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Republic Zabraks look lame


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I'm hoping in future expansions they expand on races you can play, a small race on both sides would be good, though i did enjoy playing gnomes in WoW:p


That had literally almost NOTHING to do with the original post. xD


However, I think the Zabraks actually look better on the Republic side.

I hate seeing Zabraks on Empire, they're all just Darth Maul clones and it gets annoying.

But hey, that's all just my opinion.

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Completely disagree, but to each his own.

I like how they look..Zabrak lore/history has them being a fierce and independent race.."They were a species known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence." -- Wookieepedia. You can have them be skin toned...They aren't a race that is supposed to look nice..It's similar to saying the Twi'leks look way too healthy cause they are on the Imperial side. (They're a race of slaves, or majority rather.)

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