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[VIDEO] Marauder PVP Video


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I started recording footage of my PVP time so I could go back and review the film and hopefully see where I was making mistakes an learn from them.


Since I had the footage and some software I figured I'd throw a quick video up on youtube. The first video covers my progression from Gladiator to Champion, while the second (which should be finished uploading by the time you read this) is all footage as a Champion.


Disclaimer, I'm not the end-all-be-all Marauder, I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I love the class and I have a ton of fun PVP'ing with it. Feedback is welcome even if it is negative. You won't see any monster crits, my gear is good for a champion but I'm not a BM so I don't have any of that gear yet.





You can grab the second one in my channel on youtube they are the only two videos there.


FYI i'm still not a battlemaster, I refuse to go to Ilum so I'm grinding through warzones I'm Valor rank 58 currently.

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