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Darth Maul isn't dead!?!?!?!?!


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OP here and i thank everybody for their comments and such.


I just hope that that don't screw up his character -_-


EDIT: And why did GL think it was necessary to bring him back, He probably just likes to f*** with us and our money


I bet Savage kills Darth Maul to become more ******.

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OP here and i thank everybody for their comments and such.


I just hope that that don't screw up his character -_-


EDIT: And why did GL think it was necessary to bring him back, He probably just likes to f*** with us and our money


Well that I hope too.


As for the edited part - see my previous post here. Taken from the wiki:


Several sources depict Maul returning from the dead in several different forms. The story "Resurrection" from Star Wars Tales 9 depicts a duplicate of Darth Maul created by a cult, which is killed in a duel with Darth Vader. The story "Phantom Menaces" in Star Wars Tales #17 depicts a post-Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker visiting Maul's home planet of Iridonia in an ambassadorial capacity, where he faces a "solid state holigram" of Darth Maul, which he destroys.


In 2005, Dark Horse Comics published Star Wars: Visionaries, a compilation of comic art short stories written and illustrated by members of the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith art department and ILM artists. One story, "Old Wounds", considered to be non-canonical to Star Wars lore, depicts Darth Maul surviving his bisection at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, replacing his missing bottom half with cybernetic replacements. He then follows Obi-Wan throughout the galaxy, finally tracking him down on Tatooine a few years after the events of Revenge of the Sith. He engages Obi-Wan in a lightsaber duel, but is killed by a blaster bolt to the head from Owen Lars, Luke Skywalker's adoptive uncle.


Hey, I only know about these things because I started watching the clone wars with my kids. I'm not going to tell them that Darth Maul is not allowed to come back because it wasn't in the movies. That's history, the movies are done. Not that I won't be happy if there would be some more coming. I bet you a lot of people who are into the EU and like the stories there love it. If you (in general, not you personally) don't then it shouldn't really phase you since you won't be watching the series or reading the comics/books, right?

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So we've established that Clone Wars is canon (good!), therefore Maul is alive. I have mixed feelings on Maul being back, but I like the way the preview's going much more than the has-always-been-non-canon Visionaries tale where his hate kept him alive, he got cyborg quasi-Grievous legs, and tracked Obi-Wan across the galaxy and--according to Maul's narration--kept JUST MISSING HIM. By hours or days. Geonosis, Mustafar, and more as I recall. It was really silly. And then he approaches the Lars homestead with a little preschooler Luke inside, and Obi-Wan jumps out of the sand to face Maul. Maul's got giant horns, and a crazier-looking S-curved double-bladed saber with more pointy bits than Savage Opress' saber. They fight for awhile, but Maul's finally done in by Uncle Owen blasting him with his rifle. Cool for Owen, but the end of a very silly story based on nothing more than "Cyborg Maul looks kewl!!!!1" concept art. VERY fanboyish, but that's been Maul from the beginning.


That's why he was on all the Episode I packaging & promo material. That's why he's on all the packaging for this year's Star Wars toys (aside from those figures & vehicles in Vintage-style packaging, of course)


Boba Fett surviving the Sarlacc was perfectly find in the early '90s, when it happened. I think Marvel tackled it in their comic series, too, in the '80s. Again, it's because 'Boba Fett looks cool' and the idea of this supposedly-awesome bounty hunter being done in by a blind guy with a stick ACCIDENTALLY was just not good enough for many fans. But hey, the Sarlacc was a big pit, and Fett had a few advantages over all the skiff guards that were knocked into the pit: he had a bunch of armor & gadgets. His jetpack may have malfunctioned, but it's totally plausible he could survive long enough to get out of there.


Then '97 rolled around, and the Sarlacc got a beaky mouth, which still looks ridiculous.


Fett surviving was GREAT for Karen Traviss, BTW. The Mandalorian episodes of The Clone Wars didn't obliterate all her Mando-love from the Republic Commando books (and Legacy of the Force), it just altered some of it. With few tweaks, it could all have still worked, but her hissy-fit doomed that series. I enjoyed the first one I read, but I saw signs of things I disliked, only confirmed in reading reviews of her LOTF books and her Boba-obsession, particularly the whole "Mandalorians are the bestest warriors ever and Jedi are nothing compared to them" idea.


The Clone Wars had a rough start, with a few gems shining through, but it's matured wonderfully over the years. There are still some odd episodes, like the ones focusing on R2 and 3PO, but they're kinda fun, too! And when it's good, it's REALLY good, like the General Krell arc, the Mortis arc, the Citadel arc, the Nightsister arc, the recent Undercover Obi-Wan arc, and the initial Death Watch trilogy. Anakin's great in the show, something he wasn't in the films. You get to see why Obi-Wan considered him a good friend instead of a whiny punk. Ahsoka starts off very annoying, but she's a 14-year-old. Of COURSE she's gonna be annoying. She gets some great character moments as it goes on, too.


And for fans of preproduction art, the series is FULL of designs based on concepts from the films. Obi-Wan, in disguise as a bounty hunter, wears armor similar to one of the early designs for Boba Fett. Scenery boasts elements taken from old McQuarrie paintings of various locations.


Maul returning isn't the most inspired decision they could've made, but in my eyes they've earned plenty of leniency. The good far outweighs the bad in the show, something I wasn't sure would happen while Season 1 was going on.

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I don't mind Darth Maul's return after much thought. Him surviving what he went through came with a price: his sanity. He is bat**** insane now, his usuage of the dark side of the force to keep him alive came with a cost and that makes it more realistic to me. Afterall: nothing comes without a price. Edited by Tuscad
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And people survive falling down an endless hole too right? Not really.


Like I said, he avoided the fall by escaping through some air vents the same way Luke did on Bespin. This is all according to The Wrath of Darth Maul, which goes into detail on how he survived.

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Wasn't the only thing Maul ever did... ehm... puh... well... he was red!... and.. had a doublebladed LS... aaaand... yeah... so, why is he actually that popular?


I agree with you. I was never of a fan. The first time i saw him, I remember thinking "what is this devil guy?".


He has grown on me, but keeping him dead seems to be a good place for him.


Still, looking forward to his return anyway in the clone wars, go figure...:o

Edited by kirorx
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It's a good thing nothing outside the OT is canon then!


OT being the Original Trilogy? If so then you are so very, very wrong it's a wonder you bothered to post that.


According to GL all movies are cannon, so putting aside the EU stuff, you're still wrong, because all 6 movies are canon.


Also the EU stuff is canon and officially recognized by Lucasfilms ltm, just with different degrees of priority. For example the Clone Wars TV show is very much canon.

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OT being the Original Trilogy? If so then you are so very, very wrong it's a wonder you bothered to post that.


According to GL all movies are cannon, so putting aside the EU stuff, you're still wrong, because all 6 movies are canon.


Also the EU stuff is canon and officially recognized by Lucasfilms ltm, just with different degrees of priority. For example the Clone Wars TV show is very much canon.


Some people have their own version of canon made up in their mind and choose to ignore everything outside of the OT. I think that statement was an example of it, in the end the person knows that everything else is canon but just chooses to not accept it as they believe it sucks.

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in the end the person knows that everything else is canon but just chooses to not accept it as they believe it sucks.


I understand that not everyone likes the prequels... But saying they're not canon is as I said in a different thread kinda like trying to argue what the speed limit should be after you've been pulled over by a cop.


Feel free to try, but your opinion doesn't change objective facts. So saying the prequels are not canon is a bit like me saying I don't believe in gravity.

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I understand that not everyone likes the prequels... But saying they're not canon is as I said in a different thread kinda like trying to argue what the speed limit should be after you've been pulled over by a cop.


Feel free to try, but your opinion doesn't change objective facts. So saying the prequels are not canon is a bit like me saying I don't believe in gravity.


I agree with you, I am just trying to explain the mindset.

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I just found a new video. I had previously read that Darth Maul reappeared with Six robotic legs, I was wrong. This new video shows a bunch of stuff, it shows a full shot of Darth Maul who has Grievous like cybernetic legs this is from the Clone Wars cartoon and is not from the non canon comic Old Wounds.

The video also hints that Obi-wan and Maul will fight, big suprise.




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I just hope he doesn't turn out to be dumb. I think part of Maul's appeal was his lack of dialogue and constant mystery surrounding him. On a superficial level he's awesome, but we just don't know much about him. I'm worried if we do learn more we'll end up being disappointed.


As far as plausibility goes, I think it is possible. Sure he got cut in half, but Anakin got cut nearly in half AND was lit on fire and STILL survived....


Now we see Maul with a mechanical lower body which means he took the Vader route.

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I just hope he doesn't turn out to be dumb. I think part of Maul's appeal was his lack of dialogue and constant mystery surrounding him. On a superficial level he's awesome, but we just don't know much about him. I'm worried if we do learn more we'll end up being disappointed.


As far as plausibility goes, I think it is possible. Sure he got cut in half, but Anakin got cut nearly in half AND was lit on fire and STILL survived....


Now we see Maul with a mechanical lower body which means he took the Vader route.


Yes but the difference being, Anakin had an unbreakable will he wasn't going to let himself die it was one of his traits that separated him from the rest.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Not sure if this has been said but



Did anyone else read the comic where Cyborg Maul went after Luke on Tatooine years Later, and Obi-Wan kicks his arse, before he gets a Blaster to the skull, from Uncle Owen?? you just know that means he has to survive the Clone Wars...



EU and all that.

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Yes but the difference being, Anakin had an unbreakable will he wasn't going to let himself die it was one of his traits that separated him from the rest. Course if Maul survived, there goes that special trait.


The thing about Vader is he was pretty much rushed to a facility to graft cybernetics to him to allow him to live. Maul fell down...whatever that was. He then must of crawled through how many tunnels? bleeding, and via his arms only to reach the outside of Theed. He then would of had to find a way of planet (possibly) and then get medical treatment and cybernetic grafting and his legs and that. It's a stretch, but they say the Dark Side is powerful, and Maul would be very angry, his hatred unending.

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The thing about Vader is he was pretty much rushed to a facility to graft cybernetics to him to allow him to live. Maul fell down...whatever that was. He then must of crawled through how many tunnels? bleeding, and via his arms only to reach the outside of Theed. He then would of had to find a way of planet (possibly) and then get medical treatment and cybernetic grafting and his legs and that. It's a stretch, but they say the Dark Side is powerful, and Maul would be very angry, his hatred unending.


Ya I don't think the Maul that was in TPM is coming back, it might be Maul the same guy just having a brand new body(not cybernetics) otherwise it doesn't make any sense that Maul could survive that long. But anyway we will see soon enough, and Maul didn't have the serious injures like Anakin so for Anakin to be even able to still crawl shows his unbreakable will and his anger to not die.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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You are all playing a game that takes place in the Star Wars Universe.

That kind of destroys the idea of "If it does not happen in the movies, it didn't happen"..


But ya, the easy way to keep them separate is the "Movies" vs. "Expanded Universe". In the expanded universe Darth Maul lived. In the expanded universe Bobba Fett was saved from the Sarlaac. In the E.U. Leia becomes the Jedi she is supposed to become. and Luke has a story beyond Endor. You kind of have to accept the Expanded Universe if you believe that any of the characters you know and love did anything not shown on screen.


ps. Its kind of funny though because there is at least one contradiction between the two. In the movies, Luke was born first, in the books it was Leia. In this case the movies win.

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