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youd think with MMO's and one from a big company like Bioware they could at least keep their downloadible clients for customers who have multiple computers or laptops updated so they wouldnt have to spend ages downloading the patches Edited by cub-lover
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With a lack of punctuation and sentence structure your post is quite difficult to read at first. I had to read it twice before I understood what you were asking for.


If you would like you can patch the game on one PC and then copy your SWTOR folder from PC to PC to prevent having to redownload, at least it worked during BETA.


Otherwise the reason they do patches as they do is to try to protect the integrity of the game. And by integrity I mean providing as secure an infrastructure as possible for patching to prevent people from "hacking". At least that's my understanding of it, though I am no computer programing, network admin, or architecture designer so I could very well be incorrect. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong however.

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im on sky broaddband unlimited, virgin are rubbish andi m glad i dont lvie in their areas


ive got an external hardrive but ive lost the drivers to it and cant use it, and i REALLY cba looking for them online sicne its an old pluscom 120 Gb one

Edited by cub-lover
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I'm on Sky Baradband unlimited, Virgin is rubbish and I'm glad I dont live in an area they service.


I've got an external hardrive but I've lost the drivers to it and can't use it. I REALLY can't bother looking for them online since it's an old Pluscom 120 Gb one.


If your external drive connects via USB and you have Windows XP or better (which I believe you need to run the game) it should be plug and play, that is Windows should have all the drivers it needs.


P.S. As an official member of the Internet Punctuation Police I fixed your grammer. Not that I myself am perfect in this regard, but I at least corrected it to the point people could read and comprehend what you were saying / asking.

Edited by Vincynt
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Wow, a very civilised conversation in here. No one flinging poop at each other. See what happens when people are nice and attempt to use proper English. And OP, I completely understood what you were trying to say as my sister has dyslexia and I look over her homework everynight for errors. Be proud. Dyslexics Untie.



fair enough i do try to keep it under control but doesnth elp when yovue had sleepelss nights and well no sleep for three days trying to design a new waste desposels system for a power station

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