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So now Soa doesnt give infernal title....

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Ok people.8 man operations grp ( compos mentis guild eu) went for Ev nigthmare 8 man.We cleared it in less than 1 and a half hour in nightmare mode.Suprisingly there was not any infernal title for us....***?


Its supposed to be like this.You go in.you clear it in less than 2 hours and bam u get infernal title.We did that in less than 2 hours and no title.


NOW soa has another bug.1 bug gets fixed another one takes its place....fml

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Ok people.8 man operations grp ( compos mentis guild eu) went for Ev nigthmare 8 man.We cleared it in less than 1 and a half hour in nightmare mode.Suprisingly there was not any infernal title for us....***?


Its supposed to be like this.You go in.you clear it in less than 2 hours and bam u get infernal title.We did that in less than 2 hours and no title.


NOW soa has another bug.1 bug gets fixed another one takes its place....fml


If i'm not mistaken, you have to do it in 16 man

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Ok people.8 man operations grp ( compos mentis guild eu) went for Ev nigthmare 8 man.We cleared it in less than 1 and a half hour in nightmare mode.Suprisingly there was not any infernal title for us....***?


Its supposed to be like this.You go in.you clear it in less than 2 hours and bam u get infernal title.We did that in less than 2 hours and no title.


NOW soa has another bug.1 bug gets fixed another one takes its place....fml


did you reset the instance? I have heard you can't reset the instance and receive the bug (i.e. pylon's bug out = no title for you)

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