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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Playing a sorc, hoping for a sorc nerf


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From the point of view of a kill, I'd say its worthless. For control and disruption, it's a very good tool, as you said.


As for the AoE heal on Imp side, I believe it acts the same way as the republic side now that the republic side was fixed. Though, I think there should still be a frontloaded heal before the ticks, not sure though as I haven't really healed in 2 months almost.


Yeah, pubs don't get the front loaded heal. But we still get the double tick that was supposed to be fixed.

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Yeah we do have nice tools. Again, I wasn't saying AOE was overpowered, just that it has uses and isn't worthless.


And no, I don't think that I should be able to keep someone up with 3-4 people beating on them. Unless they are getting peels, LOSing, and enemies are getting CCed, they should go down. It takes more that just heals to keep someone up, sometimes other DPS have to help as well by using their utility and I don't think a lot of DPS have figured this out yet.


This really comes down to group composition in my opinion. If you are running a premade and have 3 skilled dps on your team, I can almost guarantee you will be able to keep them up. The reason is you will be able to communicate, and they will also be able to protect you.


If you are running solo as a healer and have 7 random dps on your team that are running around trying to get top dps, I doubt you will be able to keep 1-2 of them up for very long. And well you can have fun with that group..

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You can't see the difference because there are no combat logs, and you probably have other rDPS to make up for your loss of DPS. But mathematically, as all spreadsheet numbers should be taken, hybrid is superior DPS to full lightning. Particularly because there not that many stand still and turret fights in operations.


Thanks for the opinion and believe me I have tried every spec for raiding.

Currently my raid group is 10/10 HM ops, which I know isn't amazing or anything but just shows we can hold our own.


If this was a pve forum and a post about pve sorc dps I would love to tell you why I think lightning is amazing for raiding but it's not so let's keep our minds back on pvp.

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I honestly don't think it's the damage that's out of control. I see CC as the main overpowered selling point for a Sorcerer/Sage.


Honestly that is a valid point, the sorc/sage has the opportunity to spec into a ton of CC.

Then again I doubt bioware is going to nerf everything postive about a sorc, without any cc abilities we would be just 5k hit medal targets.

Edited by cupofwater
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I don't understand this argument of "Because the damage is AOE it isn't useful". The outcome of any engagement is a matter of damage output vs. healing output at it's core, and that can be influenced by a number of factors including CC/Burst/etc. AOE damage output can be very effective in putting stress on healers and their force bar in any encounter, particularly given the (generally) longer engagements in SWTOR vs. some other MMOs. In many situations, particularly on voidstar when people tend to congregate in one area, AOE output can be very effective or the primary determinant in who comes out on top.


Just because Sage/Sorc can't burst someone down doesn't mean their damage is worthless, that's what Smugg/Op is for.

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there hasn't been any nerfs to sorcs even though they've been the target of QQ for a LONG time. this is because EVERY complaint about a sorc is either an l2p issue or simply people not having a clue what is happening (like the thread complaining about sorcs showing an assassin in the screenshots.)
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The only thing that pisses me off about sorcers is that their entire kit is amazing. The dont really suffer any weaknesses as opposed to other classes.


self heals and instant bubble - makes them quite tanky

attacks arent mitigated by armor or defences. Shielding, and dodgin NEVER applies to them

Force speed and aoe knock back - allows escaping most classes

abundance of CC


Personally i think that the two skills that put them over the top are Foce speed and bubble.


bubble needs to be adjusted to be more in line with other squishy classes defence cool downs. For instance the Agents shield probe.


force speed should be assasins only. It is too much for a sorceror to be able to disengage at will.


They need a weakness.

Edited by Kalliadies
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there hasn't been any nerfs to sorcs even though they've been the target of QQ for a LONG time. this is because EVERY complaint about a sorc is either an l2p issue or simply people not having a clue what is happening (like the thread complaining about sorcs showing an assassin in the screenshots.)


I'm sure.


There there, your nerf will come.

Edited by EternalFinality
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there hasn't been any nerfs to sorcs even though they've been the target of QQ for a LONG time. this is because EVERY complaint about a sorc is either an l2p issue or simply people not having a clue what is happening (like the thread complaining about sorcs showing an assassin in the screenshots.)



this. people complaining dont realise how easy it is to take down even a good sorc/sage as it is. nerfing aoe damage hits cl/wrath builds which hits pve damage, which hits spec compositions resulting in a damage buff to other abilities.


this will then just mean that damage pressure spread gets turnet into a BH style lolfest of globalling ppl.


just a tip for all you bads.. if you see a sage/sorc.. kill it. half of the qq comes from ppl who lets sorcs/sages stand in the open and free cast all day, then they qq about damage figures. if you put 1 melee on a sorc or sage they are ****ed and cant do **** as they will be fighting to live ll game. I know how easy it is to lock them down 1)because i play a sorc and the good premades on my server train my *** all wz 2) i yell at my team to instagib anything in a dress on the other team (aka sorc/sage) and they drop in a matter of seconds..


interupt FL and a sorc cant do aoe cl. .sme with sage equivelent. its not hard to prevent but thenif all the qqers spent more time in game not being bad and learning to play rather than qqing here they probably wouldnt get owned by them as much.


also slightly amusing that sorcs are being called op in every thread when there are plenty of classes with full or near full damage immunities walking a ball in hutball with about 6ppl on them and not dying.

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Now you are talking about group composition, this is a much different topic. 2 healers that are being protected by tanks, that not only have guard but a 30% damage reduction to anyone hitting that healer (with taunts of course) I hope will be tough to take down. 50% damage reduction + 30% damage reduced from taunts is a good amount, I do not know exactly how these stats work out number wise but either way that is a good amount of reduced damage.


this has nothing to do with "healers".


2 mercs are fine.

2 operatives are fine.

that composition is hard to kill but thats about it.

and you wanna know why ? cause they cant spam the *********** bubble all day long.


with sorc/sage its nearly impossible.

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I don`t see any mention of your control being changed, or your survivability, all I see is "Just nerf this one spell that lets me AoE on Voidstar doors", and I`m sorry, but if you think that`s justifiable... laughs to you.




If people are dumb enough to clump together 80% of the match then the AoE'er deserves to be at the top of the score board for damage.


Try again OP with an arguement that is valid towards the actual problems with this class.


Theirs a thread with 100+ pages...go read through it.

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this. people complaining dont realise how easy it is to take down even a good sorc/sage as it is. nerfing aoe damage hits cl/wrath builds which hits pve damage, which hits spec compositions resulting in a damage buff to other abilities.


this will then just mean that damage pressure spread gets turnet into a BH style lolfest of globalling ppl.


just a tip for all you bads.. if you see a sage/sorc.. kill it. half of the qq comes from ppl who lets sorcs/sages stand in the open and free cast all day, then they qq about damage figures. if you put 1 melee on a sorc or sage they are ****ed and cant do **** as they will be fighting to live ll game. I know how easy it is to lock them down 1)because i play a sorc and the good premades on my server train my *** all wz 2) i yell at my team to instagib anything in a dress on the other team (aka sorc/sage) and they drop in a matter of seconds..


interupt FL and a sorc cant do aoe cl. .sme with sage equivelent. its not hard to prevent but thenif all the qqers spent more time in game not being bad and learning to play rather than qqing here they probably wouldnt get owned by them as much.


also slightly amusing that sorcs are being called op in every thread when there are plenty of classes with full or near full damage immunities walking a ball in hutball with about 6ppl on them and not dying.


see a sorc, kill it? Sure! Which one? that one? or the 4 others standing near them. Oh **** they bubbled and force sprinted away while your 50% snared from another ones force ligthning/pebbles


I have no problem with their damage, their AoE or their healing,


I have a problem with them having no weakness

Edited by Kalliadies
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there hasn't been any nerfs to sorcs even though they've been the target of QQ for a LONG time. this is because EVERY complaint about a sorc is either an l2p issue or simply people not having a clue what is happening (like the thread complaining about sorcs showing an assassin in the screenshots.)


isnt that what rogues used to say in WoW ...

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see a sorc, kill it? Sure! Which one? that one? or the 4 others standing near them. Oh **** they bubbled and force sprinted away while your 50% snared from another ones force ligthning/pebbles



so now your logic has turned to "nerf class because more than one in a wz is op" you ever faced 3 marauders at once... i have.. want me to tell you which is worse

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this has nothing to do with "healers".


2 mercs are fine.

2 operatives are fine.

that composition is hard to kill but thats about it.

and you wanna know why ? cause they cant spam the *********** bubble all day long.


with sorc/sage its nearly impossible.


Sorcs/Sages cant "spam" bubbles either. Theres a 17 second CD on the bubble (if geared). If you have competent DPS, they broke through the bubble in maybe 3 seconds, 5 at the most. That means I have to wait another 14/12 seconds before I can use the bubble on that same target.


Last I checked, that's not spam.

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this has nothing to do with "healers".


2 mercs are fine.

2 operatives are fine.

that composition is hard to kill but thats about it.

and you wanna know why ? cause they cant spam the *********** bubble all day long.


with sorc/sage its nearly impossible.


wait what.. 2 operatives are fine? 2 coordinated operatives will global anyone from stealth.. how the **** can you claim they are fine?


bubble all day long? you do realise it has a 20sec debuff right? and that you can cc the other sorc right?

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so now your logic has turned to "nerf class because more than one in a wz is op" you ever faced 3 marauders at once... i have.. want me to tell you which is worse


No my logic hasnt turned, it was just a direct response to someone saying L2P and kill them when you see them in Warzones. Its not that simple is the point I just made.


As i wrote above. I have no problem with their Damage, their healing or their AoE


I have a problem with their lack of a weakness.


yes marauders are scarier, when played well, But they are too hard for the majority of the population to play well. Sorcs? not so much

Edited by Kalliadies
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