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Patch 1.2 will save the pvp or not ???


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well Dark Reaper isnt FUll come join the fight


There are some good pvp guilds and a few good pve guilds on repub side


as you see in the picture my guild is working with the pub to stomp imps


My guild is all in vent and we tell the pub what to do in gen chat.....and the pubs do a great job



it was rough awhile back the pub wouldn't listen but now....after the fun we have they jump at the chance to crush the imps as a team


the imps are use to hiding behind the numbers... and are easy killings


they out number us 3to1 we just use tactics to kill them

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I like the "feel" of PvP in this game, but this is quickly turning into another game where PvP is the bastard step child.


I'm waiting for some MMO to finally put PvP as it's first priority, as I can't even PvE for 15 minutes before I'm bored.


The community is what makes pvp fun not the game creators

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The community is what makes pvp fun not the game creators


The game makers still have to give us the variety and systems to make PvP enjoyable.


Right now we have 3 Warzones, one of which is terribly designed and an open world PvP zone that is, bar none, the worst open world PvP zone I've ever experienced.


This is another PvE game with PvP tacked on, and I hoped it wouldn't be, I really did.


For someone like me who is literally incapable of enjoying PvE, this game doesn't have much for me at this point.

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The community is what makes pvp fun not the game creators


You've just invalidated any point you make regarding pvp. there's just no way you can grasp the intimate relationship between game design and the economics of player choice in an MMO.


How about I invent a game where my character has a beat stick and you and your entire team can't damage me. I hope the community makes the pvp fun! Lord knows that i can't impact that as the designer of the game.

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The game makers still have to give us the variety and systems to make PvP enjoyable.


Right now we have 3 Warzones, one of which is terribly designed and an open world PvP zone that is, bar none, the worst open world PvP zone I've ever experienced.


This is another PvE game with PvP tacked on, and I hoped it wouldn't be, I really did.


For someone like me who is literally incapable of enjoying PvE, this game doesn't have much for me at this point.


Dont know how many MMOs you have played from the ground up...I can tell you most of them get better with age


I have alot of hope for this game....voidstar is my least fav wz......huttball is one of the most fun wzs i have played in an mmo

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While the community can make a good game even better the foundation has to be laid by the designers...

and currently with lag and abysmal fps the majority of players just can´t enjoy ilum and are only there for the dailies and gone as soon as they finish.

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Dont know how many MMOs you have played from the ground up...I can tell you most of them get better with age


I have alot of hope for this game....voidstar is my least fav wz......huttball is one of the most fun wzs i have played in an mmo


See, Alderaan is the one I think is designed like balls. The instant reinforcement speeders and the "click to capture" mechanic are terrible.


And most MMOs I've played got worse with age.


WoW's PvP was awesome in Vanilla and started sucking more with every expansion.


WAR's PvP was best in T1, second best in T2 and then became horrible in T3 and T4.


AoC's PvP got better, slightly, but was still terrible.


DAoC's best PvP was in there from almsot the start, the stuff they added later wasn't nearly as good as the original stuff.


I honestly can't think of an MMO where PvP got better with time.

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You've just invalidated any point you make regarding pvp. there's just no way you can grasp the intimate relationship between game design and the economics of player choice in an MMO.


How about I invent a game where my character has a beat stick and you and your entire team can't damage me. I hope the community makes the pvp fun! Lord knows that i can't impact that as the designer of the game.


Your not to bright are you....community makes the game fun


and if you made that game where you had a beat stick and noone could kill you....sounds like spy hunt... in a FPS i played......except the beat stick was a chaingun


back to the part about game designers

um yea they make content..... enjoyable is to each there own

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See, Alderaan is the one I think is designed like balls. The instant reinforcement speeders and the "click to capture" mechanic are terrible.


And most MMOs I've played got worse with age.


WoW's PvP was awesome in Vanilla and started sucking more with every expansion.


WAR's PvP was best in T1, second best in T2 and then became horrible in T3 and T4.


AoC's PvP got better, slightly, but was still terrible.


DAoC's best PvP was in there from almsot the start, the stuff they added later wasn't nearly as good as the original stuff.


I honestly can't think of an MMO where PvP got better with time.




And yes I might reroll on another server If and only if that 1.2 patch is worth playing again.

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See, Alderaan is the one I think is designed like balls. The instant reinforcement speeders and the "click to capture" mechanic are terrible.


And most MMOs I've played got worse with age.


WoW's PvP was awesome in Vanilla and started sucking more with every expansion.


WAR's PvP was best in T1, second best in T2 and then became horrible in T3 and T4.


AoC's PvP got better, slightly, but was still terrible.


DAoC's best PvP was in there from almsot the start, the stuff they added later wasn't nearly as good as the original stuff.


I honestly can't think of an MMO where PvP got better with time.


the content got better...the community got worse in most of thos games

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Well I heard wars pvp now is actually enjoyable :)

As for daoc, it was actually a pretty big mess at the start (first month), no cc immunity for example, clerics where the most feared 1vs1 class ever ^^

So for daoc I would say up until toa it actually did get better with some balancing bumps here and there (savage for example).

Then with toa and new frontiers they just dropped the ball completely.


For example adding battlegrounds for lower levels was a HUGE improvement for most people, you could actually do some fun pvp during leveling up.

Edited by Garbald
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the content got better...the community got worse in most of thos games


I disagree, the content got worse. The classes became more unbalanced, they put in stupid noob friendly systems like diminishing returns (in WoW) or things like punishment systems in AoC.


High tier PvP in WAR had bad instances, bad RvR lakes and bad class balance (the entire game became protect or kill the bright wizard)


WoW added what after Vanilla? Arenas (gag), a handful of stupid new BGs (WSG is still the best BG in WoW and the only one worth playing), they ruined Alterac Valley.


It's mostly because the original designers of WoW and WAR jumped ship from their respective companies after release.


Do you know where the majority of original WoW and WAR designers now work?


A company called ArenaNet.

Edited by Yfelsung
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I disagree, the content got worse. The classes became more unbalanced, they put in stupid noob friendly systems like diminishing returns (in WoW) or things like punishment systems in AoC.


High tier PvP in WAR had bad instances, bad RvR lakes and bad class balance (the entire game became protect or kill the bright wizard)


WoW added what after Vanilla? Arenas (gag), a handful of stupid new BGs (WSG is still the best BG in WoW and the only one worth playing), they ruined Alterac Valley.


It's mostly because the original designers of WoW and WAR jumped ship from their respective companies after release.


Do you know where the majority of original WoW and WAR designers now work?


A company called ArenaNet.


I played vanilla wow....i agree with you 100% WSG was best.....old school AV was a blast same game would go on for days


AV didnt change the players did and it became a lets just win it fast so we get free epics....while the old school players were happy just smashing face

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only small scale ranked pvp will save/balance the game (e.g ranked arena games). with arena match's class balance will be next cos it will be easier for devs to monitor OP classed due to ranked system.


e.g: if 90% of top 20 ranked team are class X/ class X/class Y then they are "somehow forced" to dig in to it and balance that class.

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I played vanilla wow....i agree with you 100% WSG was best.....old school AV was a blast same game would go on for days


AV didnt change the players did and it became a lets just win it fast so we get free epics....while the old school players were happy just smashing face


Um, AV did change.


Old AV had NPCs, and lots of them, all over the place.


Elite NPCs.


Old AV could take 4+ hours to win because of the NPCs.


Once they removed all the NPCs other than the important ones, AV died.


The first AV match on Shadow Council ever lasted over 8 hours.

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only small scale ranked pvp will save/balance the game (e.g ranked arena games). with arena match's class balance will be next cos it will be easier for devs to monitor OP classed due to ranked system.


e.g: if 90% of top 20 ranked team are class X/ class X/class Y then they are "somehow forced" to dig in to it and balance that class.


you cant balance pvp in an mmo for small scale unless you make everyone the same



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Um, AV did change.


Old AV had NPCs, and lots of them, all over the place.


Elite NPCs.


Old AV could take 4+ hours to win because of the NPCs.


Once they removed all the NPCs other than the important ones, AV died.


The first AV match on Shadow Council ever lasted over 8 hours.


you prob played longer then I did in wow so i dont remember the change your talking about.....I always remember the NPCs

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only small scale ranked pvp will save/balance the game (e.g ranked arena games). with arena match's class balance will be next cos it will be easier for devs to monitor OP classed due to ranked system.


e.g: if 90% of top 20 ranked team are class X/ class X/class Y then they are "somehow forced" to dig in to it and balance that class.


I have no problem with 4 v 4 Warzones, but not single elimination death match.


Death match is too noob friendly, it requires a lot less strategy than forcing 8 people to battle over an objective.

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I played vanilla wow....i agree with you 100% WSG was best.....old school AV was a blast same game would go on for days


AV didnt change the players did and it became a lets just win it fast so we get free epics....while the old school players were happy just smashing face


As for vanilla WoW I remember how epic was Molten core the first time we fought Golemag for exemple, and the BG were WSG, AB and later on AV that was about the best pvp I had with EvE online...

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As for vanilla WoW I remember how epic was Molten core the first time we fought Golemag for exemple, and the BG were WSG, AB and later on AV that was about the best pvp I had with EvE online...


and waiting for a raid group to go to MC and kill them as they were going down.....yes it was fun lol



but that was not by game design thats just what we (the community) did

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Um, AV did change.


Old AV had NPCs, and lots of them, all over the place.


Elite NPCs.


Old AV could take 4+ hours to win because of the NPCs.


Once they removed all the NPCs other than the important ones, AV died.


The first AV match on Shadow Council ever lasted over 8 hours.


Old AV was the best ! We even had some program to "premade" if you remember :)

So everyone in the group was fully in the fight, everyone had a role, some on Def some on Capping and some in frontline. Alot of fun.

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