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Help vs. Powertech


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Yesterday, I had a very hard time fighting a particular Powertech in Huttball. I'm not the greatest PVPer in existence, but I'm more than decent, and I'm really not used to having my butt handed to me like that 1v1. Can someone give me some tips?


I'm Arsenal, for the record.


One particular encounter went like this: I was running along when he harpooned me into the center, where the ball spawns. No LOSing here, not unless I turn tail, which I didn't. I started a Tracer Missile (probably Rocket Punched him first; I don't remember). He started using Flamethrower, and I'm not going to be the dingbat that stands there and takes slow elemental damage, so I broke off and strafed, traded a few instants, tried TM again. Interrupted. Flamethrower again, and at this point I was too far down in health to recover and win.


Not genius tactics, I know, but I was pretty caught up in, "Bwuh-what? Flamethrower?" and thus wrongfooted. >_< Yes, I pop my shield and heal-over-time near the beginning of a duel, if I have them.


But what do I do next time a Powertech is in my face like that?

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Run through him, he cant turn that fast to target you, the cone starts in the body center so you have to be all the time behind him or run 10 m AWAY, its short distance you should get only 1 tick 1700 crit max.


Jet throw him away. Stun him. Try to be as far as possible. At 10m you are jsut within the bad flame burst railshot distance. Slow him with whatever you can and keep 10m + range.

Edited by Ruzena
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Yesterday, I had a very hard time fighting a particular Powertech in Huttball. I'm not the greatest PVPer in existence, but I'm more than decent, and I'm really not used to having my butt handed to me like that 1v1. Can someone give me some tips?


I'm Arsenal, for the record.


One particular encounter went like this: I was running along when he harpooned me into the center, where the ball spawns. No LOSing here, not unless I turn tail, which I didn't. I started a Tracer Missile (probably Rocket Punched him first; I don't remember). He started using Flamethrower, and I'm not going to be the dingbat that stands there and takes slow elemental damage, so I broke off and strafed, traded a few instants, tried TM again. Interrupted. Flamethrower again, and at this point I was too far down in health to recover and win.


Not genius tactics, I know, but I was pretty caught up in, "Bwuh-what? Flamethrower?" and thus wrongfooted. >_< Yes, I pop my shield and heal-over-time near the beginning of a duel, if I have them.


But what do I do next time a Powertech is in my face like that?


Probably one of the harder matchups I've had as Arsenal, unless I'm opening on him.


Usually I just try to run him into a bunch of friendlies or keep him at a distance with RocketPunch. PT's are just painful as they have a short interrupt and that elemental damage just chews through us. If they can stay on top of you its probably the toughest battle you will have.


I usually just try and juke a tracer and throw concussion on him and run.

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Yesterday, I had a very hard time fighting a particular Powertech in Huttball. I'm not the greatest PVPer in existence, but I'm more than decent, and I'm really not used to having my butt handed to me like that 1v1. Can someone give me some tips?


I'm Arsenal, for the record.


One particular encounter went like this: I was running along when he harpooned me into the center, where the ball spawns. No LOSing here, not unless I turn tail, which I didn't. I started a Tracer Missile (probably Rocket Punched him first; I don't remember). He started using Flamethrower, and I'm not going to be the dingbat that stands there and takes slow elemental damage, so I broke off and strafed, traded a few instants, tried TM again. Interrupted. Flamethrower again, and at this point I was too far down in health to recover and win.


Not genius tactics, I know, but I was pretty caught up in, "Bwuh-what? Flamethrower?" and thus wrongfooted. >_< Yes, I pop my shield and heal-over-time near the beginning of a duel, if I have them.


But what do I do next time a Powertech is in my face like that?


If you insist on staying Arsenal spec (its inferior in PVP to Pyro)


Use your knockback (jetboost, rocketpunch) then stun, if its talented you can easily knock the PT into the acid from the centerpoint where the ball respawns....stun him in the acid and LOL :)


PT's have SHORT RANGE on their attacks which are used to setup railshot(4m to 10m)...thats their main weak point which you can use against them as well as their lack of heals.


IF you stand still in melee range and let them pound on you with their melee/short range attacks and proc railshot, youll lose.

Edited by blackadda
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Gotcha, thanks guys. I should have run through him, spun around, Rocket Punched, and then added a Jet Boost to knock him into the acid - or at least have tried. And no matter what, stay away.


Maybe next time I'll stun and kite (though this time Electrodart was on CD).


And yes, I do insist on staying Arsenal. :p I actually enjoy PVPing with it, or did once I got into the right mindset (stay up high; don't be afraid to run away under focused fire). Rocket punching people into fire, Jet Boosting everyone away from the ball handler as we're on the scaffolding, dying in a 2v1 but taking one with me via Heatseeker Missile crit... these things are worth the frustration of the other stuff.


And oh, the slaughter I can do in a Voidstar... if only I ever got to play that WZ. :(

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If you insist on staying Arsenal spec (its inferior in PVP to Pyro)



possibly inferior 1v1


definitely arsenal > pyro in an organized group, just the 20% armor stripping alone makes them better (and arsenal dps > pyro )


all pyro gets is a little mobility and less range imo

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Gotcha, thanks guys. I should have run through him, spun around, Rocket Punched, and then added a Jet Boost to knock him into the acid - or at least have tried. And no matter what, stay away.


Maybe next time I'll stun and kite (though this time Electrodart was on CD).


And yes, I do insist on staying Arsenal. :p I actually enjoy PVPing with it, or did once I got into the right mindset (stay up high; don't be afraid to run away under focused fire). Rocket punching people into fire, Jet Boosting everyone away from the ball handler as we're on the scaffolding, dying in a 2v1 but taking one with me via Heatseeker Missile crit... these things are worth the frustration of the other stuff.


And oh, the slaughter I can do in a Voidstar... if only I ever got to play that WZ. :(


meh, kiting is for pyro's .... personally - run through him to avoid the FT, clear his dots with cure, shield + koto and dps him into the ground, knockback any time you can as it lowers his dps and use edart or insta concussion if you need a heal. insta concusion does NOT heal him and you can get a full heal + 1 attack off before he comes out of it.


a kiting arsenal in general (there are exceptions) is a dead man walking

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possibly inferior 1v1


definitely arsenal > pyro in an organized group, just the 20% armor stripping alone makes them better (and arsenal dps > pyro )


all pyro gets is a little mobility and less range imo


Arsenal DPS is definitely not better than pyro in any way, unless you mean its better at padding its numbers by not killing things as quickly.


Range is the same 30m for MERC pyro, rocketpunch is optional for a merc pyro..


AOE's for Pyro merc vs Arsenal..


DFA is the same (can get missile dmg bonuses easily for 31pt pyro)

Sweeping blasters is stronger due to CGS talent

Fusion missiles are stronger due to DOT dmg bonuses

Flamethrower is stronger due to DOT dmg bonuses


Approx Max burst damage in the first 10.5 seconds of a fight..


Arsenal with crits vs hvy armor at 30m range

4.5sec Tracerx3= 5k

6.0sec Heatseeker = 4.5k

7.5sec Railshot= 3.5k

10.5sec Unload=7.5k


Total = 21k


Pyro with crits vs hvy armor at 30m range


1.5 sec Fusion =2.5k +3k DOT

3.0 sec Incindiary= 1.2k+2kdot

4.5 sec Thermal Det 4.2K time delay

6.0 sec Railshot 3.8k

9.0 sec Unload 7.5k

10.5 sec Railshot 3.8k


Total= 28.0k



The numbers are ballpark based on what i see as max burstable damage with MY merc in both specs, simple fact is if played right Pyro Mercs hit harder, faster AND do it while mostly remaining mobile compared to Arsenal merc.


Pyros get Better AOE, better burst potential and more lethality.


"Group" situations it remains the same, pyros advantages in being able to burst out Bigger AOE's and Bigger single target burst means you are more effective at pressuring healers..


Add in Pyro DOTs and your better at defending doors/turrets too.


The only area where arsenal has a slight edge is in knockback and stun break, but a pyro *can* spec for knockback and still do 31 points in pyro...

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Arsenal DPS is definitely not better than pyro in any way, unless you mean its better at padding its numbers by not killing things as quickly.


Range is the same 30m for MERC pyro, rocketpunch is optional for a merc pyro..


AOE's for Pyro merc vs Arsenal..


DFA is the same (can get missile dmg bonuses easily for 31pt pyro)

Sweeping blasters is stronger due to CGS talent

Fusion missiles are stronger due to DOT dmg bonuses

Flamethrower is stronger due to DOT dmg bonuses


Approx Max burst damage in the first 10.5 seconds of a fight..


Arsenal with crits vs hvy armor at 30m range

4.5sec Tracerx3= 5k

6.0sec Heatseeker = 4.5k

7.5sec Railshot= 3.5k

10.5sec Unload=7.5k


Total = 21k


Pyro with crits vs hvy armor at 30m range


1.5 sec Fusion =2.5k +3k DOT

3.0 sec Incindiary= 1.2k+2kdot

4.5 sec Thermal Det 4.2K time delay

6.0 sec Railshot 3.8k

9.0 sec Unload 7.5k

10.5 sec Railshot 3.8k


Total= 28.0k



The numbers are ballpark based on what i see as max burstable damage with MY merc in both specs, simple fact is if played right Pyro Mercs hit harder, faster AND do it while mostly remaining mobile compared to Arsenal merc.


Pyros get Better AOE, better burst potential and more lethality.


"Group" situations it remains the same, pyros advantages in being able to burst out Bigger AOE's and Bigger single target burst means you are more effective at pressuring healers..


Add in Pyro DOTs and your better at defending doors/turrets too.


The only area where arsenal has a slight edge is in knockback and stun break, but a pyro *can* spec for knockback and still do 31 points in pyro...


well anyone not clearing dots is not very good, so you can wipe 5k of your damage right there


you can add 20% to merc damage due to heat signatures from tracer, you can remove 10% of the damage a merc takes from spec, that is a 30% overal dps vs damage swing


you can add in that everyone in the group does 20% more damage on top of that.


as far as bursting goes you do not count damage until damage is taken and TM/TM/HS/Unload/rail does 2500x2+3500+5000+2500= 16k (round conservative numbers) in about 5 seconds ... you do not count the first 1.5second windup for the first TM fyi, burst starts at moment of damage. so


time zero TM

1.8 TM2 (.3 seconds for missle to hit)

1.9 HS (assuming takes .1 seconds to cast)

4.9 Unload

5.0 railshot


oh fyi my heat at the end of that rotation is somewhere between zero and 10


I cant believe you put HS and Railshot side by side, so you have to wait for the GCD? no way, you cast unload after HS and follow unload by rail, no GCD to worry about and the HS and rail damage are instant


we will have to agree to disagree I guess

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possibly inferior 1v1


definitely arsenal > pyro in an organized group, just the 20% armor stripping alone makes them better (and arsenal dps > pyro )


all pyro gets is a little mobility and less range imo


Not to mention that PT pyro> merc's pyro simply due to 90% arp on railshot.


On a sidenote, from where do you pull out such huge numbers for Unload? It does, like 1-1.5k per tick and that's Arsenal's after-tracer buff. Pyro's Unload would do a lot less damage, not to mention crit damage.


Oh, and cure every 4.5 seconds really lowers pyro's damage.

Edited by DervimNorth
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I have a pretty noob-ish question, while we're talking about Cure. How do you use it quickly? Do you hit F1, hit Cure, hit tab, and hope you tab-selected the right enemy, so you don't have to keep tabbing or trying to click someone as they run around crazily?


Sometimes, I really want macros.


Also, what kind of dots does Cure NOT work on, if you can think of any off the top of your head?

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The only area where arsenal has a slight edge is in knockback and stun break, but a pyro *can* spec for knockback and still do 31 points in pyro...


Unfortunately you can't, to get Afterburners requires a 12 point investment into the Arsenal tree, which only leaves you 29 points for the Pyro tree. But if you're cool with using Explosive Dart instead of TD, then you can certainly make it work, but you sacrifice 6% crit from the Bodyguard tree to do so. I've been looking at these builds for a while, I just don't know if you can overcome the damage synergy *just* for Afterburners.

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I have a pretty noob-ish question, while we're talking about Cure. How do you use it quickly? Do you hit F1, hit Cure, hit tab, and hope you tab-selected the right enemy, so you don't have to keep tabbing or trying to click someone as they run around crazily?


Sometimes, I really want macros.


Also, what kind of dots does Cure NOT work on, if you can think of any off the top of your head?


hit cure while targeting enemy, automatically goes on you

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:eek: I'm headdesking so hard right now. You have no idea. Thank you.


And for the finisher...Rapid, Healing and Emergency Scans all work in the same way :p


edit: Oh yeah, cure doesn't works on mental based dots(sith/sage dots), bur there is a skill to take, which can fix that, in Bodyguard tree.

Edited by DervimNorth
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I had a similar issue as the original poster versus a Powertech. Running through him seems like such a simple answer. Now, if only my old and senile brain will remember that tactic next time I run into an angry PT.

Thanks for the information.



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