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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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STO is an extremely different game than SWTOR.


SWTOR's population is probably 90% troll, when in STO, people are generally friendly and polite. I would go so far as to say every aspect of STO is more fun except there is no real sense of immersion or story(and the population is SIGNIFICANTLY lower)



Also, switching to 3rd person shooter mode is always neat. Ultimately useless, but very neat.



And in regards to the guy who said that to play a star trek game is heresy, I submit that it is not. I'm a trekkie, yet I still love star wars. They're two VERY different things.


Star Trek is Science Fiction.

Star Wars is not Science Fiction, it's Science Fantasy. What I mean by that is it doesn't even make an attempt to explain the inner workings of it's universe, it's just all run on space-magic. The one time star wars DID try to explain something, it resulted in catastrophic failure (Midichlorians!) The newest star trek film was more science fantasy than science fiction.


That being said, Science Fantasy can still be a beautiful and fun storytelling medium, so long as they embrace it.

Edited by Maximum_Aaron
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SWTOR's population is probably 90% troll, when in STO, people are generally friendly and polite.


95% of online statistics are made-up on the spot. But whenever you have a smaller community, you're bound to have a better community. The larger they are, the crueler they seem.


What I mean by that is it doesn't even make an attempt to explain the inner workings of it's universe, it's just all run on space-magic. The one time star wars DID try to explain something, it resulted in catastrophic failure (Midichlorians!) The newest star trek film was more science fantasy than science fiction.


It's all Lucas' fault. They should have never explained "the force", but rather leave it something spiritual/mystical. Until this midi-chlorian nonsense, the force had a faith-based parallel to it that made it something special and unique among your run-of-the-mill sci-fi. I choose to simply ignore the midi-chlorian explanation, and I'm glad Bioware didn't get deeply into it for TOR.


1. Ultima Online (UO) is going to kill Legends of Kesmai (LOK) and Neverwinter Nights (NWN)


Result: UO was the granddaddy of MMOs and LOK did eventually die but not because of UO. NWN held out for a few more years until AOL finally put it out of it's misery.


Correction, one "granddaddy" of a few. I loved UO, but it was not the first MMO. It was probably the first AAA MMO title.


I'm going to stop there because I think my point is made. None of the "Next Big Thing " did what everyone predicted. WOW, Lord of the Rings, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, UO, EQ, AC, DAOC, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Age of Conan, STO, etc are all still around and didn't slay all that came before it. It will be no different with this game. The "Next Big Thing " will not kill it. The only thing that will kill this game is funding or a self-inflicted wound like SWG NGE update.


You are absolutely correct in that the media and community blitz of almost any new MMO is going to claim it's the next big thing. We all know the games never live up to the hype, but each new MMO attracts and keeps a loyal community of some sort. It's that core community that drive the MMO throughout its lifetime. We all hate WoW comparisons, so I won't do any of those. But I will mention that WoW was just lucky in its timing. It wasn't particularly a great MMO in its day, but it had great timing and used that to catapult itself into success with a similarly great development follow-up. It's kind of like the Kleenex of tissue paper, yet who actually buys the Kleenex brand these days? Only a portion of sales.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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It's all Lucas' fault. They should have never explained "the force", but rather leave it something spiritual/mystical. Until this midi-chlorian nonsense, the force had a faith-based parallel to it that made it something special and unique among your run-of-the-mill sci-fi. I choose to simply ignore the midi-chlorian explanation, and I'm glad Bioware didn't get deeply into it for TOR.



Lucas is a talentless hack. The only good things he's ever done were only good because they were done during a time when people weren't afraid to tell him his ideas were terrible.

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