thrash to deal 10%(at 1 point) and 20%(at 2 points) more damage to targets affected by lightning charge's discharge affect.


Swelling Shadows: Reduces the time between dark charge hits by 0.5-1 seconds.


Dark Charge: Now instead of restoring a said amount of health it restores 3% of your health to you and up to 2 surrounding friendly targets.

Edited by Toxification
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Maul- Needs a quicker animation, I can't name the number of times I've tried to activate the skill and it just HASN'T worked. Personally I'd like to see something like a very fast vertical slash across the targets spine(or where the spine would be on a humanoid). The force cost of this skill should be 35, the skill should deal 90% more damage than thrash(About a 25% damage increase over current maul). Maul would also have a 7.5 second cooldown.



Should be moved up to the fourth tier of the deception tree and it causes maul to shatter the targets defenses making your attacks 5-15% more likely to crit for the next 3 seconds. (switches with entropic field which needs to be removed or worked on anyway)


Crackling Blasts-

This should additionally increase surging charges critical damage... yah


Entropic Field-

Replaced with Shadows boon


Assassins Boon-

Increases your willpower by 3%..9%

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Toxification.. NO, do you even play a deception assassin? Jesus christ, leave my low slash alone.. and all your other suggestion are simply reckless.. Learn your class first then come with suggestion! I'm actually afraid BioWare would like any of that..


But I really do like most of the other things people write in here =)


My input is:


Our survivability is fine but we need to be able to get back in stealth faster (lowering CD of force cloak?)


Assassinate needs a faster animation, how often does one not just twirl the saber over your head but not actually execute it? Frustrating to say the least.


Maul is completely useless, it costs too much force, deals very low damage if it's not a critical and is highly affected by mitigation, it needs a remake completely. I like many of the suggestions I've read here, specifically the auto crit in stealth or exploit weakness always up in stealth.


I also feel that one big problem I have with my assassin is that our damage is SO LOW when we don't crit and our recklessness is on quite a long cool down.


Many of our attacks cost way too much force, force is actually a problem. Most deception sins says it is fine, I would say it's not, but we've learned to adapt with it. I would love to see a change here though (lowering force cost of many of our abilities or increasing our force regeneration of some sort)


2 of our signature attacks (Maul and Assassinate) is highly affected by mitigation, these two attacks are to be laughed at if you're facing someone with high mitigation. I'm not sure if many agrees that this is a problem but for me I just feel something could be changed about these two abilities.


Should out of stealth Spike rather be in the deception tree? In my opinion, yes. We need our CC's way more than tanks (Why would a tank need cc's anyway?)


Increase damage slightly (20-30%?) of our auto attack and reducing the execution time of it (currently 3 strikes with the saber, potentionally lowering it to 2 strikes?)


But likely BioWare won't do anything about it so don't get your hopes up fellow deception sins

Edited by Reveillere
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Now I'm not attacking you but how don't I know how to play my class?


I've played several classes and I've gotten my deception assassin to level 45 and I've dabbled in madness a little.


So why don't you like the changes? 4 seconds of stealth would be awesome for the class and would go a great length towards increasing its sustained damage in PvE. Namely because that would provide 6 seconds of Dark Embrace. All the functionality of low slash can be reached through a combination of spike and shadow slash and far more.


Did you read my post thoroughly and think about the implications?

You say we need to be able to get into stealth faster? Shadow slash.


I can definitely agree with the assassinate animation, although personally I'd have assassinate removed completely.


Apparently maul needs a damage increase - 30% increase? and 35 force?



While your dark embrace is active your maul has a 100% chance to crit.


Assassins need a crit chance increase... Maul would increase your crit chance by 15% for 3 seconds. Enough for a nice Shock and Discharge.


You said we need an increase in force regen or decreased force cost of skills. The dark embrace provided by shadow slash would be more than enough I'd think.


Now to compensate for the loss of assassinate, there's the crit buff to surging charge and the 9% willpower increase.


You don't need an out of stealth spike if you can be in stealth - Shadow slash

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Now I'm not attacking you but how don't I know how to play my class?


I've played several classes and I've gotten my deception assassin to level 45 and I've dabbled in madness a little.


So why don't you like the changes? 4 seconds of stealth would be awesome for the class and would go a great length towards increasing its sustained damage in PvE. Namely because that would provide 6 seconds of Dark Embrace. All the functionality of low slash can be reached through a combination of spike and shadow slash and far more.


Did you read my post thoroughly and think about the implications?

You say we need to be able to get into stealth faster? Shadow slash.


I can definitely agree with the assassinate animation, although personally I'd have assassinate removed completely.


Apparently maul needs a damage increase - 30% increase? and 35 force?



While your dark embrace is active your maul has a 100% chance to crit.


Assassins need a crit chance increase... Maul would increase your crit chance by 15% for 3 seconds. Enough for a nice Shock and Discharge.


You said we need an increase in force regen or decreased force cost of skills. The dark embrace provided by shadow slash would be more than enough I'd think.


Now to compensate for the loss of assassinate, there's the crit buff to surging charge and the 9% willpower increase.


You don't need an out of stealth spike if you can be in stealth - Shadow slash


I'm sorry if I was attacking you but seriously some of the suggestions you made are really not good, get your assassin to level 50 first, learn your abilities then come with suggestions (not trying to be offensive)

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This skill needs a major buff or it needs to be removed. My suggestion would be to make it cost 10 force, not trigger the GCD and have a 15 second cooldown. That would make its current damage output justified.

This skill is very much fine as it is, it's a CC, you use it at the start of a fight to knock down your enemies, it fills a very small amount of resolve, it's a great utility


Low Slash:

Would be named shadow slash and instead of incapacitating the enemy for 4 seconds it would yield 4 seconds of stealth. The skill would only cost 20 force given its damage output.

Same as above, this skill is also a CC but aswell it's an interrupt and it's crucial to use it as much as possible, it also fills a very small amount of resolve makin stun locking very easy, it can also be used to wait out enemies defensive cooldowns. + It deals a lot of damage aswell. On my battlemaster assassin I can crit for up to 1.8k with this, and it's a CC, not even something you use for damage!




Blackout removed?!?! Increases our stealth level by a high amount making us completely invisible for a small time and increasing our force regeneration. Crucial to use every CD if you're in battle.



Should deal as much total damage as thrash to all surrounding targets over 2 htis and cost 32 force. The animation looks like it's supposed to hit twice anyway.

I couldn't care less about this skill, it's pretty much useless. Costs too much force and is only good for interrupting cappers or trying to find stealthers


Surging Charge

Has a 100% chance to deal damage but deal 35% of its current damage every time you use an attack, for attacks that deal damage multiple times the damage would be spread out evenly over all attacks evenly. You can only trigger saber conduit and static charges once per attack. Despite what you may think this is actually a nerf to the damage of surging charge individually.

Well, this one isn't that bad.. It would help us build up our static charges easier. But it's fine the way it is in my opinion.


Static Charges

This talent is absolute garbage as a T5 skill when compared to chain shock which is a T2 skill. Chain shock results in a 25-27% damage increase for shock(depending on whether you have surging charge or lightning charge on, however with my suggested changes to surging charge this would be 22.5%). Anyways I'd suggest that it be structured so that you can put 3 points into it for 33-100% chance. Resulting in 13% damage boost for surging charge per stack, max 3 stacks.

This is actually great for increasing your burst to take down healers, imagine just harassing a healer with VSx2 -> Shocks to build up your static charges to eventually when you have everything on proc, pop your relic/adrenal/recklessness and completely make your opponents health vanish. It's good the way it is, but they could lower it to 3 charges instead with 10/20/30% boost as you said. It takes a long time to get all 5


Saber Conduit

Not sure what to do with this skill ATM

Fine the way it is, it's a boost of force regeneration.



This skill should be removed in my opinion. As it greatly promotes going after people at low health. It's not even all that useful in PvE except on bosses and elites. By the time a target is at less than 30 health you don't need to deal that much damage and you're better off using voltaic slash for shocks proc.

This suggestion is completely ?!?!, assassinate is GREAT, you basically take down the rest of the health of any enemy that isn't heavy armor if you crit. I often get 5k+ hits with this. All it needs is a faster animation. It's an execution ability, VS->Shock isn't nearly as fast and could be the difference between kill or not.


Assassins Training

This needs to increase shocks damage by 25%. I'm not entirely sure what it's doing right now but it's not 25%.

No comment, it's been discussed for a long time about this one, I think it's workign as intended. Increases base damgae by 25% the first time you buy the abiltiy, and the endurance adds per rank as it says in the tool tip.


Maul- Needs a quicker animation, I can't name the number of times I've tried to activate the skill and it just HASN'T worked. Personally I'd like to see something like a very fast vertical slash across the targets spine(or where the spine would be on a humanoid). The force cost of this skill should be 35, the skill should deal 90% more damage than thrash(About a 25% damage increase over current maul). Maul would also have a 7.5 second cooldown.

I think the skill is fine as it is with damage but I agree it needs a better animation that doesn't bug out as often. But I didn't like your suggestion sorry



Should be moved up to the fourth tier of the deception tree and it causes maul to shatter the targets defenses making your attacks 5-15% more likely to crit for the next 3 seconds. (switches with entropic field which needs to be removed or worked on anyway)

I've seen better suggestions in this thread


Crackling Blasts-

This should additionally increase surging charges critical damage... yah

Fine the way it is.

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You're right spike is great, but for a skill with a 30 second cooldown and a 30 force cost AND requiring you to be in stealth it's completely pathetic when compared to other skills on other classes.


Carobonize- a powertech skill stuns up to 5 surrounding enemies for 2.5 seconds with a 45 second cooldown. No stealth requirement far lower comparable resource pool cost


Hidden Strike- A very powerful skill for operative deals massive damage and costs about the same amount of resource pool as spike. 9 second cooldown. With the talent however it also provides 3 seconds of stun, or 1.5 more useful seconds of stun after the interrupt.


So regardless of what the suggestion may be spike needs a buff of some form. Even if you leave the force cost alone its damage either needs to be boosted and its cooldown needs to be reduced. Or some other cool thing.


Now in regards to low slash, 4 seconds of stealth has all the PvP functionality of a 4 second CC in a one on one fight. But the primary reason for this is NOT for PvP it's for PvE. To trigger dark embrace is the primary goal of the skill as well as creating an opening for spike and maul.


I guess having blackout removed is a little harsh, but it's an unnecessary skill to have, trying to minimalize the number of skills on the UI. But the force regen this provides is compensated and more through shadow slash.


Lacerate would be a perfectly useful skill in the event that the changes I suggested were put in place. Lower the force cost to something bearable and make it deal reasonable AoE damage. Basic.


The problem with surging charge in its current state is that it varies depending on the skill. While saber strike has a 75% chance to trigger it maul has a 25% chance and voltaic slash has a 50% chance. It's simply too much of a wild card and is difficult to balance. Having surging charge set up this way would provide a baseline damage boost to the class rather than a sporadic skill that's not dependable. Having it set up this way would make the surging charge proc more reliable and more viable. Additionally it would level out our skills a little.


Static charges as I said is not useful when compared to many other skills and talents in the game. It's a T5 skill so it better be damn worthwhile. 12-13% per stack wouldn't be unreasonable but it probably won't get buffed. Considering it has a pre-requisite. But that's just my opinion


Saber conduit is fine as you said but it should really be a one point skill considering how useless all 3 points are. If it was on a 3 second cooldown there'd be a reason to put points into the skill. But I don't think the assassin would need more force regen on top of shadow slash. 11 per second is fine.


I'm talking about assassinate from a PvE standpoint here not a PvP standpoint. I hate using it in PvP because I'm a killstealer plain and simple, I have to target people at low health to make use of the skill. This is more of an opinion.


Maul is a complete waste of a skill at the moment, it's barely worth using even with the proc. VS x 2 + Shock can be used every 6 seconds so there's only room for a 1.5 second interval while shock is on CD. Obviously you're going to prioritize discharge and such but maul is barely worth using. It already has a 10 second cooldown given the 10 second proc. And the skill is complete and utter garbage without the proc.


In regards to duplicity there's a lot you could do with the perk. One option I've been considering would be to have it increase the critical chance of your next maul by 5..15% for 12 seconds, stacks 3 times and increase your crit rate by 5...15% for the next 3.5 seconds

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Merging maul and spike together, that would be awesome. Knock down for 1,5 seconds, animation of spike (fast and always triggers) with the damage of maul, force cost of spike and the cool down of spike. Exploit weakness would need a total make over though, because it would be an opener like hidden strike from the operative
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Survivability? We're a cloth wearing melee class, we're obviously not meant to have any. Thing is, they forgot to give us the amount of dps to make up for this and our inability to heal ourselves. The fact that they gave Assassins the Darkness spec fairly well screwed Deception. "Oh, we gave that class a Tank spec, the DPS spec doesn't need to be all that good."


The whole concept of a light armor wearing tank does not in any way shape or form fit this game. Why? Because there is nothing a Darkness can do defensively that the other tanks wearing Heavy armor can't also. It worked in EQ2 (sorta), because their light armor tanks were masters of dodge tanking. Thing is, in this game, all the tanks have the same exact amount of dodge as each other, same access to shield chance. There's just no real reason for there to be a Darkness spec.


Imo deception either needs a substantial damage boost or to have some health leeching added in to make up for our lack of damage mitigation.


We're also out of force more than the other specs. Darkness never runs out of force yet they get a 30% force regeneration boost, why?


Darknesses' sustainable damage is also close to deception. I've been more successful as darkness than deception. damage wise and survivability.

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I got 1380 willpower and 650 expertise.Full champion gear.Deception seems worthless spec to me.Other specs can provide almost same burst , more damage damage done on long combat and a lot of more survivalbility.Madness has good damage , cc , snare but the spec im using has them all plus it has a lot of survivalbilty.


My shock hits 1.5k as full deception .If i stack 2x volcanic stash buff , use recklessness , use rakata adrenal , use attack power relic my shock hits 4.5k. If i stack 5x buff for discharge and use same cooldowns my discharge hits over 4k. Its 8k burst however its totaly crit , cooldown dependent , it takes long and requires force manegement.Addionaly I dont have much survivalbility , escape mechanics , im stealth depended on spike. 1 knock back and kiting or cc is enough to stop me attacking them and waste my cooldowns.


My shock hits 1.5k in my 29/0/12 spec. If i get 1x energize buff , pop recklessness , rakata adrenal , power relic , spike or electrocute target , my shock hits 4.2k. Im not dependent on recklessness because energize buff grants me %100 crit chance on shock and each trash has a %30 chance to grant me energize buff. 3/10 of my shocks are crit so i deal a lot of more damage then deception on long combat while having almost same burst with cds as i have as deception. My shocks crit around 2.5k without recklessness , adrenal and relic.On the other hand my force lighting crits for 2k each tick ( total damage 6k ) if i stack 3xharnessed pop recklessness , adrenal and relic.Additonally I got a lot of survivalbility , healing.


This is the 29/0/12 Im using.I can deal 330k damage done using no AOE abilities , topping the kills list.



Edited by kijthae
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I got 1380 willpower and 650 expertise.Full champion gear.Deception seems worthless spec to me.Other specs can provide almost same burst , more damage damage done on long combat and a lot of more survivalbility.Madness has good damage , cc , snare but the spec im using has them all plus it has a lot of survivalbilty.


My shock hits 1.5k as full deception .If i stack 2x volcanic stash buff , use recklessness , use rakata adrenal , use attack power relic my shock hits 4.5k. If i stack 5x buff for discharge and use same cooldowns my discharge hits over 4k. Its 8k burst however its totaly crit , cooldown dependent , it takes long and requires force manegement.Addionaly I dont have much survivalbility , escape mechanics , im stealth depended on spike. 1 knock back and kiting or cc is enough to stop me attacking them and waste my cooldowns.


My shock hits 1.5k in my 29/0/12 spec. If i get 1x energize buff , pop recklessness , rakata adrenal , power relic , spike or electrocute target , my shock hits 4.2k. Im not dependent on recklessness because energize buff grants me %100 crit chance on shock and each trash has a %30 chance to grant me energize buff. 3/10 of my shocks are crit so i deal a lot of more damage then deception on long combat while having almost same burst with cds as i have as deception. My shocks crit around 2.5k without recklessness , adrenal and relic.On the other hand my force lighting crits for 2k each tick ( total damage 6k ) if i stack 3xharnessed pop recklessness , adrenal and relic.Additonally I got a lot of survivalbility , healing.


This is the 29/0/12 Im using.I can deal 330k damage done using no AOE abilities , topping the kills list.




I've been running a 27/2/12(2 in duplicity not dark embrace, it adds a bit more burst to the spec) variant. Overall it is a very strong build. It can be played like a deception build, but also can double up as a ball carrier or taunt and guard bot. I'm having quite a bit of success with it since learning the ropes.

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