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Bleed stacks against shielded opponents


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Hello all,

Just noticed while vsing a sage that while his static barrier (shield, not sure what its called for sages) was up, my hits with deadly saber active did not actually place a bleed effect upon the player, while my three DS ticks were still being used up. Just wondering if this is working as intended, and I just need to be careful not to use DS while shields are up, or if it is a bug. Other than that, loving annihilation spec :)


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My understanding is it's intentional. I don't think it should be, unless the shield prevents 100% of all damage, but it is. If you have a shileded opponent its best to focus somewhere else until the shield falls. If you don't have that option save them for when the shield is down, and hopefully you'll have 30 fury by then so you can dot him up and make them all crit.
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