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New Content: Solo Raiding(long read)


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I think this would be a good idea, more stuff to do is always good. But the rewards for it must be significantly worse than columi. Since hm raids are already easy to do in columi gear, if this solo stuff gave gear that was almost as good, hm flashpoints would become redundant and everyone would just gear up for raids by soloing.


Pegging the gear to tionese lvl could be good. But I think the best thing to do would be to make the rewards be orange gear. Like make the most varied and interesting looking orange gear drop from these solo raids. That gives everyone a reason to do them, as bio ware intends to make set bonuses transferable in 1.2 anyway.

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Having the solo raid drop orange only gear is an interesting thought, but I'd hardly call that character progression. If I already have an orange helm, and another one drops, whats the difference? I can mod it out to the max, and it'd give the same stats, if I am correct. The only thing that would be different are the looks. That is not character progression in my opinion. That would defeat a part of the purpose of these solo raids. Id say have it drop Tionese equivalent gear would be acceptable. A step up from orange, but below Columi.


Still, Id love it if these raids took 1-2 hours to complete(so that I can work on it little by little throughout the week before lockout reset).

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Well im fond of this addition but the loot tables have to be adjust for these instances, just like the scalable dungeons on Lotro. This way we get another option for end-game flashpoints which only would require a single player + 2 companions (just to test the implementation) or operations with 2 to (x players + x companions) to the max limit of the operation.


Raiders still have their hard modes to do with the best gear in the loot tables, and "we" (the ones that can but not raid that often) have the choice of doing almost the same but with different mechanics and slight worst gear in the loot tables. Why only "slight worse"? Because controlling your main toon + 2 companions on a boss fight that dont have the tank and spank mechanics is not easy as some might think.



Thing is that if this would to be done, i can garantee that even the hardcore raiders that are against this implementation will try it at least once to "check it out" :cool:

Edited by Metalor
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