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Gunslinger -- No Class Quest After Nar Shadda?


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Am I missing something really daft here?


Finished Nar Shadda a few weeks ago on the Gunslinger and logged him out on the spaceship after handing in. I logged back on to him on Saturday to find that I had no class quest listed in my journal.


The chickie on my ship who gives the class quest has the symbol above her head as though she has one to offer, but clicking her will not initiate dialogue at all. I've searched all over Nar Shadda, Tatooine and even Taris, but I just can't find anything to advance my class quest.


I opened a ticket about this on Saturday, and I watched its status go from "open" to "locked" and back to "open" again. Still no reply for it.


Am I just missing something here?


Any help is gratefully appreciated

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Yeah, I did say I'd searched all over Tatooine -- kinda hard to do that without traveling there first!


I also thought it'd be a derelict ship/other random object thingy in space, but looking on the map shows me nothing -- just the usual planets and destinations.


Think I've bugged it out or something, bleh.


Thanks, bud.

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It's difficult to remember. I can't remember ever being without a class mission.


Try popping your holo terminal, or revisiting the nar shadaar hanger. Not sure when Port Nowhere arrives but have a look on your galactic map for that.

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I had a similar issue.


I got Bowdarr but he showed as a "guest" on the crew list. Tried going in and out of ship where Risha had a quest icon but gave no quest. Left the planet, came back, logged off, logged back it. It was silly.


Eventually, I left the spaceport and came back in, must have stepped in the right spot as it triggered to next step in the quest and I was able to move forward from there.


Wish I could be more help, but my resolution was pretty random.

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you missed a quest that is part of the line you are going to have to back track or remove one of the old quest you have, npc will give a message "you must complete missions before you can talk to her ,(I would try that first)maybe try torhead or google search for a list of class quest. They dont tell you much but they do have the different quest listed with the objective of quest
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Nar Shaddaa is kind of screwy. Did you hook up with Azalie? If so, she should be in your hanger. If she has no icon over her head, talk to her anyway, then get in your ship, travel somewhere (I went to the fleet), then go back, and the actual conversation should start automatically in your hangar when you land back on Nar Shaddaa.


At least, that's how it worked for me.

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I had similar issues. There are other threads concerning this confusion.


If you had relations with the young lady on the Hutts barge. Sorry.....can't remember her name......Typical male. :D You have to find her in the smuggler's hanger on Nar before you can talk to Risha. It's an automatic conversation when you get close to her.


After you talk to her, you can talk to Risha at the entrance to your ship and she will give you two missions.

Edited by Ravenwhyte
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