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Replaying class quests


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I'd like the option once you hit level 50 on a character to go somewhere and "reset" your class quest storyline, letting you go through it again fighting enemies appropriate to your level in the instanced areas and receiving appropriate rewards as well. I think having this would often be preferable to simply creating a new character of the same class for a few reasons:



1. Sidequests. Often I really just want to play the main story, not kill 50 Republic soldiers or whatever at each stage so I have enough xp to progress.


2. Once you've played higher level characters long enough, going back to no sprint + no speeder is just miserable.


3. Sometimes I want to play a certain character type, and if I already have one of them... well, I don't want to make someone who's basically a clone, either in personality or in appearance (different face + same voice is just wrong). Or in build.


4. Takes care of the 'I want to run around with this lower level friend/guildmember to show them the ropes, but it's a complete waste of time for my character' thing; you can also catch up to anyone much more quickly than you could on a new character, especially if the option to reset partway through your replay is there as well. Also is good if you're full up on character slots on your server and want to do the aforementioned running around. And if partway through, your level 50 is needed for something, you're already logged in!


5. My conception of my character changes some over time; there are some things my main did back on the starter planet that just seem out of character to me now, and I'd kind of like to go back and correct them, even if they're not decisions that actually are tracked, going forwards.



For the most part, I don't think this would be especially difficult to implement; the instanced class quest areas are already there, it'd just be a question of replacing the enemies and rewards. If you're having your new decisions actually count, it might be more problematic, but I'm not sure how much is actually tracked anyway. The only thing I see being a real potential problem is companions.




I'd like it if something like this reset your companion quests + conversations as well, to give you a chance to... oh, try out a difference romance, or go about it a different way, or fix an accidental breakup/too many missed flirts. But the question, I think, is how quests you get before a certain companion is acquired are handled; ones before they're even on the scene are easy enough, they just don't respond to anything and it maybe looks a little funny, but what about cases where you're basically taking a companion inside an instanced area to meet themselves? Way I see it, you either go the same way as the previous and say too bad, it just looks funny, deal with it, or you block players from entering the area when they have that companion out, with a message saying why they can't get in.


Only other possibility is to make us reacquire all our companions, but that seems a bad idea to me, both in not having them available to us and in how their equipment would be handled.



Potential problems noticed/suggestions appreciated! Also any specific issues related to classes you can think of, but remember the spoiler tags.


For example, for a companion in the Sith Warrior storyline:


How would lightside/darkside Jaesa be handled? Ideally I'd want to be able to change which version you got on a replay, but I get the impression that they're actually treated by the game as two separate characters, which means the equipment would need to be transferred across somehow.




Incidentally, this also offers a potential solution to the 'why can't we kill companion x?' issue; let us kill companions, but have the opportunity to reacquire them through replaying the class quest if we change our mind later (or enjoy killing them again and again if we like!).

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I like the idea, especially since I'm the kind of player who will replay the same Shepard, Hawke or Warden to see the story play out again. I grow terribly fond of my characters and want to be able to reexperience their story instead of trying to remember what awesome thing they said at level 10. With an MMO where characters can last for several years and slots are limited, it would be a great way to keep me playing.
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I've thought about a sort of similar concept before but wasn't sure how it could be reasonably worked. I do have a couple of questions.


Firstly, are you talking about essentially resetting the whole game and starting it again, only retaining level 50 and all your gear/equipment (and possibly companions, I note you address this)? Or do you mean selecting and replaying specific class quests in a manner similar to the way Flashpoints are replayable?


I see potential mechanical issue in regards to being able to indefinitely replay class quests for additional Legacy points and/or companion affection. Surely this would make companion gifts redundant? The main way I see around that is to make it so that you only get companion affection on the first play-through, but subsequent play-throughs still allow changes in, for example, relationship status.


Many of the quests revolve around meeting and acquiring companions so I can't really see any way of making this work without having to reacquire companions. In addition the higher level mobs are almost all geared toward a high-level character AND his/her companion, not just the character alone - so specifying that the mobs would be level-appropriate might be harder for the devs to wrangle than an initial look might suggest.


I DO like the idea of being able to replay class quests Flashpoint-style but again I'm just not sure how it would be done without a serious rewrite of the class quest system.

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I like the idea, especially since I'm the kind of player who will replay the same Shepard, Hawke or Warden to see the story play out again. I grow terribly fond of my characters and want to be able to reexperience their story instead of trying to remember what awesome thing they said at level 10. With an MMO where characters can last for several years and slots are limited, it would be a great way to keep me playing.


I feel the same way...especially with voiced PCs...after playing through the IA storyline, I can only associate Jo Wyatt's voice with my own Agent.


I really liked the IA's storyline and would love to go through it again without having to take another IA through to lvl 50...it just wouldn't be the same.

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I've thought about a sort of similar concept before but wasn't sure how it could be reasonably worked. I do have a couple of questions.


Firstly, are you talking about essentially resetting the whole game and starting it again, only retaining level 50 and all your gear/equipment (and possibly companions, I note you address this)? Or do you mean selecting and replaying specific class quests in a manner similar to the way Flashpoints are replayable?

More like the latter; I was thinking it'd just restart you at the beginning of the chain, with everything following on from the previous quest the way it does currently.

I see potential mechanical issue in regards to being able to indefinitely replay class quests for additional Legacy points and/or companion affection. Surely this would make companion gifts redundant? The main way I see around that is to make it so that you only get companion affection on the first play-through, but subsequent play-throughs still allow changes in, for example, relationship status.

Yeah, that would work, or even just scale down relationship gains on future run-throughs. You can currently replay heroics for companion affection, I know, but those are limited to once per day, so there's at least some sort of cap there.

Many of the quests revolve around meeting and acquiring companions so I can't really see any way of making this work without having to reacquire companions. In addition the higher level mobs are almost all geared toward a high-level character AND his/her companion, not just the character alone - so specifying that the mobs would be level-appropriate might be harder for the devs to wrangle than an initial look might suggest.


Well, I offered two possibilities in my initial post; one, just ignore the fact that it looks weird having a companion meet themselves and let the player do it if they want (or hey, simply hide them in the conversation cutscene), with the point at which the companion would have initially joined you switching your extant version of them into the active slot instead. Or two, block the player from entering the instanced areas with the companion they're going to interact with inside, and have a message saying why, just like trying to run into any red instanced area currently does.


I agree that reacquiring companions would cause more problems than it solves.

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Or two, block the player from entering the instanced areas with the companion they're going to interact with inside, and have a message saying why, just like trying to run into any red instanced area currently does.


They already have instances that require you to have a certain companion with you...so doing the opposite shouldn't be difficult.

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I fully support the ability to re-play class and companion quests. I would love to see the Sith Warrior story again in this manner, to try out different conversation options, etc.


Maybe this could be put in as a Legacy feature. If they were worried about people farming these quests for companion affection, LS/DS points, etc., they could just make it so none of these are rewarded the second time through (or just drastically reduce the number of points you get).


Personally I wouldn't even care if they introduced this with no level scaling at all. However, I could see this as a feature where either the quest and mob levels scale to 50, or maybe even introduce a mechanism where your level goes back down to the appropriate one for the quest (although either of these options may take too much to implement, I'm not sure).


For the whole companion issue, they already have a mechanism in place to make certain companions 'unavailable' for a time. I think this mechanism would work for replaying class quests. In the trooper story:



In Chapter 2, Elara gets seriously injured after your run through the Gauntlet. She needs time to recover, and is listed as "unavailable" until you progress through to another point in the class quest.



Maybe what they could do is have all companions that are from later on in the story as "unavailable" while you are working on quests that happen before you acquire them.


It would absolutely make my day if they introduced this feature to the game.

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I made a post with a similar idea here -



I suggested the justification could take the form of a "holo-journal" or "holo-record." Throughout the thread, people made some lovely suggestions about hard-mode replays and such.


I really like the idea of a replay, largely for the reasons the OP mentioned. I associate my class's voice with my character and it would feel wrong to hear it from another character. I am very attached to my character, and in my mind, he's the one and only Jedi Knight that saved this and that planet. I realize other players have done the same missions, but Bioware did a great job of making me feel like my Jedi Knight was the only Jedi Knight.


I loved the journey I took with my Knight, and I'd love to take it again.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Just finished class story for my first character (Sith Warrior) And I already want to replay it!


Companions would still be in class quests, cept you'd retain your own companion. Imo that's not a big issue, how many times in old games haven't you made makedo solutions? It's also no other thinkable way (for me) to solve it.


I think it'd be best with as little alteration to the outside "world" and just enable a mode that allows you to replay your class quest at lvl 50. Tbh I at least don't care much about appropriate rewards or levels on mobs. I just want to reexperience the fury of a sith warrior.

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  • 1 year later...


(Seriously, I cannot explain how badly I want this.)


A simple version of this that would make me, personally, completely happy would simply be the ability to re-start from level 1, keeping only my crewskill levels/schematics, titles, repuations, and my equipment (banked, of course -- I'm not asking my level 1 to be wearing my 55s gear, I just want it to be there when I get back up.) Reset my levels, take my companions away and reset their affection, zero out my alignment -- I'm fine with all that.


It's not that I'm too cheap to buy a character slot and start over -- I would be completely willing to pay the exact same number of cartel coins for the chance to do this as I would pay for an additional character slot. I just don't want to be some "other" sith warrior (or whatever) -- I want to play the specific character that I associate with a story... but I don't want it so badly that I'm willing to lose whatever impossible-to-find-these-days gear they might have bound to them.


Bottom line: I would pay money for this.

Edited by CaliOrion
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I'd go for this. Even if to keep the programming overhead down they just did a hard reset and the mobs where all their normal level. Granted you would blow through it but I would aliken this to replaying Mass Effect with all your armor and guns, makes the fights trivial but at that point your doing it more for the story and not gameplay.


Thumbs UP on this!!

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