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lol grav round spam :P


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So I got put in a huttball against some friends. In a magic moment one of my buddies and I ended up off the side, no one around to interfere and had a lil 1v1.


I monkey stomped him into the ground (in his defense he's severely undergeared :p) He immediately sends me a message saying "I can't believe you can beat me that bad using 2 freaking abilities. Grav round spam is op"


I'm shocked at this point because he isn't the trolly type. Then I realize he really thinks all I cast was grav round... mostly because all he saw was grav round and full auto. the other attacks are really hard to see. I explained to him my order of abilities. The fight basically went like this.


Full auto > Grav > Grav > knockback > Sticky grenade > stun > Full auto > Grav > Demo > HIB > buttstroke to the face > mostly running around hitting him with auto fire until he died.


Now in that whole fight I used grav 3 times our of probably 12-13 casts. All he saw was the gravs. The reason being hib, demo, and grenade, when cast on the run or immediately following a grav/full auto you don't even see it happen unless you're watching very carefully and the damage pops up almost at the exact same time so it's pretty hard to tell we're doing multiple attacks.


A similar situation happened later that day in a duel. at some point in the fight I'd sticky grenaded the guy then grav rounded and immediately followed with a demo round. He didn't notice three attacks going of and asked me how the heck I'd managed to do 8k dmg with 1 shot. After I explained he'd just blown up and been shot twice he got it.


People dont' see our other attacks. we do grav a lot but no more than a sorc lightenings or a sniper snipes or a sage pebbles. All the ranged DPS classes have a work horse ability.


Just thought I'd share.

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Nice post, thought is was going to be another complaint thread. If and when they put in combat logs people will stop complaining about the apparent spam and realize they are getting tagged by multiple skills that just happen to proc at nearly the same time. Then they'll just complain about numbers...
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Yeah, the same story. Craby peeps just don't know other classes and are assured we use the only button. I have 2 full panels with abilities i use every wz. The 3d panel is filled with healing skills, scaner, etc. For some reason no one laughs at sorcs and their lightning arsenal. It's simple - we bring to much pain in a very short period of time and some people can't accept it. Even very well geared players suffer from us greatly. There's nothing left to them but mock at commandos just to cover their own shame.
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