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Warzone Kicking Problem/Fix


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Hello, I'm vincent and my gamertag is houck. I'm a avid PvPer and it's the only reason I play most MMOs. I feel I have to go through all this effect to make it public and for more people to 100% understand this problem and hopefully get your backing on this. Reason why this is in the PvP section: Is because this only effects PvPers, so only PvPers should discuss it.


What The Problem Is?

Most people will experience this bug in two ways, one you will pick enter to a warzone and you'll end up in the fleet. The other way is you'll enter and you'll load in. You'll get a warning to leave the spawn area and the door timer will block you from leaving then you'll get kicked to the fleet.


This is because the timer for when you actually enter the spawn room starts when you click the enter button. However you see it as a loading screen, the server THINKS your just standing inside the spawn room doing nothing and gives you a warning. This only really effects games in progress but because there is no downside to leaving many people will experence this.


Reasons Why This Needs To Be Fixed Fast!

I'm going to do this in a list format and hopefully I won't need to explain any part in great deal.


- You Don't Get to Play The Warzone.

- You waste time for people who need reinforcements in at warzone.

- You are kicked to fleet, so you have to pay to return to the location you actually queued from. (I actually heard of people exploiting this as a free pass to the fleet >.>)

- and finally, If this is still a problem in 1.2: People will be punished for being kicked by a system that is BROKEN.


Actually Soluations

Simple soluations for a SIMPLE problem:

1. Change the time it takes to kick someone. Make it longer.


2. Change it so that the timer starts when the player loads in.


3. Rethink your kicking system completely.


Summary and Final Word

SPREAD THIS THREAD. If you enjoy PvP, casual or hardcore. Let your voice be heard, let people understand that this problem is something that's been complained about since beta and hasn't been fixed. If we don't yell loud enough we are just ignored. If this system isn't changed when the punishment for being kicked is or earlier bioware will start hearding from people who will be really mad for being punished for this system.


As always, Please comment telling me if you support this, any comments or feedback. Got a solution better than mine? Post it! That's a what forum is for, to allow us to make this game better.

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Just got kicked from another warzone, I do love the free imperial fleet pass :) I did however, just come up with another great soluation!


If you touch the spawn door (the one that opens and closes to spawn you in a wave fashion) then it should consider you attempting to leave the room.

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I've been experiencing this problem a lot. I can no longer accept instant queues, because there is a chance it'll be Huttball and it will kick me out before I get to play.


Same here, I never accept instant queues anymore cause 90% of the time I get kicked right back out wasting other people and my own time.

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