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Missions and Planets


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Yes... your Crew Skill windows tell you the level range of the resource. (drop down to select the grade) And your Galaxy Map tells you the level range of the planet.


Resouce Node spawns are of the same level range as the mobs in the area +/1 (random) one grade.

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But that doesn't include planets :3


Actually some do, but you have to drill down to the specific item's description

for example, the description of Green Goo. Also the data is sometime's in user's comments.

This is harvested using Bioanalysis (1) from Dialectric Tendrils and Green Deciduous Stems, which can be found on Tython, Ord Mantell, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Balmorra and Taris. It can also be obtained using Bioanalysis (40) from Bacterial Colonies on Taris or Balmorra




Having this by planet/material material/planet would be nice. The info is there. Maybe someone has time to complie it in a better format?

Edited by Owsley
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It isn't by planet. It's simply random.


Items like Krayt Dragon Pearls are a result of a critical result when doing other missions, which is most likely when doing a Rich mission. Specifically, doing a Rich tier 3 Gemstone mission with a character that has +crit for Treasure Hunting is most likely to get you some Krayt Dragon Pearls.

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