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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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1. Meh


2. WoW doesnt have dyes....


3. 3 Warzones is fine currently, Rift was the same when it launched, wow had none when launched.


Rift has the rift mechanics. It not jsut talking one part from every MMO and comparing them individually but looking at them as a whole.


WoW, has FFA pvp. Instanced pvp, duels/arena, BG, etc etc


Rift might have 3 war zones, but it has character customization, and some class specialization that makes characters unique, and open world etc etc


Even so, Rift is probably not something swtor should try to compete against to measure thier success. Since imo, Rift is not a good MMO, nor is WoW.


MMOs are good when they have mechanics that fullfil the rules the servers were created for, and the atmosphere that was intended. The mechanics of either a large MMO atmosphere with PVP or raids. The large MMO can imply many things to guild mechanics, and to social activities. The more it adds to meet want people then the more it becomes a success.


Of course such things are limited by peoples doubts/ambition, resources, and trends.


I think the MMO trend has not been clarifited for developers on want the customers want. Since swtor is not imo, what PvPers want, and it should have been clear that more was necessary for pvp to have a pvp server.


Also it should be clear, trend wise, that people who play MMOs like to socialize and want tools to do that.


However, swtor, WoW, and Rift does not have a lot of social events or tools for thier MMOs, nor do they have many PVP mechanics. However WoW does have a lot of instances, and warzones for PvP, and that is what swtor is really competing against. So swtor wanted a successful launch that also means the content to compete. They over shot with thier story. Since SW story is so good, we would have read it without the VO. Instead an investment into more MMO mechanics would have made swtor a much larger success.


They could have set some new trends other than a nice companion cerafting system, or VO with nice cinematics. Those things are not why people play MMOs.

Edited by VegaPhone
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GW2 will do well.... until people realize that there is no endgame. The endgame in TOR may be easy, but at least it exists, whereas Arenanet has said GW2 will not have any form of endgame dungeons or raiding. That, IMO, will kill the game.


Well even if it is just the people that bought Guild Wars 1 that buys Guild Wars 2 that is still 7 million sales. I think you over estimate the importance of an end game raiding for the vast majority of players

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They CAN be compared. I'm not talking about actual gameplay, obviously. I was comparing them in terms of improvement. STO has improved, and, in my opinion, more playable than TOR. My point was this: If TOR can make HALF the improvements STO has, it will succeed. If it doesn't, TOR will fail.


How long has STO been out?

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Well even if it is just the people that bought Guild Wars 1 that buys Guild Wars 2 that is still 7 million sales. I think you over estimate the importance of an end game raiding for the vast majority of players


It could also be the design of the game. Since it has a lot of dynamic events which sound like open world raids/PVE.


Also it becomes a compromise in the focus of the game. It seems devs have to choose either raids or pvp, and it cant make great pvp and raid for the same game.


Waiting for that to happen.

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GW2 is massively overrated and going to be nothing special. SWTOR and STO are 2 different animals. SWTOR's a pure ground combat game with minimal space emphasis while STO is a space combat game with ground combat only involved via a mission on football field or 2 size area of some unknown random planet. People like to bring up Tera but Tera is never going to see the light of day after NCsoft is done with them.


What does NCsoft have to do with Terra? Also Arenanet has already proved that Guild Wars 2 is something special, something that is actually innovative.

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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


<<<< Can't wait for GW2. But I do think TOR will stand, with a much smaller player base, but will be here for years to come.


As for STO, they did a hell of a job making that game better. When they launched it was the worst mmo launching in history (according to many of the game sites around the world). With game update 4 they made the solo combat MUCH better (this is to someone who said it was bad, and yes, it WAS), now looks like a shooter and does a great job keeping you entertained.


But SW is great as well, playing both games would be the solution imho ^^.

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Having played STO in closed Beta up till a couple of months ago and doing the same for SWTOR according to it's scheduled release.


I have a level of disappointment with both games though the "common" aspect between the two, more so then anything would be that the scale for interiors and in come cases exteriors design is off by what % I can't say but our characters aren't to scale.


My theory on this is to "appear" as though the maps/instances are larger then they really are. It isn't about scale because even that has it's limits.


That and our ability to customize and utilize our Officers/Companions seems "meh" at best.


I want to be able to work on skills myself, not have to rely on companions/officers for everything.


Case in point if I have 2-3 companions accessible and send them off for resources, I should be able to focus on my crafting skill instead of having to wait for them to return.


Why can't our main character progress on a crafting skill aside from the combat skills.

Yes I can understand the need for companions but I feel very limited in that regard.


The vertical angle of attack limitation in STO is bothersome to me. AS with the "Railed" space missions in SWTOR are bothersome.


In both games I feel as though there were short cuts taken by both companies.


The character customization compared to Champions Online is meh, if not poor and STO is a Cryptic title, same as Champions.


I just feel misled by BIOWARE and CRYPTIC in what they could have given us given the capabilities of graphics and programming today, compared to when WOW and SWG were released.


Those two games, among others set the bar for our expectations and preferences in the environments.


I have to wonder what was being said in the meetings during the "creation" phase of these projects and if any of the staff/managers/consultants etc played those two games and had any desire to implement any of the key features that they know the fan base would have wanted to see in future games because they WORKED and worked well.


The crafting system in both games is Elementary at best. I feel both games were created and to be sold on their names alone more so then what they could offer in content. Also I feel let down with STO going F2P.


I want to think that SWTOR could be an awesome game with legs but only if the folks of managment Status that understand what we the customer/consumer/player want to keeps us coming back for more.


They could learn a lesson or two from previous games if they want to pay attention, yet still add in their own contributions.

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SWTOR was also "massively overrated" and turned out to be nothing special.


Have you seen the GW2 videos yet? They look great!. A possible SWTOR killer, IMHO.


After a decade of MMO games pouring into the market and a decade of people saying one game will "kill" another game, I've still never seen it happen. Even WoW hasn't "killed" any other game. EQ is still around. If a game dies in this genre (which is VERY rare), it's suicide, not murder.


That said, I think GW2 will do well, but it really won't be a huge impact on TOR. If you're heavily into the TOR PVP community, you'll probably feel it more strongly, but overall, I think TOR is for the "journey, not the destination" folks. GW 1 did have a great journey, I admit, but being without a sub, it's not really a competitor to TOR at this point.


When I played through GW, I didn't cancel my sub to the MMO (EQ2) I was playing at the time.

Edited by Vecke
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Again I just dont see the hooks in Gw2. The game has no loot! I mean why play for hours and hours with no carrot? And again, no thanks, I dont want achievements and dyes.


This is just me speaking. I mean I guess if you dont like loot, then you will love the game. But for me the game will not have any hooks whatsoever.

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After a decade of MMO games pouring into the market and a decade of people saying one game will "kill" another game, I've still never seen it happen. Even WoW hasn't "killed" any other game. EQ is still around. If a game dies in this genre (which is VERY rare), it's suicide, not murder.


That said, I think GW2 will do well, but it really won't be a huge impact on TOR. If you're heavily into the TOR PVP community, you'll probably feel it more strongly, but overall, I think TOR is for the "journey, not the destination" folks. GW 1 did have a great journey, I admit, but being without a sub, it's not really a competitor to TOR at this point.


When I played through GW, I didn't cancel my sub to the MMO (EQ2) I was playing at the time.


This I agree with, I will be playing GW2 and SWTOR. The journey is the only thing important to me, and both games have a fantastic journey.

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STO PVP fun? Not really. Well it was, until people discovered a serious exploit.


They finally squashed a critical bug which could give you almost invulnerability after _2 YEARS_ now that the game went free to play. Before that time, PvP was utterly rediculous and had no value at all.


And now? Now the exploit is fixed and they introduced all kinds of OP consoles which is just not counterable without paying for your own bag of consoles.


What? You complaining about TOR having only 3 maps? STO is no different. STO still has only 2 or 3 space pvp maps after all these years. lol

Edited by Marctraider
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Again I just dont see the hooks in Gw2. The game has no loot! I mean why play for hours and hours with no carrot? And again, no thanks, I dont want achievements and dyes.


This is just me speaking. I mean I guess if you dont like loot, then you will love the game. But for me the game will not have any hooks whatsoever.

What do you mean is has no loot? Watch the Shatterer video to the end, after he is killed it shows the player opening the chest and getting some gear upgrades out of it. Yes my understanding at level 80 there is a stat cap and they don't have gear inflation like other MMOs do, but there is unique loot rewards for doing the level 80 content including the dungeons that have unique full set of armor that can drop.

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I have Lifetime and what? I am receiving 400 c-store point every months and i can buy stuffs from the shop for free :D I saw many negative comments for STO and i can't understand why is that. STO is great game for star trek fans or at least for me. I've never regret that i bough Lifetime, actually i save a lot of money because i am still playing the game and i receive money for that :)
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Hold on, fanboys.


STO is a fine MMO, and it's improved a lot since launch. The space combat in STO is indeed extremely fun, and it would be nice to have something more like that in SWTOR. Also agree about customization, would be nice to have more of it (however, Cryptic are specialists in this, their game engine(s) have always been optimized to provide a high degree of customization and even morphing, which AFAIK is actually more difficult to do in an MMO than you might think).


So yeah, all good points, but I don't think much is going to happen in these areas. SWTOR's combat is never going to be the kind of third-person ship-to-ship like in STO, because at root it's first-person-shootery-railey. Probably the most that could happen to it is a bit less rail-like-ness and a bit more freedom than we have now. And the degree of customization you get in STO (or, even more fantastic, in CO) isn't going to happen here either, I think. The 4 body types are probably set in stone, as well as the face types, and the clothing will never have the amount of minute tweakability as STO.


But none of these lacks are game-breaking IMHO, SWTOR can get along fine without them.

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Can't wait for GW2 to come out, just so everyone can realize Arenanet released another mediocre game and go flood their forums with QQ instead of heralding it as the Messiah of MMO's on every other forum.


Guild Wars 1 was far from mediocre, at least not in general. Mediocre games don't sell 7 million copies. It may have been mediocre in your opinion, but generally it is herald has a great game. With that being said, it has already been proved that Guild Wars is also far from a mediocre game.


Also, Arenanet doesn't have any forums, instead they make a strong pressence on fan sites like guildwarguru.com and guildwars2guru.com

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When it comes to customization yes SWTOR can learn from STO. I came from Aion and I'm spoiled with extreme customization options for chars. That was the first let down in SWTOR for me, the total lack of customization of chars. I know star wars has a movie the Clone Wars but they really shouldn't have implemented that in this game so pretty much all are like clones frome eachother. :cool:
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Again I just dont see the hooks in Gw2. The game has no loot! I mean why play for hours and hours with no carrot? And again, no thanks, I dont want achievements and dyes.


This is just me speaking. I mean I guess if you dont like loot, then you will love the game. But for me the game will not have any hooks whatsoever.


A long time ago, before game devs treated us like willing lab rats, people played games for the fun, challenge and the camaraderie that came with it. It's not too late, take the blinders off Neo.

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