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unacceptable maintenance hours


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Ok, just looked at data collected while counting people in a city and only counting those that were there for recreational shopping. As the research shows Wednesday has almost the same amount of people as Saturday during 09h00-18h00. With the other weekdays indeed trailing behind.


Note: it doesn't really matter, I just want to show you that your statement is likely less valid, then you suspect. If you want I can link the research, it is recent, 2011, but in Dutch.

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CONCLUSION: people just like to complain.




I think that if we look at it from a saturation perspective, that the OP should change his work hours to coincide with the right time to play the game...after all, why should WE all change our schedule to fit his?

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I fully understand that the majority of the players are good with the maintance times.


But IMHO is not a great behaviour in a business environment.

Other companies are doing separate maintenance, showing that they care more about non-US players than BIOWARE does. Even if we are less.


The game is new, is fresh air for most people and bioware is going well.


But...but 2012 will be a GREAT year for the MMOs market. With SWTOR just shipped we'll have: GW2, TERA, MOP and maybe something else i forgot


Competition between games companiews will be at the highest level since years, averything will count.


This lack of respect for the European playerbase will not pay in the long run, bioware.

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I think that if we look at it from a saturation perspective...


So you suspect and really think that there are more European players online 04h00-08h00 then 13h00-17h00?



Please bring data or some new info in stead of repeatedly saying: least players online / just complaining.


I've brought data supporting my point, I've seen none opposing.




And I like the remind that the original request was split times, not altered times. Please read and think people.




1. read

2. think

Optional: show data

3. Post




To be honest: the only valid reply I can think of has not been mentioned yet: they probably haven't separated their regions as well as other games. Judging by the browser and the ability to cross play. This makes separated maintenance a real hassle, which prevents separated times and makes this the best times. That is a real counter-argument people.

Edited by Gunkame
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I fully understand that the majority of the players are good with the maintance times.


But IMHO is not a great behaviour in a business environment.

Other companies are doing separate maintenance, showing that they care more about non-US players than BIOWARE does. Even if we are less.


The game is new, is fresh air for most people and bioware is going well.


But...but 2012 will be a GREAT year for the MMOs market. With SWTOR just shipped we'll have: GW2, TERA, MOP and maybe something else i forgot


Competition between games companiews will be at the highest level since years, averything will count.


This lack of respect for the European playerbase will not pay in the long run, bioware.


let me explain...the world is a globe. The sun can't shine on Austin, TX and Sweden at the same time. What you are asking is contradictory to logic. Sorry you live on the other side of the ball, it is what it is cupcake.

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So you suspect and really think that there are more European players online 04h00-08h00 then 13h00-17h00?



Please bring data or some new info in stead of repeatedly saying: least players online / just complaining.


I've brought data supporting my point, I've seen none opposing.




And I like the remind that the original request was split times, not altered times. Please read and think people.




1. read

2. think

Optional: show data

3. Post


I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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I fully understand that the majority of the players are good with the maintance times.


But IMHO is not a great behaviour in a business environment.

Other companies are doing separate maintenance, showing that they care more about non-US players than BIOWARE does. Even if we are less.


The game is new, is fresh air for most people and bioware is going well.


But...but 2012 will be a GREAT year for the MMOs market. With SWTOR just shipped we'll have: GW2, TERA, MOP and maybe something else i forgot


Competition between games companiews will be at the highest level since years, averything will count.


This lack of respect for the European playerbase will not pay in the long run, bioware.

I just want to point out that i find it amusing that you are blaming bioware for this. Bioware developed, and continues to develop the game but they do not own the servers. EA does. Also you are silly and should go out side and play some sports during down time. Or go have sex. There is more to life than MMO's

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Ok, so we can all agree Swtor is the most expensive mmo to make, so why oh why can Warhammer, Aion, Rift and can't forget WoW have seperate maintenance times but Swtor cannot.

I'm pretty dam sure if it was patching/downtime once a week upto 6pm in USA there would be a *********** huge uproar.

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let me explain...the world is a globe. The sun can't shine on Austin, TX and Sweden at the same time. What you are asking is contradictory to logic. Sorry you live on the other side of the ball, it is what it is cupcake.


Sunrise and sunset for Austin, TX

22 Feb 2012 07:05 18:24


Sunrise and sunset for Stockholm(Don't worry, capital of Sweden.)

22 Feb 2012 07:06 16:57


Now correct Stockholm times with the +7 time difference:

22 Feb 2012 00:06 09:57


So wait...that means, yes, indeed the sun does shine on Austin, TX and Sweden at the same time. For about 2h52m this day even.


And ending with cupcake doesn't really show respect for your conversation partner.



And the above is all fun and games(showing that every metaphor is faulty), but nobody is asking for sun shining in both America and Europe. They are asking to adjust the working hours. Like in real life. Normal working hours in America and Europe aren't the same, there is about 7hours of difference between them.

Edited by Gunkame
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There really is only one way to solve this issue. If the times were changed now the complaints would come from US players, if its left the same EU players are the ones to suffer. The idea of having seperate servers/maintenence times would be the ideal solution. The way things are now someone is always on the losing end. I'm lucky as most of the time updates are done overnight for me but I'm sure I would share the same aggrivation if that wasn't the case. I can say that the "Get over it" approach is not shared by everyone.
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There really is only one way to solve this issue. If the times were changed now the complaints would come from US players, if its left the same EU players are the ones to suffer. The idea of having seperate servers/maintenence times would be the ideal solution. The way things are now someone is always on the losing end. I'm lucky as most of the time updates are done overnight for me but I'm sure I would share the same aggrivation if that wasn't the case. I can say that the "Get over it" approach is not shared by everyone.


The trouble with separate down times is that its more expensive and slightly harder to coordinate logistically. not by much for say, two servers, but when dealing with server banks as complex as the ones an MMO runs on i'm sure its justifiable.

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Sunrise and sunset for Austin, TX

22 Feb 2012 07:05 18:24


Sunrise and sunset for Stockholm(Don't worry, capital of Sweden.)

22 Feb 2012 07:06 16:57


Now correct Stockholm times with the +7 time difference:

22 Feb 2012 00:06 09:57


So wait...that means, yes, indeed the sun does shine on Austin, TX and Sweden at the same time. For about 2h52m this day even.


And ending with cupcake doesn't really show respect for your conversation partner.



And the above is all fun and games(showing that every metaphor is faulty), but nobody is asking for sun shining in both America and Europe. They are asking to adjust the working hours. Like in real life. Normal working hours in America and Europe aren't the same, there is about 7hours of difference between them.

What...I like cupcakes! Can't you tell? I'm an 'Merican!


Seriously though, it's not going to happen; for the same reason that when I was working third shift to put myself through college, not all stores were open for me to utilize when it was convenient for me. Could I go to McDonald's? Yes. But just because McDonald's was open, does that mean that JC Penny or Sears should also be open?

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